Was this scene a red-pill drop Sup Forums?

Was this scene a red-pill drop Sup Forums?


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Almost every scene with Leo in that movie is a subtle redpill


With this redpill being?

That's exactly why I'm asking. It's deliberately placed in a situation where it comes off convincing thematically, yet since it's Tarantino, if someone calls him on it he can just laugh it off with plausible deniability.

that one movie with the austrian actor as SS man is the most pro-nazi propaganda that ever came out of Hollywood

Do some people really think these "basterds" are looking like the good guys?

there are humanizing moments of rednecks in his movies...
...But i doubt hiding tiny nuggets in oceans of rhetoric count as redpills



also fernology isnt a valid science

The absolute scientific proof of phrenology of course.

What the scene said about black submissiveness is true.
Blacks are like pitbulls. If their owner is weak then they get confused and will turn on them. However if the owner is strong then they are happy and will remain submissive.

The fact that it's hidden in extremely mainstream media is still pretty significant, deliberate or not. Look at the Disney frame drops for example. Those were just 1/24th of a second long yet people still started talking about it. Here you have a whole fucking monologue.

It's phrenology leaf, and just because (((Gould))) and (((Boas))) think it's mean and racist doesn't invalidate that. I urge you to read the papers written against The Mismeasure of Man by Gould. There are many.

I meant invalidate it*

Also, I encourage you all to read the works of Samuel George Morton. One of America's greatest minds, mostly forgotten today (because racism).

>Samuel George Morton
Samuel George Morton is often thought of as the originator of "American School" ethnography, a school of thought in antebellum American science that claimed the difference between humans was one of species rather than variety and is seen by some as the origin of scientific racism.

Already off to a great start. I'll be sure to check this guy out. Thanks.

You do realize Leonardo DiCaprio is Southern Italian right? He's practically a nigger so I highly doubt he'd make a scene against niggers.

MS reporting in.

I remember seeing that movie in theaters. There's the scene where the letters M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-PI scroll from left to right across the screen. Now, MS is the blackest state in America. That slow scroll was meant to denote where the characters were travelling to as well as some type of 'danger.' Everyone in the theater including blacks, about 40%, erupted into laughter and applauded.

That's the thing about his style. He portrays both sides with with enough good weight, that people write it off as edgy, but at the same time making the endings as leftist as can be so that Hollywood actually releases the movies to the public. That way you can find nuggets like these. Deliberate or not it's pretty ingenius.

Time to read-up on this. Thanks user.


Bruh, did you finish watching the movie?

>a fucking leaf

>Le Tarantino is redpilled guys
>Le making a mockery of carniology and making the study of race look ridiculous by associating it with the pseudoscience phrenology is somehow supporting it! Now when people come across old anthropological study, they can just dismiss as "evil scientific racism"

How the fuck is that redpilled? Its shit like this that makes people think Sup Forums is retarded.

I can only think of...THE EXCEPTIONAL NIGGEH.

Find a hardworking nigger? One who speaks properly? One who knows his father?. Maybe you're in front of teh exceptional niggeh.

fellow MS bro here.. where abouts are you

lol you are retarded. He's blue-pilled but not for that reason

Phrenology was already dismissed as pseudoscience by the majority of anthropologists before the 1900s. Even by "racist" anthropologists.

>I urge you to read the papers written against The Mismeasure of Man by Gould. There are many.

Yeah, has nothing to do with defending phrenology you low IQ retard.

Madison co.


he said civilized at the end.. there isn't enough hate

thus blue pilled


good to see a fellow Mississippian on here, it is rare

Jesus fuck you leafposters are actually literally fucking retarded.
>g̶i̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶n̶i̶g̶g̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶ ̶b̶e̶n̶e̶f̶i̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶a̶ ̶d̶o̶u̶b̶t̶

Really? I've encountered quite a few. Every so often there will be 'southern' thread and we come out of the woodwork. I started a thread the other night and it was very popular.

This is why no matter how much the MSM and the leftist cucks piss me off with their delusion, pol is just as bad when it comes to "race".

Phrenology is literally astrology-tier.

Its not science. Its fantasy. Its racism manifested in searching for evidence that Africans are somehow a different species.

Thats the beauty of Django unchained and the scene where Leo gets shot.

>Dumas was black

That line was so perfect, because it shows how ridiculous the notion of "race" is.

If you ran into Lawrence Fishburn or Samuel Jackson, youd beg for a autograph, or take a picture with him.

Thats the irony of racism.

sure buddy you low IQ tard

Yeah nah cunt. Certain aspects of phrenology were never mainstream to begin with. Craniometry, however, and other particular features were widely believed well into the 20th century.

No it was written by megacuck Tarantino.

