Let's discuss amendments to the Constitution that need to happen in order for our country to be made great again

Let's discuss amendments to the Constitution that need to happen in order for our country to be made great again.
Obviously under a Trump administration, because Hillary wouldn't do a single one of these.

>an amendment that lowers the age to be president down to 25 and makes a cutoff maximum age of 60, so we don't have any senile people running anymore

>an amendment that drastically cuts down the election period from 18 months to 6 months, saving time and money....there's no reason why an election should last longer than 6 months from the time the candidates announce to the date of the general election

>an amendment of campaign finance reform that eliminates super pacs and superdelegates

>an amendment that prohibits dynasty families from getting powerful in politics....if you become a president, someone related to you can't become president for at least 50 years after the end of your term

>an amendment that strongly enforces fines and punishment for intentionally dishonest media and libel

Any good ones I'm missing?

repeal of 20th amenment. Repeal of 14th amendment.

Reboot the whole fuckin thing to the original 7 tbqh desu

reaffirming the second amendment so liberals cant subvert it by saying "ITS NOT CLEAR ENOUGH! WELL REGULATED MILITIA!"

>makes a cutoff maximum age of 60

So Trump is going to fire himself. I knew it.

Trump is the rare exception of someone over 60 who isn't completely out of touch and can actually walk more than 10 feet without getting out of breath.

After him that shit needs to stop though.

Even tho I am Hispanic I'd like to see citizenship right revoked if both parents are illegal. At least one parent must be a citizen or legal resident aka turist baby dropping.
Revise all student visa, cap immigration quotas from Islamic countries.
Reduce the foreign aid spending and invest it in education.
I'm fine with the right to bear arms even when proly never will own one myself.

>repeal of 16th amendment
>repeal of 17th amendment
>repeal of 19th amendment
>balanced budget amendment

Explicate that the first amendment applies to obscene speech too.

an amendment that prohibits dynasty families from getting powerful in politics....if you become a president, someone related to you can't become president for at least 50 years after the end of your term

That's an unfair one desu, it's not anyone's fault shillary decided to ride bills coattails

Dynasty politics led to FDR, the Bush family and the Clinton family. It's spiraling out of control and needs to be stopped.

Constitutional amendment #36:

If you don't swear on the bible to revoke your dual fake Jew Israeli citizenship, then you don't get to participate in our government. And also you're at the top of the list to get deported since you're traitor scum.

>swearing on a Bible
>mattering at all to people who don't believe in the Bible


Once upon a time, testimony in a court was ruled as invalid because the witness would not swear in on the bible.

really makes your mind melt.

Or do you want to do it like the nomad backward Arabs and literally burn your tongue to make sure you weren't lying?

Are you not getting my point that swearing on a Bible is meaningless?

Do you really think Ahmed McAhmed's testimony sworn with a Bible has any merit whatsoever?

Spoiler alert: People lie.

Severe punishment for those who violate other people's 1st amendment rights

This will destroy any leverage that liberals may have.

This is actually a good idea.

Government officials that violate constitutional rights should get the death penalty.

That's why we swear in to a higher authority. I don't know if you've ever sworn in or given testimony before.

That being said, it's particularly interesting that the people in the City of London Corporation have to go to various high or mid-level "temples" to practice law. Did you ever think about that? I wonder what that means.

>a higher authority

If you think with this mentality, this is why the Jews win.
The Jews don't give a single fuck about a "higher authority." They play by their own rules.

Jesus Christ, no wonder the white race is dying.

Let's have them swear in the oath of office on public record. Not if if if if if. Not redoing it in the basement of the White House.

Swear your allegiance in public on record on nation TV. What do you have to hide?

>thinks amendments have to do with who's president


I know the Jews play by their own rules.

I play by mine and they can't stop me.

yea. you missed the amendment banning dumbfucks from making amendments


Probably not but for your topic swearing in on the Constitution itself is a better idea in that it actually means something and can be demonstrated to be true.

Again, this is why they keep winning, you fucking cuck.

In order to beat the Jew, you must become the Jew.

This is a load of treasonous shit. How about the first ten Amendments and we're good.

