Lesbian "news"womyn at CNN says that Sharia Law is progressive

Lesbian "news"womyn at CNN says that Sharia Law is progressive.

I honestly cannot comprehend the mental gymnastics behind this one. Please help my bigoted American brain.

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It's 2016.

love how burgers make fun of euros but push the most pro muslim propaganda

I bet Madame president is gonna import a few merkel style next year

Shillary wants 1,000,000 refugees in her first term. She's said this, and politifact rates it as "Mostly True".

there is nothing more I would like to see than that dumb bull dyke bitch being raped to death by a pack of wild jahoodies

nigger, spics and muslims with cuckanda on top
how much ammo do you have?


that sounds pretty Jewish or German senpai, that'd explain her behavior

I bought up a bunch of boxes and high-cap magazines when Sandy Hook happened. I thought that was gonna be the catalyst for gun grabbing.

Still glad I did, because prices have been high ever since.


I would really, really like to see Sally (((Kohn))) have to exist under sharia law, since she'd be one of the first they'd kill off.

Lesbians defending extremist Islam is a really, really funny thing. Perhaps someone needs to send her some of those great pics of Muslims tossing homos off of rooftops to see what she thinks of sharia's attitudes toward faggotry.

A Jew...EVERY...SINGLE...TIME. Without even looking, you know it's a Jew.

>I honestly cannot comprehend
Sally Kohn has never encountered a believer in Sharia law, never been anywhere near the Middle East and does not know what the fuck she is talking about. That would be my guess.

My nigguh Ben Shapiro shit on her in a debate recently. It was a bloodbath, not for the faint of heart.


It's a mad mad world.

I know.

What I don't get though, is this Jew is essentially advocating for a holocaust against herself. Most of the time they just advocate for the eradication of European white males.

I don't get it, it sounds more that she's complaining about trump working with people who support sharia than she is in any way supporting sharia law.

Come home white man

That was a fantastic debate, despite the retard filming it offering her own (((fact checking)))

Share it.

Eventually progressives will be painted as
Pro-Sharia law. This will only hurt them.

>Hillary literally overthrows governments and accepts handouts to benefit Sharia Law practitioners.

>most pro propaganda
>coming from a German

Go axe yourself faggot. Your country is responsible for pushing these shit skins on every EU nation

In her defense, there are actually many components of sharia outside of sharia law. it's basically hardcore religious capitalists socialism. you are allowed to work if you want extra, but everybody is provided for even if they don;t. not that I agree with it, but it makes sense why some libtard butchdyke would view it as progressive. up until she's forced to pay the jizya, or gets stoned to death for being a queer


>come home white man

Yeah... no. Maybe if you were Denmark.

It would be even funnier if they marry her dyke ass off to some smelly arab. Cockmeat for breakfast and ass beating for dinner is a fitting punishment for destroying western civilization.

Guys, guys, maybe she's actually redpilled.

Maybe she's not defending the "progressive" muslims.

Maybe she's actually making the point that even the best muslims still have shitty fucking beliefs, like executing homosexuals.

But then it's actually Sally Kohn, and Sally Kohn is a regressive leftist retard.

If it was Christians who believed that Sally should be executed for her faggotry, do you think she would hesitate for ONE second in condemning them?

Why does she defend people whose worldview would have her head cut off or be publically hanged?

It is fucking incredible. I don't understand her mentality. Can someone explain this shit to me please?

It's like someone saying Anders Breivik should be imprisoned for life, and then one of his victim's parents saying "you know actually Anders Breivik hates the liberal left" so he's actually pretty progressive and a good person.

How does this double standard exist in the leftist mind when it comes to muslims?

i hope this woman chokes on a bullet one day

The doublethink has reached critical mass. We cannot keep doing this or the system is gonna blow!

It's the headgear. They brainwash us starting in pre-school to view religious headgear, especially when worn by a woman, as progressive and liberating due to the totally unjustified stigma associated with it.

I've been redpilled for a year and I still feel it, I still get that pang of white guilt when I see a woman with a hijab or a Sikh with a turban. Childhood brainwashing is powerful shit man.

she's a jew, what else is there to say?


Sharia Law is based
>Kill all homo's, trannys, and other degenerates
>Cut off hand for stealing (would result in a lot of handless niggers
>Kill women who cheat on husbands

Meanwhile Christianity promotes, sharing, love, forgiveness, acceptance and other gay shit.

>says that Sharia Law is progressive

That isn't what she said. What she said is that progressive Muslims can believe in Sharia. Many religious people keep their religious lives and secular lives separate, this is not a thing that was invented solely for Muslim enjoyment.

>being progressive
>believing in Sharia

Those are mutually exclusive things.

Progressive meaning adopting and accepting a new culture's ways into our society, probably.