BTW, craniometry, which was Morton's field, is considered a subset of phrenology. You would know this if you had even a basic knowledge of Greek root words (or knew anything about either phrenology or craniometry).

We should have more southern threads.


Have you guys ever seen Reservoir Dogs?

They really talk down about blacks in that movie.


Wow, you really proved me wrong retard.

I don't even know where to begin with what is wrong with OP. First, he thinks Tarantino is "redpilled", this guy is a borderline black wannabe, all the scenes in this movie are played straight. Nothing about this scene is "redpilled". It is a satirical mockery of the entire concept of phernology and even the study of race that almost anyone can see, except the dumbass who actually took satire seriously.

Worse of all, is that this retard doesn't actually understand race realism, and he is probably the most destructive type of people to promote it because he will be instantly discredited by leftists who understand the subject. He advocates for phrenology, something which is on the same level as astrology and easily debunked by neuroscience. Might as well advocate for creationism while arguing for how evolution caused racial differences. It is fucking retarded. Is he not even aware that even by 1880s, phrenology was already dismissed by anthropology? Only fringe anthropologists and people wanting to make a quick buck from the public believed in phrenology.

Worst of all, is that OP clearly doesn't understand anything because he tells me to read the arguments against Gould "mismeasure of man". There is only one problem, craniometrics has nothing to do with phrenology, craniometrics is making average estimates of population groups by skull. Don't tell me your stupid enough to confuse phrenology with craniometrics. These are the people advocating race realism, that can't even tell the differences between phrenology and craniometry.

Frankly, you should just stop talking about things you clearly don't understand.


You are literally just as bad as the leftist cucks.

Hell, I'll start one later tonight. You'll know me from pic related.



>Craniometry is measurement of the cranium (the main part of the skull), usually the human cranium. It is a subset of cephalometry, measurement of the head, which in humans is a subset of anthropometry, measurement of the human body. It is distinct from phrenology, the pseudoscience that tried to link personality and character to head shape, and physiognomy, which tried the same for facial features.

Seriously, you know you made a mistake just stop.

Submissiveness is an odd choice to focus on.

Considering Blacks create murder and havoc, rape more often, are in prison more often, skip school, shoot at police..

Isn't it white countries that have opened the doors to the enemy?

>here, check out my argument by sourcing wikipedia



It's due to the fact that their introduction into the Western world often involved them using them as slave labor.

>puts an european skull on the table

Yeah, shocking, there are more then 1 people on Sup Forums. What the fuck is wrong with you? I am literally on your side. Except for the race denial. That's scientifically wrong, like phrenology.

>wwhen you realize abos are proto-humans

>Evolution is a scientific fact!
>race is just a social construct.

>whites getting killed is good
>and race isn't real
Yep this is 100 percent not a shill.

Is that why each races have different physical traits? We're all sub-species 'races' of one species called humanity.

Because Africans were grabbing each other from inland and bringing the other guys to the coast to sell them off.

Africans are fucking eating each other. EATING EACH OTHER. They literally hype themselves up to the point of spontaneous murder all the time. White people have beaten others due to guns, trained dogs and other things that require organisation.

The submissiveness focus is clearly to hype up the jamals in the audience to holla atcha boy Djamie Unfoxed when he starts shooting people and to make Leo the ignorant racist.

Tarantino keeps making white male hate revengeboner films.

The one with Kurt Russel has 4 badass chix kill the creepy guy who kills women.

Kill Bill has a woman swordfighting loads of men and killing her husband.

Inglorious Basterds is Jews killing Nazis.

This skull scene is some jew shit to help push blacks over the edge in real life and revive the white devil shit. Beyonce had a music video with her standing on a cop car with the lyrics 'We slave'. The stench of jews is all over this.

It's all in the interpretation. I acknowledge what you're saying. The main reason why the films are setup in this manner is so they could be viewed and sold. If he blatantly made it pro-white no one would fund his films. So either he's playing both sides to get his films out, he doesn't give a fuck either way, or this could all boil down to a plan by (((them))). His or their reasoning isn't really important.

What is important, is how people interpret it. Leftists will interpret it as you have put it. Meanwhile, individuals who are starting to wake-up or begin to ask questions, will look at the parts (not the sum) and start to think for themselves. This is the important thing. Even if most people judge it in the way you have mentioned, the fact that it exists for inquisitive minds to look at. is the victory, no matter big or small.

Just look at Trump. He openly "supports" the jews/Israel. He has to. It's because that's how the game is rigged up, and that to play the game for the long haul, you're not supposed to suicide yourself before you even start.

>basterds made to look more evil than Nazis!

So the basterds killed enemies. During war. So? Are they supposed to negotiate their way across France? They didn't do anything so evil.