The swift and sustained backlash surrounding HBO's Confederate...

>The swift and sustained backlash surrounding HBO's Confederate, the upcoming drama from Game of Thrones show runners that imagines a modern-day Confederate nation with legal slavery, illustrates the profound — and to some, insurmountable — perils of making entertainment about America's original sin.
>In the week since HBO's July 19 announcement, concern — led by black activists, writers and other thought leaders — has mounted over the project's premise and the pedigrees of its creators.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_War

>black activists and other thought leaders

>america's original sin
Documented genocide doesn't count?

i'm pretty sure the Americans' original sin is killing millions of natives Amerinidians


there's only black and white ok

Europoors killed them.

Most of em got killed by invisible STDs and shit cause their immune systems were weak you can't really control that. The rest died in honorable combat.

Imagine all the mustache twirling the slave owners are going to do just to make sure they don't call this show racist. There is no way they can write a nuanced or sympathetic portrayal of them now. The southern people are all going to act like Joffrey

>thought leaders

Yeah i can't wait to watch them make a show where they constantly shit on the south and white men. Let me guess. The main character is a nigger who fucks the slaveowners wife/daughter/mother/sister

Shouldn't have tried killing us all then lol's_War

>social media backlash

Stop pandering to these people, they're only on social media to complain about things. Even if you tailor something specifically to them, they'll still pore over it to seek out things to complain about.

>jews try to create show to further rile up animosity towards whites
>gets biggest pushback from their pet niggers

Imagine how this will still be inadequate because DABID's problem isn't their writing, it's the fact they're not black.

Not even close, the "millions" that died were over the course of a century or two and all due to diseases the Europeans brought to a population that hadn't had access to other human beings for something like ten thousand years.

Yeah that's exactly what the world needs, sympathetic slave owners. Old white men who enslaved and beat black people for fun are completely relatable right?

Their minions think they're (((white))) so it doesn't matter. Only Farrakhan knows the difference

Slavery was the best thing to ever happen to niggers.

>muh indians

Fuck you redskin shits

If the Civil War was about abolishing slavery then why not let the South leave after they agreed to abolish it at the end of the war?

>thought leaders

>masterminds David Benioff and D.B. Weiss


Hey, here, care to tell me why my post was a shitpost?

I don't remember SJW's freaking out like this over The Man in the High Castle

It's just such a retarded idea through and through.

>trying this hard to compete with "the man in the high castle"

Oh irrelevant HBO......

The Man in the High Castle wasn't about "the black experience"

Same reason why Marvel was 100% dedicated to finding a black director for Black Panther even when they had to fire multiple directors in a row

>fucks the slaveowners wife/daughter/mother/sister

>though leaders

Fancy word for "thought police"

>Confederacy still exists in 2017
>it still has slaves
That shit would have been banned by the year 1900 just by the fact that you didn't need countless hands to pick cotton anymore.

I'm just trying to say portraying slave owners as pure evil would be stupid. They are still people, with families etc. And because of the backlash they are already getting they may be forced to make them entirely one dimensional characters.

America's original sin was a black colonist named Anthony Johnson bringing over his slaves from Africa, then suing to make them legal.

BUT we can't inject any facts to matter, like the fact that slavery was already going away in the 1869s thanks to the industrial revolution bringing new machine inventions almost daily that did the work of 100 slaves for less money, and Lincoln himself he'd keep slavery if it kept the union together with his only real goal of refusing peaceful secession being one of owning the rich agriculture of the south.

"Activist" = complainer who's such a professional complainer that he gets a tax credit for it.

And they're ALL blaming "white people" for this even though the two are both firm Jews and not white.

The CSA is also a much less interesting topic than Nazis and Japs.
Silly HBO

They don't even know what they're blaming "white people" for. The entire equation they have right now is "It's a show about slavery and it's not directed by Spike Lee and produced by Jay-Z's studio *autistic screeching*"

In fact it's literally outrage over the inadequate skin color of the directors

Think that through senpai. There are an estimated 30 million slaves in the world currently, obviously they wouldn't be picking cotton but working in industry jobs for no pay, being house slaves, etc.


>Spike Lee tried this

It failed

Technology and the movement of industry would have put slaves out of work by default, yeah. You don't need to do much thinking to see how it's a stupid premise for an alternate history.

> muh racist white families are peepul too
Racism should not be tolerated or depicted positively at all. You should be less concerned with accurate portrayals of horrible people.