That's it, I'm fucking done.

Gas the Muslims, race war now. There, you Sup Forums faggots finally convinced me. Kill all liberals too, they're going to be the death of my country.

You don't have to engage in mental gymnastics if you're too fucking clueless to realize that you've said something retarded.
That's how these people keep a straight face. Because they're oblivious morons.

Supporting a system of law that stones gays and adulterous women do death is "keeping your religion and secular life private"? lol ok?

No, they aren't. You can support a free society while living a private life according to strict behavior codes.


still wtf

Except the fucking muslims don't want to practive shariah "in private", they want to force everyone in the same geographic area to abide by it as well and they want their religious law to supplant secular law.

See; every fucking society that has a sizeable population of muslims.

Sharia is an islamic justice system that the whole population of the state is subject to. If you support Sharia, you don't support "a free society."


This way they can always say "See? There's stupid Jews just like there's stupid Gentiles. We aren't all in league, why would we -want- to side with our own underclass in the war our cult exists to bring to you? Do not be silly, goy." It's all about having a failsafe should the people wake up and part of why Jews must all be killed.

Our "country" is responsible for clean-up duty after you won your war. The government of Germany is by its own admission illegitimate and a subsidiary of your own.

>Many religious people keep their religious lives and secular lives separate
Muslims do not. For muslims there is no secular life.

Address the ones who overreach without insulting the ones who don't. It would be unfair to judge Christianity based on the people who established blue laws and banned gay marriage.

doublethink is too real with this one

Sharia is "the law of the land" and must supercede all man-made law. Law, not religion, not ritual, not dietary preference. Islam is a totalitarianism, not a religion.

Ok, in this instance, I'm addressing about 1.1 billion muslims out of 1.6 billion.

I really don't see how all of Sup Forums fails to understand that American Jews have been told about being victimized and shit for all of history that they've developed this sense of progressiveness pertaining to any and all groups they view as oppressed. Gays, trannies, women, blacks, Muslims, etc. Even if it's directly against their own well-being. It's really strange. It's not a Jewish conspiracy to destroy civilized society. They're just really fucking forgiving and blind to anything that's not viewed as oppression.

>read some stuff on "creeping shariah" is now an Islamic theologian

you people are pretty dumb. That is all, carry on.

Sharia doesn't only apply to your private behaviour.

Do you honestly believe that given the choice, A muslim who believes in Sharia would not prefer to have Sharia implemented by society?

Are you that naive?

You think that a Muslim can simultaneously believe that executing homosexuals is good, but gay marriage is great too?

Check out Stephen Coughlin's book Catastrophic Failure, he explains this very clearly, with numerous quotes from the Quran, the Hadith, and the scholars. Islam is a utopian totalitarian governmental system, not a "religion" as we think of religion. Islam cannot be separated from the public sphere.

You're playing a semantics game. The rules of other religions are also laws.

>Women have to flat out pay for the divorce if they want one
>Women need 4 witnesses to back up any claim they make
>Women can be straight outright killed for adultry under Sharia
>Not allowed out without a Chaperone
>Not allowed to interfere with Men's business or hobbies, enforced segregation

Western femnazis literally defend all this as well FOR FREE without realizing they are signing their own ideologies death warrant

I hate to say it boys but maybe Mohammed was redpilled on women.

It's not mental gymnastics.

It's ignorance back by feefees and assumptions.

She should go be a faggot in Saudia Arabia or Syria, I'm sure they'll Sharia the fuck out of her.

I am not seeing your point, or rather, I totally see what you are saying but do not see how it escapes the label "academic." So the Jew is burning down my house because of the best of intentions. I have no way of verifying his intentions, I want my house to not be burnt down.

oy vey!

I believe a religious person can respect the law of the land and the law of their god at the same time. Nobody's given me a reason to believe Muslims are worse at this than Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists...

Maybe but the bible doesnt. Its just Christians put it down when it comes to law making. Even abortion is about a human life not what the bible says.

She's more mannish than Ben Shapiro

No, you are not understanding anything. The Western reaction to centuries of brutal religious war was to accept that there be a kind of truce between different religions in the public space. We have also always had secular law for all of our history. Christians never had an issue with clearly justifiable Ronan laws (so long as they weren't about sacrificibg to Juno).
The Muslim reaction to religious war is that you should win the war and totally dominate the enemy. Far from having secular laws, their understanding is that any law that comes from man is tyranny and just laws as a matter of definition come from God. Muslims are required as Muslims to reject the Cobstitution.

Chrisitians, Jews, and Hindus do not have a religious or moral system which requires the execution of homosexuals, or for people who leave the religion.

Muslims do.

Honestly as shitty as Islam is, I really wouldn't mind Sharia law knocking down women a peg or three.

