If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking german

>If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking german

That's right fuck you dad!!

You invaded my country you fag, we were neutral.

Suck my dick. Might equals right you island monkey

If it wasn't for Germans, we'd be speaking Latin right now.

Iceland was part of Denmark. Denmark was under Nazi occupation therefore making you the enemy.

Russia saved us all from WW2 prove me wrong protip you can't.

Germany lost way more resources on the eastern front than on the west.

I love Britain desu

I'd love you more if you removed the Muslim filth and created another Beatles

Hey bro, that's just a technicality.

and now i speak english
i see no difference

If it wasn't for us you'd be speaking German now.

If it wasn't for us, you'd be speaking Russian.

if it wasn't for the russians i'd be speaking turkish

I agree. We entered as the war was already being won. We got the japs though.

No I would be speaking Spanish on my rightful clay

> russia ruined the chance for ethno nationalism to ever be a thing again


We might be speaking spanish soon if Trump doesnt build the wall to keep the wetbacks in the swamp


the russians massacred their royal family
yet the anglos took their side anyway, despite hitler offering them an alliance many times

just put an rfid chip in everyone's wrist (or their forehead) and put in a "labor camp" anyone who doesn't have one. problem solved

And we fucking stomped those fucking germs into the ground. Fuck yeah, that's its done around here you cunt

We'll all be speaking Chinese if Trump loses and muslims take over the world. Only China will be left uncucked and wipe them out of existence.

If it wasn't for the French we'd be speaking like pompous English queen bitches.

yes, congratulations my indian friend.
and now you're fleeing the EU, because fuck reforming it, rule the waves and all that

If it wasn't for you and the rest of Europe Africa would be a functioning continent.

Best invasion ever

would it really?

>1 killed (suicide)
After seeing all those inbreds I'd kill myself aswell

def their forehead

Without white colonialism African countries would be prospering.

aber Ich spreche Deutsch.

The world would be a better place, the Allies were wrong, the kikes are trying to kill the White Race. We will win at the end though

Did Germany want to conquer the world? I thought their goal was only to expand a little. Hitler originally wanted to cooperate and befriend the UK but goddamn Churchill had to start another war.

German is shit language though and you weren't even Roman empire tier

>Tfw savages while Romans building Colosseum
>Being worthy of a U.N Language

keitty kek



Ill never understand how britcucks can continue to be so obstinately proud that they started a war that killed millions and basically guaranteed the downfall of the white race.

>we started it
wew. Your German brethren across the pond started it, WE FUCKING FINISHED IT!!!

I would be ok with everyone speaking Latin. And Germany is GOAT btw