Really makes you think


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Feed them, they reproduce, need more food.

Starvation is the nature, it's the fuel of the fittest.

don't get it. why should we feed the overpopulated africa? just to be able push out more starving niglet?

Ugh, i cant believe your this racist.
like its 2k16, everyone deserves nourishment and a roof over their heads.

attempts to solve world hunger have just made Africa worse
they flood the market with free food, donated goods

these destroy any chance of the locals actually having any form of industry as how can you compete with free?

What benefit would this have for us?

>End world hunger
They can't pay us back so they don't deserve any help. They aren't our starving people, and our starving people are simply too lazy to go get food for themselves in the first place.

>everyone deserves nourishment and a roof over their heads.
no, not everyone does.

If they stopped being niggers, they could solve their own hunger problems. Everytime we go there and build shit for them to help, they just set it on fire and riot and act like fucking monkeys



Dumbass, if it was really that easy, I could just dump my leftovers in a collection bin, and a plane could fly it over and throw it out at them.

>For the cost of X we could have gib more gibmedats to niggers

Thank god we didn't


William has a broken back from constructing all those little houses, yet not even 10% of the africans is housed
why do you hate William ?

Yeah, let's pay for their food so they can breed more ...

"For the cost of the Iraq war we could have stopped world hunger for 30 years at the cost of the world or nations"


And all of that would have been an absolute waste because shitty governments like that in iraq would hoard all of the food and keep it from the starving masses.

Honestly this.
How Wuz Thay Kangz if they haven't been able to figure farming out for thousands of years?

I know this is a troll but whenever I hear this from some liberal I say this exact thing.

>Then allow them to live in your home, rent free, and to eat your food.
The answer is always NO or WHY DONT YOU!
>I have, I took in a homeless woman and her child once for 2 years until she found a good job and apt.

Always leaves them stunned.

and then for the next 30 theyll riot the world for more gib me dats...

>African population quadruples every decade as a result of no starvation and nogs breeding like rats
>back to square one

>ending world hunger
>population boom until unsustainable
>people starve to death anyways

You realize we kill animals to prevent them from competing against other animals, so that animals dont starve to death?

We dont just give the animals more to eat. Eventually, they reach numbers where they starve to death, and then they decline in population, and then when theres fewer of them because they starved to death, they come back.

Im not saying we should go into Africa and start killing black people until the other blacks reach a number where they can sustain themselves, with the stated goal of stopping African starvation and people from suffering long painful deaths.

Thats totally not what Im saying.



yeah, it blows me away that alot of these people can not comprehend things arent according to their world view.

Save the money from the war and give it to our own people,we have poor here to feed before wogrica.

Nuke all of africa

It get's rid of:

>A shit ton of mudshits
>African mudshit Niggers

What else could we ask for

Have you really? I mean I dont get in discussions about politics with strangers.

(((World Hunger))) will never be solved, they'll always breed faster than their food supply allows.

Skip to 26m and 13s to listen at this fine gentlemen, a Rwandan subsistence farmer with 15 kids that has no clue how to feed them.

I dont either, it ends up being people who are friends of a friend, or some bullshit, and then they turn to their friend as if "he is lying, tell me the white cis male is lying" and they back me up each fucking time.

Somehow one of them tries to claim I am gay however, it makes no sense.

Actually, contrary to the globalist agenda. The best thing we could do is either help countries rise to first world conditions, or abandon them entirely. The only thing that brings the birth rate down is wealth, these are facts.

Right now their populations are being artificially exploded due to having a scarcity mentality combined with westerners keeping them alive when many would have become instinct due to regular ol natural selection.

Pretty much this.

A country should be able to sustain itself and its population regarding their food.

If outside aid is brought in it destabilizes it all.
If we feed African families, yeah great they don't starve for a while, but they will then go on to raise more families and offspring thus increasing the problem and causing more people than the original number to suffer later on when there's more demand.

Attempting to end world hunger through outside means is pointless. It's why they send condoms, animals and farming equipment to Africa instead of outright food only.

By feeding them dollar bills?

They can't buy food that isn't there. I suppose if we went over and grew the shit for them we could do something with it, but that's what we used to call colonialism which I thought was bad...

Then after that thirty years when we have a middle east pseudo-super power with a caliphate at its front and nukes on its back, what do we do with all these well fed fucks still living in completely uninhabitable areas?

Nobody deserves anything lol.

Wow like you probably just let her stay there so you could rape her

This is probably the fundamental difference between the right and left mentality in the US at least.

Some of us believe everyone should be taken care of and coddled at the cost of society... And some of us believe natural selection has been doing a great job on its own and we should stop fucking with it.

wow, 30 more years of uncontrolled nigger birth. really makes you think.


free glass

They complain whitey be keepin all da moniez, but then bitch about gentrification, or apartheid, or some other bullshit in the same breath.

What they really want to say is "Give me all yo shit, cracka" but they haven't the munitions to do it or the intelligence to coordinate it.