Maybe have a "National Sharia Law Awareness Month" where all the libtards are subjected to the tenets of Sharia. Let's see how long their "tolerance" for it lasts.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Then you're wrong. Read Coughlin's book Catastrophic Failure. You do not know what you are talking about, this is not like our understanding of religion.

You're all racists. Muslims are people too.


If alcohol wasn't haraam I'd have less of a problem with it desu
I could fake being a Christian under Sharia and pay my shekel tax tho


You need to do a much better reading of your Quran user.

Don't forget the part where it says that the Quran is the word of Allah, and those who do not follow all tenets of Islam are not true Muslims and deserve punishment.
"And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie about Allah..." (6:93)

"O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination." (9:73)

"Indeed, those who abuse Allah and His Messenger - Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter and prepared for them a humiliating punishment. Accursed wherever they are found, being seized and massacred completely." (33:57 & 33:61)

I can't quite figure out how she came to that conclusion..? Any help solving this would be greatly appreciated.

I really just can't comprehend the idiocy of this "womyn".

Imputed consensus: Jews do X!
You: You guys are saying Jews do X because of Y, but really, if you think about it, Jews do X because of Z!
Me: So they still do X?
You: Hey, buddy, slow down with all that obtuse pseudo-intellectual jargon.
Me: [strange room]

I've said it for a while now, all white Western women need to be sent to Saudi Arabia for 6 months, forced to adhere to their rules and customs and then we'll see if they are quick to complain about white men. If any still do complain then they can be sent to Saudi Arabia permanently.

Between Watson, Cernovich, Molyneaux, and Milo, how much have they pushed this glorious push right

I say we take all the leftists, that think sharia law should not be banned, to a county where sharia is and see how long they last before their heads are rolling or they are flying from roof tops

Death to Lezbons.


There are alcohol loopholes.

>And from the fruits of the palm trees and grapevines you take intoxicant and good provision. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reason. (16:67)

She came to that conclusion because everything in media and academia told her that was how it is. Before reading Coughlin I thought I understood Islam because I had taken a lot of university courses. They were all simple uncontested lies. At one point they insisted that Islam was never spread by coercion and conversion was always voluntary.

She's probably on her period desu

But they'll love it.

They've come full circle. BEGIN THE TAQIYA

Except I didn't gun down a bunch of faggots in Orlando.

>Ibadi crescent w/o star


da kang wil bring in constitutionally aligned sharia

Always makes me laugh.

To be completely honest and truthful with those of you that bear me familial relations the deliberation of this new found intelligence greatly increases the activity in the frontal lobe of ones cerebral cortex?

I think that's more of a free will verse. "You can get intoxicated or you can use it for good"


I follow but surely they can be objective and see things for what they really are? I mean it's really not that difficult to do.

I doubt that, when they can't get their cheap bottle of wine, when they are forced to suck on salty Sultan dick day after day they'll grow tired, when they have to wear a black ninja outfit in 52C weather all day, when they cannot leave their houses without a male escort with them, when they get beaten and whipped for showing a hand in public I am sure they will be renouncing their feminism and leftism and muslim loving crap.

Fucking retards they are, that's the real problem though, Western women have never had it so easy, they are bored that's all this is, it's boredom. Women live on feuds and fights and these nu age feminists are trying to start one because they are bored. They just need a good beating for a few months and it'll sort them out.


Why can't Ben get on the Trump Train

I want to debate just like him

In both cases consider that they have no objectivity and love being dominated by a ruthless man.

There's no mental illness. What there is, is a bunch of 80 IQ media whores taking marching orders from a foreign-born Muslim President.

>We were with the messenger of Allah and he asked for a drink. One of his men said: "Oh Messenger of Allah, Can we offer you wine to drink?" He said Yes. He went out looking for the drink and came back with a cup of wine. The messenger asked, “Have you covered it with a twig in a transverse manner” He said, “Yes” and he drank. (3753)

I don't even care about him being on the Trump Train, I just want him to stop being such a SJW about Trump.

While simultaneously holding positions of power and being complicit in "white privilege" and "systemic racism"

that is not an axe you faggot. that is a pulaski

it fails both as an axe and as a mattock.
and yours is rusty, unsharpened and knuckling at the shoulders

that tool fills a very narrow gap, primarily for cutting low brush or grubbing out stobs from loose soil

it will suck for chopping large trees, or splitting wood, and cant be used as a rock breaker or for loosening hard pan.

get a real axe and a real pick mattock and youll never use a pulaski again.

Eh I guess. I always thought 2:219 was weird because of how ambivalent it is. It's harsh enough wording to make it haram but not megaharam.

>They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they should spend. Say, "The excess [beyond needs]." Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought

But I'm sure there is some hadith where mohammad slices an alcoholic's throat or something.

Really filled my head with thought.