Spike Lee's version involved the South conquering the North and then forcing the North to also institute slavery again for some reason

>thought leaders

that phrase scares me more than it should

>It failed
I'm pretty sure the people screening this movie loved it for the first half but then a loud bellow of "SHUT IT DOWN" rang out when the timeline reached World War 2 and the narrator said "While the CSA agreed with many of Germany's theories of racial hierarchy, they refused to ally with them due to the key role Jewish Americans played in the founding of the Confederacy"

So this is yet another show where Jews use Black people as a cudgel to browbeat Southerners with. This is the thanks Southerners get for pulling their ungrateful asses out of Hitler's ovens.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess they won't be giving any attention to the huge role Jews played in the slave trade and how many slave ships were owned by Jews.

slaves would just being doing other jobs

Oops forgot pic

Go be a nigger elsewhere

more like 30.000~ intentionally killed in massacres and such. injuns were enslaved too though.

I'm not saying they should be shown in anything like a positive light. Just don't make the characters cartoon villains. I want to understand their motivations instead of just seeing white guys torture black people because the southerners are inherently evil

>use european settles to kill all your rivals
>survivors blame it solely on them afterwards

powerful, and really made me think

>alternate timeline movie
>somehow all of the same presidents get elected

Spike didnt think this through

Pay your reparations whitey. I'm starting with your women.

Americans are innocent! What are you, an History apologist?!

And more or less every single one of them are slaves in a illegal fashion. It would make sense to have a confederacy where black people are shown as inferior and have restricted freedom, more due to social issues rather than legal issues if anything, but they are going full on legal slavery mode right out of the early 1800s and that makes no sense.

>Americans has a slaver on their 1 dollar bill and speak of him like he's a godly saint
Always makes me kek.

I started to doubt him when he first got on social media and revealed that He Capitalizes The First Letter Of Every Single Word He Writes.

I mean for fuck's sake it's got to take an order of magnitude *more* effort to type like that, what is he doing?

Washington was an incompetent general that was pretty much lucky he got anywhere at all.

Two jews are making an alternate history tv series where evil white christians won the civil war and are keeping slavery legal...

The jewish tricks never end

>black people still whining about MUH SLAVES
Honest to god question, if blacks were never made slaves in the U.S. how different would things be?

Go back to Africa.

I haven't seen any evidence yet that black people can actually participate in a political process as we know it.

I mean, 20 years of black freedom gets you South Africa and 200 years of black freedom gets you Haiti, how long is their "learning curve" supposed to be?

Hollywood depicts minorities constantly as cartoon characters, there's another thread right now about Indian Americans being portrayed as nothing but amicable convenience store owners. Black people have been portrayed as the butt of jokes, thugs and coons for you whiteys entertainment. God forbid they give us a slave owner who I can project my hatred onto like you white people have been doing to every other race.

Yeah you're definitely white. Post timestamped pic of your hand in front of a screen showing this thread.

muh fuggen bix nood

The U.S. would be a paradise right now and the Blacks who never came here would be getting carved up by African warlords who want to use their organs to make magic potions.

Only white people owned slaves.

Only the United States owned slaves.

The majority of white people owned slaves during the time of slavery.

These are things some people believe.

USA would be an unstoppable super power with the highest quality of life, lowest taxes, highest level of safety for citizens, and in general would be paradise compared to the shithole we will in now thanks to niggers soaking up welfare money, dealing drugs, creating massive amounts of violence everywhere they go, and in general being subhuman trash incapable of behaving in modern society.

Indians had their own black slaves

You are both wrong. The original sin of America is whiteness. Now, please proceed to the cuck chamber so this problem can eventually be corrected.

>keep our slaves in-country and be explicit about what we're doing instead of shipping our slave labor overseas to asia
>cruel and racist

>fairly shitty military leader
>a massive drunk
>pretty corrupt
>shameless slaver

>but he led some peasants that couldn't do shit until the French did all their work, let's put him on our 1 dollar bill guys!

White guy giving me orders? So you've learned nothing.

>rich Whites just used poor Whites to pick their cotton
>blacks were never shipped to the US

That's not damage control, take your bait back to Sup Forums

Actually sounds like a good show desu

Stop LARPing you massive faggot

Anyone have that picture of the Zimbabwe or whatever president banning white farmers and regretting it hard?