Heard that shit too, I just felt bad for them, I kept seeing her in a parking lot sleeping in a car full of their belongings, after awhile people at work started asking questions, eventually I confronted her about the issue.

Turned out her husband died of cancer, while she was away at the hospital their home burned down, but nobody gave a fuck about them to take them in because "its your fault my sons dead"

Just felt fucking bad for the kid I guess.

[spoiler] I grew up homeless for awhile as a kid, but nobody helped me, so I guess I connected[/spoiler]

The mom is nice, she actually gave a fuck about the kid and would feed him when she didn't have anything.


>People don't realize that if Africa, and parts of Asia, wasn't starving the people who survive would also reproduce
>There already isn't as many jobs as are people, so feeding them would fuck them over
even more.

I actually want to see a world where we have full development. That would be a beautiful thing. Then everyone could stay in their own parts of world.

>for 30 years

Pick one.

>humans cant eat bullets bombs tanks and airplanes


If we feed them they will continue to rapid breed. 99% of africas troubles stems from the fact they they reproduce in unsustainable high numbers creating the need / basis for migration, food shortages and civil wars.

No just close off Africa, all foreign aid should be ended, built a wall, a tall beautiful wall around Africa.

Not really. Their is no PROFIT in ending world hunger. Charity movements love to show starving children so they can fill their own pockets from gullible people that are to stupid to realize their donations destroy local buisness and industry. People donating clothes has for example destroy the textile industry. Sure the works pay sucked but it was work.

We can end world hunger anytime we want but no one wants to. We throw away perfectly good food that can be frozen and shipped to starving areas but their is no intrerest in that. Several people from save the children and red cross have witnessed that the only thing that money goes to are curropt politicians and the organizations leaders children are sent to expensive schools, life style of luxery and so on.

Well if there were no starving and needy people in the world, how will poor Hillary and other poor rich people launder their money? Oh the humanity!

That's really fucking sweet of you user.

>No just close off Africa, all foreign aid should be ended, built a wall, a tall beautiful wall around Africa.
That would be a waste though. Maybe we can find an island somewhere to put a few hundred thousand niggers, exterminating the rest, and then treat it as some sort of science experiment as we watch them regress about 1500 years all on their own.

Nice digits fellas.
Kek approves of this heartwarming tale.

We could also do it if you would stop bitching about GMOs.

>inb4 Monsanto

Yeah they are cunts but GMO isn't bad. If you want to use the Monsanto argument then Lawyers are bad.

Realistically there would just be several billion more at near starvation levels. We'd have much more suffering if we just drop food on Africa. It's never solved anything. Even Bono is giving up on that avenue. Education and less meddling seems to be the way forward.

i'm glad we didn't. first of all it's not america's job to feed food-less monkeys. let the peasants die, what do you think the NWO exists for? population must go down or else humanity is doomed


This cartoon is so gay omg

>For the cost of our nation's security, we could've solved someone else's problem for them.
I can smell the OP's vagina from here.

theres something about that kids genuinse happiness that gives me the feels. too bad things like this cant happen more. if hitler won it would, but bad guys won :((((

>for 30 years


> Feed retards for 30 years
> In less than 30 years time you have an eight fold population increase because they are, unsurprisingly, retards.
> More world hunger

Trying to end world hunger is the biggest waste of time and resources, we dont need any more people than we have now anyway. Id happily give them all great healthcare and food in exchange for mass sterilization.

can someone translate?
ive always wondered what it all says

Africa is environment prison for nigger. Even nature try stop that filth from reproducing.
>Dat flag
Beyond saving froggie.

>feed apefrica
>their population explodes and causes more problems

yes very homo. especially with all the little goy-balls running around killing the wrong side. fukm

What a bargain the US had! Killed Niggers AND Mudslimes!

One of the most resource rich continents and they are all starving. We need to let them starve. We need to let them have no clean water. We need to let them hit vanish. If they wanted to survive they would have to become self sufficient.

>subsidizing third world population growth
shiggy diggy

>Le should have supported the Nazis meme

You realise Germany was attacking us right? I don't care the ideology, a foreign force tries to invade your country, you fight them.

Hitler could have approached the whole problem differently, he was sitting pretty with a pretty much functioning natsoc country. Hitler sperged out and helped (((them))) demonise nationalism for more than half a century. Hitler fucked up royal.

>le ignore the dozen times hitler asked GB to be their ally and GB rejected a dozen times meme

you realize hitler saw british as german equals, right?

im not a naziboo by any stretch, but i hate that the two great wars have abismally fucked us all over with laws and regulations.

>end world hunger for 30 years
It's not really ending it then is it? It's just pouring so much grain into the sieve it takes longer to empty.

And ultimately all this food is just destroying the African economy, like all the other forms of aid. Absolutely no reason to keep propping these failed countries up.

>instead of killing arabs we could have fed billions of niggers

havent we already learned that giving out food aid is bad? or are we literally trying to make the niggers of the world as dependent on the charity of white people as the blacks in the states are?

You would attack for food if you didn't eat for 2 hours you fucking fat fuck

Not the job of the USA to feed the worlds poor.

