Main character brushes his teeth

>main character brushes his teeth
>sink isn't covered in blood

what little details completely ruin immersion for you?

Glad I ain't the only one that bleed

KEK, yet every month we do it again.

>character laughs
>teeth aren't yellow

the fuck?

Me too user. I'm 32, dad started losing them at 35 and had full dentures by 40.
Haven't lost a tooth yet, but cherishing every last moment.

If you're reading this, take a moment to run your tongue over your real teeth and promise yourself you'll remember this moment.

>character brushes his teeth
>commits suicide later that day

Whats the use?!

>character is taking a shit


This is the exact reason I never brush my teeth often

>character eats breakfast
people still do this?

>Male character must pee
>Doesn't sit down
>Puts dick immediately back into pants without wiping or shaking

>character exists
>isn't an emoji

>female character shits and pisses
>urine isn't bright pink and doesn't trigger gag reflex
>feces aren't cherry red with the consistency of oil
>doesn't wipe from back to front

I used to bleed really bad until I started using gum-health toothpaste and mouthwash. Now it's completely gone.

Fucking triggered

I might bleed when i floss once in a while, but everytime? Thats bad

That's why you are bleeding dipshit

Well obviously if you use toothpaste and mouthwash

Most of us get off work, get a 375ml of cheap vodka and a pack of smokes and rush home to post on Sup Forums before passing out and forgetting to brush for the 3rd week straight

>what are interdental brushes

What ARE interdental brushes?

what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Tiny brushes you wear in a mouth guard that keeps your teeth and gums debris free all day. My mouth is clean as fuck and I barely bleed, helps with chewing too.

>characer pinches foreskin shut while he cums
>lets it congeal build up into a smegma ring for 2 months
>doesn't even eat it

Why not just floss?

never thought about that, thanks user, now everytime someone brushes their teeth ill think of this and hate the movie

Why not just shit outside instead of in the toilet?

Because these are better.

>table with 3 people
>15 glasses scattered around it