Why are socialists so obsessed with finding the true socialism and leaving ten gorillion bodies in the wake when...

Why are socialists so obsessed with finding the true socialism and leaving ten gorillion bodies in the wake when capitalism works perfectly well 99% of the time?

>capitalism works perfectly well 99% of the time?

because socialists are butthurt poorfags who want to take wealth from people who actually earned it. Through revolution and bloodshed. they are the ultimate evil

Lack of common sense, wisdom and idealism blinding them.

They believe the sweet little lies that socialism tells. I like to call it poor man's greed

Caring about others at all.

The most basic reason for the difference in thinking is that the left believes in the possibility of creating a perfect world in their image, whereas the right believes that the world is inherently imperfect and any decision you make must inherently consist of trade-offs.

The idea of "true socialism" is the idea that we can create a perfect world.
The idea of capitalism is the acceptance that we live in an imperfect world of inherently scarce resourse that have alternative uses.

This is also why the statement that
>capitalism works perfectly well 99% of the time
should actually read
>the free market achieves the most productive distribution of scarce resources 99% of the time

It doesn't work "perfectly well" in that it achieves the utopian goals imagined by socialists; it works "perfectly well" in that it manages to deal with the harsh reality of scarce resources.


Wuz you a kang and shieet?


Because socialism is a religion, just like capitalism.

OP, it works 100% of the time. Please don't be a faggot.

Ah you know what I mean. Works without a lot of hitches or big problems mostly.

Capitalism works - imperfectly,but it works, if you have to live in the real world, then that's the point.

The desire to constantly seek to improve something, despite the existing model being 'okay' is inherently capitalistic in itself.

Capitalism will lead to people wanting to establish a better system because the fundamental value of capitalism is to improve and grow.

>libertarians aren't complaining about muh crony capitalism 24/7

>capitalism works
>just ask an average american how well they are living
>capitalism destroyed everything they had from science to culture

>Richest country in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD, almost all movies viewed around the world are hollywood, hegemony over the world
>Well uh, at least I have my culture t. gyppo that earns in a year less than what an american earns in a month

Because it hasn't been tried yet! Every other trial wasn't real socialism..

>kang faggot thinks hollywood movies are culturally valuable and not some money grab shit
>literraly laughed
>all that whealth is owned by a handfull of people. your average american struggles to afford many thinks we in Romania would consider basic like healthcare or paid college


They are stupid m8, don't give them attention.

You know the United States has been doing capitalism for over 200 years right?

Also I'm living fine.

i'm aware of that John McDonalds

Solid fucking post there, boatshoes.

because capitalism means they need to do work to live instead of getting free stuff. they subconsciously believe they will be the ones running the party because they are educated and want to rule over the uneducated masses.

Your average american is richer than your average romanian, stop deluding yourself. Even EBT Tards get more purchasing power than your workers and those are literally eating the table scraps of workers.

Are you an autist?

>kang faggot thinks hollywood movies are culturally valuable and not some money grab shit

They managed to push the US = good guys and Russia = commie bad guys mentality all over the world. They managed to impress 2-3 generations with the movies they made. Maybe you didn't notice the changes but they happen.

Same with music.

>all that whealth is owned by a handfull of people. your average american struggles to afford many thinks we in Romania would consider basic like healthcare or paid college

Assets =/= wealth
You can own a 10mil $ home and not have anything to eat.

Its alright
yep you're an autist.
I'd rather go to a private clinic and pay the same amount and get premium health care.

Because socialists want gibs me dat now. Socialism enslaves them and keeps them at a level where they have gibs that they believe is enough.

Capitalism gives you a means to an end. If you work hard, learn and then work some more you can achieve the higher levels of income while in capitalism you have to be corrupt as fuck to do that.

>because socialists are butthurt poorfags who want to take wealth from people who actually earned it.
The problem is the capitalism, at least in America, has created so many poorfags that the majority now want socialism.

and they cann't afford healthcare and going to college, case closed.
let's stp deluding ourselves usa is nr 1 not because of capitalism but because of the petrodollar and military might wich they use as leverage for good trade deals

>captialism works so well
Like Brazil, Egypt, Iran, Zimbabwe, pre Hitler Germany, great recession?