>walks into gang territory
>gosh you guys are uncivilized, why don't you guys get real jobs?

..... what they dont tell you is that there is a very good reason for that.

mass food aid destroys economies and decimate the nations ability to feed itself. when a farmers wheat becomes worthless overnight because the UN is dumping aid, it tends to have some pretty bad effects. it destroys farmers financially and removes any motivation/profit that would see others stepping up to replace the bankrupt farmers role as a sustenance provider.

congrats, they are now dependent. as soon as you stop dropping aid the famine continues, but now it is even worse then before Aid started.

It's a good point tbf. I remember first hearing this in my early teens on some documentary, instantly feeling complimented somewhere deep down by the idea the creator of a proud successful nation like that considers us brethren, then the policeman in my head telling me off lel.

The more I find out about people like the Rothschilds, Henry Ford et al profiteering, the more it feels like the apparently bad decisions made in the 30's and 40's were very well placed. To generate the maximum chaos and money. But maybe I've just had enough Sup Forums for today. Basically I think both us and the Nazis were led into a fight, but once we got going we couldn't give up or we could be treated like other occupied countries. This right here is why not to go full aggressive eugenic natsoc when you could be a perfectly good, 99% homogenous, culturally proud traditionalist society. People won't see you as an direct threat to their citizens lives.

Poor show all round really looking at the result we've arrived at in 2016. No pride for Germany, nor the UK. There are winners in all this, but they're not us.

Thanks USA for making the world more unstable.

If those lazy nigs won't work, they won't be getting any food. Iraq war doesn't matter.

>We can end world hunger anytime we want but no one wants to.
No we can't, dumb faglord.
>We throw away perfectly good food that can be frozen and shipped to starving areas but their is no intrerest in that.
Because if you feed them they double their numbers within few years. Keep feeding them and look who wins. Your supplies or their numbers.
Look up the population of Africa since the 1950s. They tripled because we kept feeding them with our help organisations.
It has nothing to do with corrupt people, that we can't defeat world hunger.

>Always leaves them stunned.

you it doesn't. you've never actually talked to a liberal in person

>iraq war = killing niggers
>end world hunger = breeding niggers

ehm, no

so you didn't judge someone by your preconceived notions and you treated them with respect? maybe you should do the same for minorities

why are you even on here? you clearly have some form of a heart. you don't fit in here. I'm just here to call trump supporters idiots.

the people that are turning this into a pro-trump circlejerk don't get that africa was raped by billionaires for thousands of years

maybe we could user, maybe we could. but if we ended world hunger, the eurocucks won't get dem refugees

Hillary voted for that.

You mean fund boko haram for another 30 years?

Actually the United States has virtually eliminated hunger in every country it has attempted except the United Sttes. Fuck off.


Smoke your rizla faggot chav, there are sober children in Afrika that don't have the luxury of being as fucking stupid as you.

"Ending" world hunger is unintentionally prolonging and enhancing the suffeeing of millions by artificially giving them means to survive when those means do not exist in the real world.

By donating food to the poor, we guarentee that they will reproduce and make even more poor people who will ultimately starve when our planet is no longer able to support exponential growth of our species.

You dont "end" hunger by giving out free food. You just make the hunger grow larger further on down the road. This is what liberals dont understand, they think that by feeding 1,000,000 people today, they prevent 1,000,022 people (+22 daily birth rate per 1m people) from being hungry tomorrow.

Its a fucking positive feedback loop.

Maybe it wont matter for another 100, 1000, or 10000 years...but eventually the suffering experienced by this world will be so vast you could barely conceive of it.

>inb4 2edgy4me

What if I told you trump supporters can be nice. And what if I told you that we tried the same with minorities, but stats don't lie.

>I'm just here to call trump supporters idiots.
Thank you for Correcting the Record™, you fucking shill.

because minorities are not my people? they are not of my race?

and just because i can trerat them with respect doesn't mean i want them to be in my country in such numbers that the demographics are changed forever.

It shows two alteratives.

One is letting them just die.

The other is giving them food and money, which they then use to reproduce and make the problem even bigger as even more mouths to feed.

It's an infinitely growing problem.

Don't feed the birds.

False. African warlords, religions, and just plain old stupidity ruin every attempt to help Africans. Instead of wasting money wasting hadjis, we'd be wasting money giving Africans fuel for fire.

What are you going to do, feed them money?

> I don't know how markets work, the picture.

If you suddenly dump a trillion dollars into the food market, guess what, prices rise, you idiot.

the thing about starving people

is even when they are starving, they produce more starving people

The idea of just feeding everyone seems like a humane thing to do, but it just exacerbates the problem.

Fuck them, put another dood on the moon just cause.

how stoned are you?
i asked for a translation on the text in the comic, not the context of the comic DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

It is like at Disney World where they tell you not to feed the animals because then they become dependent on the goodwill of tourists. Now Africa is a shithole and will continue to be a shithole because they have become dependent on the goodwill of others.