Anyone running for pres can make no more than triple the minimum wage. Not poor but not rich. It's the only way to get true representation.

Congress, SC, and Pres are unpaid positions. Do it because you love it and want to help. Otherwise fuck off. Living quarters and a food stipend are fine but that's it and neither is very much.

Which one is treasonous?

Not really. Any Jew who wants to try to out-Jew me is welcome to try.

The Jew lives in a state of self-fear and self-hatred. It reminds me of the time I was walkng out of the Jew grocery shop and some Jew kid asked me if I were a Jew so that I could give him more shekels. Literally the black people beggars make more money than those whiny brats.

>I'm so street smart, I can't be Jewed!

Top kek. Whatever you say buddy.

The part about freely rewriting our foundational law. The problem right now is too many laws.

Are you a Jew?

no, none of those are worth anything. Fix the nation with these
>make 2nd amendment more clear
>forbid birthright citizenship

and in a perfect world
>prioritize white/european immigration and penalize immigration form anywhere else in the world

I don't know. You're the expert at not being Jewed. You tell me.

An amendment that clearly defines the rights of citizens and non citizens. Provided one is not an alien to the Nation, one who has not yet earned the distinction of citizenship is held to be subject to the State. Before attaining the age of majority, such a person is its ward and, upon the age of majority, a subject. Certain basic rights are still assured, such as Free Speech, Free Expression, Freedom of the Press, of Assembly, and other basic rights. However, suffrage, the Right to Bear Arms, the privilege of holding public office, and the privilege of commanding those who serve the Nation must be distinguished as the unique prerogatives of the Citizenry.

Oy vey.

These laws don't form in a vacuum, they are there for a reason.

What I propose is statures of limitation on laws with the exception of the Constitution itself. Add in a rule that the nation finds the need for a permanent law if that is what the people themselves want.

An amendment that defines how one may obtain citizenship: Citizenship must include social responsibility. Social responsibility means individual sacrifice. The sacrifice of two years in the service of the Nation is a just and reasonable requirement for participation in the body politic. The State must find a place for those who serve, regardless of skill or aptitude. Not all service needs be military. Education, maintenance, clerical or administrative work can be an option for those not physically or mentally fit for military service.

Why service? Every right is conjoined to an equivalent responsibility. A two-year service requirement will ensure the rise of a citizenry whose vested interests in the well-being of the body politic are not merely economic. A citizen's interest in the future of the Nation must be expanded to include a sturdy political understanding and a healthy interest in social harmony. Service to the Nation ensures the rise of citizens who take the National life seriously. In short, it will give rise to citizens who are Nationalists.

It must be the exclusive right of those who have demonstrated their worthiness by means of National Service. A subject may be loyal and patriotic, but they are not vested in the body politic to the same degree as one who has sacrificed two years of their life to meet the needs of the greater Nation.

>Forbid birthright citizenship
What about your kids?

You might want to rethink this one, I would say give out birth right citizenship, but deport the parents if they can't obtain it


that outdated paper?
that keeps getting in the way of "progressives"

Something about a person's religious rights endjng where another person's human rights begin. No more mutilating kids and blaming it on "God."

>>an amendment that lowers the age to be president down to 25


Problem is though the people you don't like have already done that. Mexicans served in the Army/Marines during the Iraq war 2003, Muslims are being imported due to their service and knowledge of the region and willingness to turn on their allies, and all the wrong people are getting into public office. They are using their positions in military and government to manipulate laws favoring the undermining of the country itself

If anything you want these people OUT of a bureaucratic system because they will corrupt it.

We need someone young with energy.

Dumbass millennials will weed themselves out of the running.
There's so much younger talent that isn't being put to proper use.

that may be true, but at the same time, limiting suffrage to only those who serve the military would drastically reduce the liberal vote. You think feminists and SJW's would serve the nation? The citizens produced from this amendment would have a vested interest in voting for the best of the nation, instead of their individual self interest

>Original 10
Fixed that for you

Will never happen because deficit spending is need in some instances. Times of emergency, war, economic collapse, holding another country's finances hostage by refusing to pay them in the future are just a few examples.

