Do you think multiculturalism works in your country?

Do you think multiculturalism works in your country?

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We are not multicultural

would work if we got rid of all the wh*Tes tbqh, they're neurotically obsessed with race and always trying to start racial beef

In London, yes
Everywhere else, no

No. Greek culture is too strong to have coexist with another one.

Not perfect by any means, but yeah it works. We don't coddle them and make them fucking work. Exceptions exist but 90% at least work full-time and are a net gain for the country.


>to have coexist
to coexist*


We are, and it doesn't work.

No shit. We're the most diverse yet most successful country in the world.


You read Frank Herbert's Dune. Thats how it is in Malaysia. We Malays rule politically due to the Kings and Malay supremacy. However, we need the Chinese money. The Chinese can't do business without Malay patronage. The Indians, who are ~10% of the population act as the leverage.


If there is, it doesn't

Heh, i think we're doing okay


Yes. I love having people from all races and all countries in Brazil. The fact we're all friends proves that diversity is strength :)



I've met asians in australia and they're definitely better integrated than ours are

I live in a place with a shit ton of Asians and Sudanese and they're all pretty much like anybody else irl

I hate every single digit iq having bolivian monkey in this country

Oh no no no no no ....

American "tacos" or texmex in general
sorry :'^)

my country is not multicultural
assimilate or get out

if they don't integrate and their kids keep on speaking with their parents' accent they should go back

ROFL that's a nice bizzaro world answer from the mental ward.

Based Malays. Never let the ch*Nkoid menace rise.

Hell no. It'll never work in Japan. Never.

What's wrong, afraid of the BGC?

a complete and utter failure

Sorry, what does the BGC mean?

Of course not

>In London, yes
Really? Why is white-flight a thing then? Why do the differing minorities basically live in ethnic exclusive communities?

Big 外人 Cock

Yes with blacks asians and poles. No with pretty much everyone else

In Soviet times, our analogue of multiculturalism called "Friendship of Nationalities" or "Friendship of Peoples" worked quite well. At least at first sight.
Now, it doesn't work at all. People hate each other judging by their nationalities, confession and even looks.
Chechen men seek and find chechen women dating non-chechen male and beat them up. Russians may refer to many people with dark skin+hair+eyes pigment as "black-assed" and beat them up too.
Incredible mess.

Hahaha, I see.
But in my experience, so many Japanese women don't like a big cock.
Of course some women like it, but most women like a cock of Japanese average size.

Do the Chechens beat up the woman or the man (or both)?

absolutely fucking not, but this whole country has been a cultural mess since its foundation

people go where others that are like them are, its just natural, saying theyre exclusive is a bit much.
>white flight
caused by increasing house prices and lack of social housing. Theres plenty of europeans/russians.

Multiculturalism still works, i get to enjoy food from all over the world, hear many languages spoken, see different people, see the most beautiful women. Ive lived in all white town before, they are boring you must admit.

>they are boring you must admit.
No, I won't admit because it's simply untrue.

And claiming white flight is exclusively down to house prices and the availability of social housing is probably the most pathetic excuse I have ever read.

>people go where others that are like them are, its just natural
Woah it's almost like separate nations exist for a reason...

>dude ethnic food lmao
You can enjoy diverse food and interact with plenty of interesting foreigners without any of downsides if you keep your immigrant population under 2%. Japan is a good example.

In most of the cases (exceptions occur) the person she's dating. Chechens are nationalists and although islam prohibits nationalism, they don't care is she dating non-chechen muslim or kafir, they will beat equally both.
As comes to girl, they will often find her parents and tell them she's dating non chechen. If parents are ok with it, they still continue to bully her in internet, call her "betrayer of chechen nation and chechen lifestyle".

Are they ok with Chechen women dating other Muslim caucasians like Circassians, Ingush, Azerbaijanis, etc.?

Culture is not the same as race

The words of a paki

Works fine here now 2bqh, used to be bad during (((apartheid)))

Japan will take the multiculti pill soon, they have an aging sexless population.
I agree with your point on nations.

So what you actually believe people are leaving london because of immigrants? lmao leave your house for once and dont believe everything you read on pol. People only move on economic grounds.

Im not one. Im greek student.

It works for Jewish businesses and Jewish landlords. It doesn't work for you and me.

Y-You're going to make it, right South Africa?

Never was a white flight they just moved to commuter towns

Do you even understand what white-flight is, pal?

As i said, they're cleary not ok with it, they still will beat her muslim boyfriend up.
But ingush may seem as exception. Chechen think Ingush is their brothers, and altogether they are Vainakh people, so many chechens will tolerate chechen girl dating ingush men, but again, some may still bully her for that.

Also, russian women dating chechen is acceptable among chechens, but russians will disrespect her and call her "inkwell" (because ink is mainly have black color, and chechens are often reffered as blacks by russians)

nah, most ethnicities just stay with their own, and my country is completely multicultural. nationals only make up 10% and we just stay to ourselves mostly

Ah, a fucking clueless dweeb who thinks he knows it all having only been in the country for 5 minutes.

Shoo proxyfag

I doubt it

Importing masses of unskilled immigrants doesn't solve the economic problem. Many will end up needing government assistance even if they find work, and all of them will just make the problems caused by overpopulation worse (e.g. housing prices and pollution). The only long-term solution is to invest heavily in automation and accept an economic downturn for a generation or so. That's not even considering the cultural impact of ethnic replacement.

I know more than you, I leave my house daily. Ive speak to more people in a week than you have in years.

It's destroying the country so yes it's working as intended

I’m a African American and I love options

No. Despite what the whities think they are not multicultural. Generation by generation the culture brought by immigrants are watered down and assimilated. The whities dont even notice it. We don't have the means to live the way we did before.

Lel. Clueless fucking shitskin.

brown hands typed this post

Yellow hands did

It doesn't

People are noticing all the niggerian women are fat and walking around in the middle of the day because they are fed off of Our Tax money.
And the the nigerian lads in the bathrooms are very pushy.

Tbf white flight has been reversing for the last two decades or so (atleast in North America) with more and more inner city neighborhoods getting gentrified by white millenial yuppies

is that barbi ?? WTF is wrong with her

Not in London though. The more immigrants that arrive, the greater the number of British whites flee.