Lol even the mascarene islands were getting in on the action

Let's get this started

This map is BS. Arabs have enslaved blacks since before muhammeds time

>Slave fucking the owners and vice versa
Thats historically accurate though. A lot of slave owners were degenerates who fucked their female slaves, and then the male slaves would sometimes be taken advantage of by curious teenage daughters or vengeful wives who were upset at their husbands cheating on them. They would then lynch the male slaves for "raping" the females if they were caught (even though its obvious some guy in chains in the field isnt going to be able to just waltz into the manor and fuck the missus unless someone uncaged him first -- people just didnt want to confront that reality).

It only counts the years 1500-1900.
And it's not like it's always easy to find stats from historical times of every single slave that was traded.

Confederation was one of the most evilest regimes in human history, on par with nazis desu

You are projecting your fantasies onto reality. There was very little sexual contact between black men and white women during this period, and most of the contact between white men and black women was from poor whites who would sneak onto the plantation and trade things to the slave women they couldn't normally get. This is well documented and there are lots of books rotting away in university libraries that are filled with page after page of black guys bitching about the po' white trash trading fish for sex. There is even a specific species of fish, called a Gasper Goo, that was nicknamed "the tradin' fish" because it was used almost exclusively for this purpose.

Lots of plantation owners were degenerates, because they were directly descended from the most degenerate caste of English peerage whom they sought to emulate, but they preyed on white women more than black women, using their high status in their communities to get away with it.

In all honesty, we wouldnt have become the economic powerhouse we are today and there would have been an earlier class war between poor whites and rich whites due to the labor conditions when picking cotton, collecting tobacco, handling sugar in the Carribean, etc. It was intense labor, the plantation owners wouldnt want to pay properly, and white skin isn't properly cut out for that kind of day labor and the people would have been dying of skin cancer. These poor workers who werent slaves in name and not raised in slavery since birth like the later generation of slaves would have stood up for themselves and this country would have just been a warzone until someone instituted something like a monarchy and effectively had the poor workers become like peasant slaves.

Anyone thinking that it would have been sunshine and rainbows as rich whites and jews happily handed over money to poor whites to do endless field work in a hot sun is an idiot. Theres a reason they wanted to keep their slaves so damn bad, and theres a reason they went through all the trouble of establishing the Transatlantic trade. If dealing with poor whites doing labor in the south was a remotely logical option, it would have been the option used from the get go.

Ummm no that's Europeans fault not Americas. By the time of the revolution all that plague shit was over and the surviving natives were stronger

>typing out a logical response on this Appalachian snake dancing forum

Sad thing is that some people actually believe this

modern USA is far more evil than the CSA

what are you some kind of a slavery history expert or something

>projecting fantasies
I'm not seeing any search results for Gasper Goo or Fish sex trades during Slavery.

In Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1867), Jacobs mentions how planters’ daughters would take advantage of male slaves.

>"They know that the women slaves are subject to their father's authority in all things; and in some cases they exercise the same authority over the men slaves. I have myself seen the master of such a household whose head was bowed down in shame; for it was known in the neighborhood that his daughter had selected one of the meanest slaves on his plantation to be the father of his first grandchild. She did not make her advances to her equals, nor even to her father's more intelligent servants. She selected the most brutalized, over whom her authority could be exercised with less fear of exposure."

Kill yourself cuck, or better yet get yourself and your whole family too done in by some oppressed minorities.


California and other Southern states uses illegals as quasi legal slavery.

If living in a white country is too difficult for you, you could always fuck off.
Non-whites non-blacks hate you people far more than you could even imagine whites in america doing. But there's always black africa.

>Its now racist for white people to even make tv shows about things

The premise of the show is that Southerners are so backward and inhuman that had they won the war they'd have never ended slavery on their own without the North doing it for them. That's a better reason to be annoyed about it.

>If dealing with poor whites doing labor in the south was a remotely logical option, it would have been the option used from the get go.

Why would it have been the go to option when you could have free labor?
I think you are approaching this backwards, with the mentality that the industries driven by slave labor would be operating with the same productiveness, and thus the same demand for labor, if slavery didn't exist.

>quoting a feminist paper

What gave it away

>make a show illustrating how oppressive life would be under the Confederacy
>liberals are offended

>Benioff and Weiss, who are white

>led by black activists, writers and other thought leaders

But it's literally gonna be The Handmaid's Tale: Black Edition