Am I dense, because I don't see how Raptor and Nightwing are different from Batman and Catwoman

Am I dense, because I don't see how Raptor and Nightwing are different from Batman and Catwoman.

Minus the sex, of course.

>barbara will never not be annoying ever again

Come on, Babs. Dick was Batman for a year. Dude was even a spy and managed to take down the agency from within. Do you seriously expect so low of him that you'd believe he'd enter a villain society willingly? This is spy game 101, bitch.

Barbara is an annoying bitch this entire issue.

it's been her default state for the last 5 years ;_;

Well isn't Raptor working for the court of owls?

How about the fact that Batman doesn't help Catwoman commit crimes?

Catwoman doesn't kill or fake kill people?
Batman doesn't say he is looking up to or learning from Catwoman

yeah but he wants to bring them down too.

at this rate, it's gonna turn out every single member of the court is working to bring it down from the inside

>last 15 years
Dixon was a long time ago

>Catwoman doesn't kill or fake kill people?
Usually no.

Even Dixon wrote her as a manipulative cunt. She is a shit character through and through.

>Batman doesn't say he is looking up to or learning from Catwoman

She's the only woman that he's had anything like a stable relationship with. That means that he has a high opinion of her along with a good amount of respect.

Why does Dick wanna fuck female Batman?

>Am I dense
Are you retarded?


>Barbara will never be the cynical and down to earth mission control for super heroes ever again
>I'll never have a super hero I can actually relate to ever again.



Just give MidRapter another issue or 2.

There's always Professor X

isn't he dead?

Raptor's an assassin empowered by a magical superscience object from ancient romania, Catwoman's a burglar.

am i supposed to be triggered by this?