Deficit spending can be used as a weapon

Yes, thank you.

America is like a computer loaded with intensely jewish malware. We simply need a clean install.

repeal the 2nd amendment

Not quite, the military takes people from all stripes. The military is also taking in a lot of young college grads and paying their debts. The military is being liberalized as we speak

Shiieeet, ill be 25 in 2020, I have 4 years to become a famous billionaire

>we need some dumb fucking kid with little adult life experience who statistically speaking doesn't even know how to balance a checkbook just because he has "energy"

If that's what you wanted you should have voted for Rubio and would have gotten at least 75% of it.

After Trump takes power, you won't have to worry about anybody else becoming president again. Ever.

- You're saying that a 70-year old Trump would reduce the age for president down to 60?
- You're saying that a Trump who already promised to fill cabinet with his offspring would try to prevent political dynasties?

...c'mon, even by Trump supporter standards you're mixed up as fuck.

I would gladly vote for a 25 year old who is a genius elite than some middle aged working class Joe

Someone young who also isn't a robot.

>Repeal the 16th and 17th amendments
>Institute a balanced budget amendment where the government may not incur any debt unless in times of dire need
>Make an amendment protecting free enterprise (effectively making any act of communism or socialism unconstitutional)
>Prohibits the practice any religious law like Sharia law.

On top of these amendments, we should stop providing any funding to individuals/communities/companies/state governments whom are not directly working with the federal government. If someone or some company or community wants funding, they should go to their state government, not the federal. The only time that they should receive federal funding is when they are directly working with the federal government (i.e. contract for a project or something).

There's a whole lot more we should do, but this is a start

I wish we had some balanced budget but the problem is we are using deficit spending as a weapon against other countries. All we have to do is threaten to not pay our shit back and other countries would collapse. Our politicians are using the deficit as a tool of politics

No legislation exceeding a single 8.5x11 page. Must be 14pt font, double spaced

How could us not paying it back cripple them? The way I see it, if we refuse to pay it back, it would most likely hurt us in the long run as our credit rating would decline making it harder for us to acquire more credit.

nice image there, i loled

>lowers the age to be president down to 25 and makes a cutoff maximum age of 60
Can't have 25 year old youngins, fresh from (((academia))) (aka brainwashing centers) running the country because most are still lacking in many aspects.
>emotional maturity
>intellectual maturity
>life experience
35-40 is the ideal minimum.

>an amendment that drastically cuts down the election period from 18 months to 6 months, saving time and money
Agreed. Anything that deprives (or at least severely limits) (((media))) more shekels and potential to influence elections.

>eliminate super pacs and superdelegates
Eliminating super PACs is good, especially (((AIPAC))) - America above all and everyone else.

Eliminating superdelegates is bad. You can't have just popular votes, or you'd just pave the way for illegals to seize power. What if Mexicans, somehow, was able to sneak in enough people to undermine the political will of the entire country? Superdelegates effectively disenfranchises foreigners, which is necessary to preserve the country from turning into a province run by spic druglords.

>if you become a president, someone related to you can't become president for at least 50 years after the end of your term
This. Prevent dynasties. Can't allow families to build an infrastructure that facilitates a dynasty which eventually leads to tyranny. In fact, it should go further. An entire family line, or at least 5 generations, must be barred from taking office.

>strongly enforces fines and punishment for intentionally dishonest media and libel
And this. In fact, it needs to go further. It needs to force (((media))) to adhere to objectivity, truthfulness, and apolitical standards. Those who disobey will be shut down, with the responsible thrown in prison for sedition and other high crimes.

>And this. In fact, it needs to go further. It needs to force (((media))) to adhere to objectivity, truthfulness, and apolitical standards. Those who disobey will be shut down, with the responsible thrown in prison for sedition and other high crimes.

As much as I hate dishonest media and the absolutely absurdity that they put out, I feel like doing this may be a slippery slope. Who will decide what is honest and what isn't? The government most likely and they'll use this to effectively control the media more easily by threatening them down otherwise.

I think the best solution is for a few groups of people to legitimately create their own, near 100% unbiased news outlets and try to overtake the current established media