Marvel Knights Storytime (Part 1)

Welcome back Anons! Last time, we saw Danny finally get back the power of the Iron Fist, after it was stolen from him by Junzo Muto, young leader of The Hand. But what has Luke been up to? Let's find out, in Chuck Dixon's Marvel Knights!

You know, this would probably be a better name for the Netflix "Defenders" series.

So if they didn't get any innocents, how does Frank deal with serial killers like this? Would he just keep an eye on him in case he slipped?

>"It's a mystery. I hate mysteries."

Why is Frank using a commie gun?

Am I racist if I want every black guy that Daredevil chased in a cold open to be Turk?

Look, I'm as far from a /k/ommando as you can get. My knowledge of guns extends to "pull the trigger, and bullets come out". I don't even know if you're telling the truth about the gun being Russian or if you're just trying to mess with me.

will the sound of the spring arrive before the bullet?

More reasons why I shouldn't be allowed to write comics. I'd have that guy's speech bubble in every panel of this page, whining about how much his leg hurts.

This would be an okay cover if Matt hadn't jizzed his string all over everyone.

how the fuck did he do that?

I'd imagine so, given that he had that female ally that one time and he approved of Outlaw.

Kegel exercises?

Wow, and I JUST read through Contest of Champions. I can't believe I forgot Outlaw.

Do churches really have that much money? I figure they have about as much as the local corner store.

I'm pretty sure I read that bullets travel faster than sound.

ThIs part is goat

I would never guess that Natasha was that religious. Or maybe she picked up Catholicism from Matt, like an STD.

>Not too superstitious to steal from a church
Yeah, sometimes verisimilitude is just broken

But that would make for good comedy. I'm going to steal that idea for my comic

It's an Mp5 with wooden furniture which is dumb.

she left the Soviets for SOME reason...

I have decent comedy ideas, but that's about it.

Fuck superstition, THIS is why you shouldn't steal from the church in Marvel.

I'm not sure if I'm going to do the entire series, or just the first arc and then continue on to when Luke joins later on.

A big church probably has a lot but one like that, no way. Couple hundred $ at the most.

>"How do you like the color?"

Are blind Daredevil jokes ever NOT funny?

So yeah, we've got a series with Frank Castle and Shang-Chi on the same team. Even if we don't storytime it, I'm gonna read it on my own anyway, cause I want to know that dynamic.

Marvel knights is underrated. Thanks user

>Those asses

In that case? I'll do the entire series then. I'll give you a bit of a reprieve before we hit Bendis.

Based Dixon. He needs more work

If this suddenly turns into Big Trouble in Little China... I would be completly okay with that.


Please storytime it!

That's two votes for this entire series then.

What does the writer got to do with the art?

literally my first thought when it was first announced. You know what sucks? Marvel will release a Defender comics series featuring street level heroes....

When in reality the Defenders were always a superhero team that had Dr Strange, Namor, Silver surfer and the hulk dealing with the weird aspects of the MU.

It's genuinely going to be shitty when Marvel will associate the defenders with a street team for the coming years.

Baretto's the artist, though. I'm pretty sure Dixon's script didn't include "in this panel Tandy and Natasha have their backs to the viewer and great butts."

I admit I'm not a Punisher fan, but can't two of these three go the distance with him? Dagger's probably the only one who couldn't.

Street Bendis was okay. Until he got lazy and wrote sitcom dialogue for everything

Hell, given that I recall him being against the lesbian undertones in his run of Birds of Prey, I bet the cheesecake is entirely someone else's.

>a bunch of street level characters
>suddenly Ulik



Wait what?

God damn, that latex must get RIGHT up in there, Nat.

So can she not just HOLD the light daggers?



Hi Cloak!

after all teh shit she saw, this impresses her?

So what do you think these are, Moloids?

I dunno, seeing in complete darkness? Could be interesting.


Demon moloids, maybe.

I gotta go to bed so I can make it to class, but I'll finish reading tomorrow. Thanks, OP.

Have you got a girlfriend with asses like Widow or Dagger?

Seriously, why is this Thor villain dealing with the street level nonsense?



Okay, maybe they're just trolls?

Hey Shang-Chi! How the fuck did you get down here?

Wait, I thought the Punisher operated all over the world. What is this "I'm Brooklyn" thing about?


>"Your father?"
>"I'm not allowed to say him by name. Rights reverted."



>"Huh, I've never killed a giant troll before. Maybe I should hold onto his ear or something."

All right Anons, last issue for the night!


This isn't one of your better plans, Castle.

>"Daredevil hates me more than anyone on Earth."
>"Because I've killed everyone else who hates me more."

Seriously Punisher, this guy has gone the distance with Thor. You are HILARIOUSLY out of your league.

Turk is hilarious.

>that cleavage shot

I remember Busiek mentioning in a tweet months ago that Fisk must be on hard times if TURK is one of his major Lieutenants now.

Seriously, this guy had no idea what genre he's dealing with.

I like to think Daredevil is smirking evily while in this last panel.

Seriously Cloak? Fucking Frank would think this is beneath him.

He's the Master of Kung Fu is how.

Although he's fighting fucking trolls right now, so he's probably re-evaluating his place in the world.

Like the corrupt museum guy, the Punisher is hilariously out of his element.


Oh hey, civilians who aren't being complete liabilities, and are actually HELPING. Dixon probably thinks he's still working with DC.


I can't help but think this is kind of a fuck you at that Cloak and Dagger issue where Frank shoots at litterers.

I thought it was a Spider-Man issue, honestly.

... He's literally shaking your building with his bare hands. You won't end up in a position of strength.

Credit where it's due, he's survived an Asgardian-level threat long enough to empty all of his ammo. Props to Frank.


So, the bad guys win?


So yeah, the bad guys got what they wanted and just fucked off. Good first day.

And that's it for tonight, Anons. Tomorrow night, we clear the distance between here and when Luke joins the Marvel Knights. See you Anons then.