>si tu vrei sa imi spui ca rahaturile de filme pe care le dau la cinema gen batman vs shitman sunt valoroase din pct de vedere cultural.nu sunt niste rahaturi care nu o sa reziste trecerii timpului
>1% din oameni detin vreo 40% din veniturile americii gen Rothschild si alti corupti
>sunt de acord ca sistemul de sanatate e de cacat dar acolo trebuie sa intre tare anti coruptia in ei sa isi revina si sa investeasca in spitale, sa nu mai fure banii

More like the majority are lazy and have been convinced that the rich didnt earn their money and that they are greedy and evil and hoarding it from them. People here believe anyone witha buainess is a millionare regardless if the business is doing well or not. The think these people have giant piles of cash they swim through like scrooge mcduck.

If they knew what socailism was they wouldnt want it. No one would.

Usa is not number 1 because of capitalism. Its number 1 because of its money and power. Which totally didnt come from capitalism...

Also, partial "socialist" policies create more and more dindus by allowing them to breed uncontrollably
We're around the turning point where they outnumber those that actually tried, and can attempt to elect a full on socialist

It's a huge problem have so many poor people though, because they hold the majority vote and are the most likely to vote for socialistic leaders. If there was a larger middle class, then things would be very different because a majority would have something to lose if socialism took hold.

I know a guy from Venezuela that is an American citizen since like 7 years ago. And he is a Berniefag (not a crazy one, but, he'd have voted for Bernie before Hillary). I'm floored by this but his response is that "Venezuela was never real socialism"

My mom works for Section 8 Housing, and she tells me how out of control that is. These niggers have become so entitled it is unbelievable.

It's amazing where human beings can live nowadays...

>si tu vrei sa imi spui ca rahaturile de filme pe care le dau la cinema gen batman vs shitman sunt valoroase din pct de vedere cultural.nu sunt niste rahaturi care nu o sa reziste trecerii timpului

Nu sunt valoroase dpdv cultural dar au impact asupra omului.

>1% din oameni detin vreo 40% din veniturile americii gen Rothschild si alti corupti

Aia sunt o familie imensa (in jur de 130 de membrii) iar toata bogatia aia a lor e distribuita pe la toti deci nu sunt chiar asa bogati pe cum crezi. Au atata putere pentru ca stiu cum sa jongleze cu informatia, la fel cum au facut si la Waterloo.

>sunt de acord ca sistemul de sanatate e de cacat dar acolo trebuie sa intre tare anti coruptia in ei sa isi revina si sa investeasca in spitale, sa nu mai fure banii

Mai mult incompetenta si lipsa de interes a "managerilor" care sunt defapt niste idioti pusi acolo doar asa sa fie postul ocupat. Nu se pun dupa niciun criteriu. Coruptia propriu zisa (cum vezi in alte locuri) e destul de mica in sanatate.

>and they cann't afford healthcare and going to college, case closed.

They shouldn't be for everyone, especially college. Healthcare shouldn't give full service to leeches and not everyone should have a college degree (it degrades higher education to just a piece of paper, just look at us, everyone wants to have a higher education just for the "honor" to say they have).

no in fact no. you have power because of military might. you build said military might by spending ridiculous amounts of cash on the army and not investing in your society in like healthcare and education. with said army you control the energy distribution in the world.it's vicious circle that will only end when people realize thay are paying taxes for their own benefit not for the state to buy a new aircraft carrier.

i bet my city is more beautifull than your average american suburban nigger infested hellhole
>Aia sunt o familie imensa (in jur de 130 de membrii) iar toata bogatia aia a lor e distribuita pe la toti deci nu sunt chiar asa bogati pe cum crezi. Au atata putere pentru ca stiu cum sa jongleze cu informatia, la fel cum au facut si la Waterloo.
Aici nu sunt de acord cu tine.Vorbim de sume de bani atat de mari incat ar putea trai toti ca regii multa vreme de acum incolo chiar si daca nu ar mai avea venit

hello, are you alive, eating and having free time to shitpost on the internet?

if so fuck off

I agree with you to an extent, but I do feel it should be easier to move into the middle class in America right now.

I'd like to get back to where a hardworking guy can have an honest tradesjob, without a union, and live middle class.

do you really refer to your slums as cities


The ideal vurses the pragmatic.

>I paid $150,000 for a degree in Feminist Eco Yoga and I only get minimum wage? Smash capitalism!