What would a 1st generation Peridot actually look like?

I guess something like this? Aside from being perfect waifu material she's way taller and might have more natural abilities.

No technological enhancements, probably mid-sized (taller than a ruby, no taller than a pearl), I guess we don't really know a lot about what Era 1 Peridots actually did. All gems have a purpose and their look and function are heavily built around that purpose.

>being tall and not short and cute
Into le trash it goes

This Peri is superior to ours. Reason?

She has cleavage.

And hips

Limb enhancers Peri is better than current Peri

It looks the same but with bigger hair.

get out

The same, the generation thing is a lie, they are given enhancements to and told they are weak without it to keep them dependant but really they siphon their natural powers away

I like big Peridots and I cannot lie.

First era Peridots probably just looked like Peridot did when she first landed, except instead of limb enhancers, just normal old limbs.

They probably have the same sort of body structure as Lapis.

Probably the same as era 2 Peridots, era 2 Peridots are just brainwashed through propaganda to believe that they're weak and powerless. Our Peridot will learn how powerful she really is in time, it's already started with her metal bending

>largely the same, but with a cape, crazier glasses and bigger hair
I see the same attitudes which created TTGL's cast are still going.

And her weapon is a drill.


Okay so we know for a fact that all gems are referred to by Gem.

A Ruby calls other Rubies, Ruby.

Garnet and Pearl didn't seem to know what the hell Peridot even was. So maybe the very concept of Peridots came after the war?

considering what we've heard from Peri, they're most likely a new line of gems designed for medial work and, to prevent effective rebellion, either lied to about not having abilities or designed without them but the defect was poorly implemented

It could just be a caste thing. Peridots are a labor class gem. A skilled labor class gem, sure, but still not a courtly gem like Sapphire or Pearl; and even Ruby, who's definitely a lower tier gem, was one of Sapphire's personal bodyguards on Blue Diamond's court.

Bismuth might've recognized Peridot, though. Like the difference between carpenters and electricians.

I imagine there had to be at least one out there during the war.

>le trash
>tall gems can't be cute

Fuck off back whatever hole you crawled out of.

>"Green Diamond!"

Maybe they didn't recognise era 2 peridots. I could imagine era 1 peridots also being refered to as Olivine instead of Peridot

>Not liking both small and tall Peridot