Welcome to France!

Welcome to France!
A country where "far right" is lead by:
-women (marion and marine)
-gays (philippot)
-jews (alliot)
-masons (collard)

They promote:
-women right to lead a country
-gay rights
-respect for jews.
-muslim integration
-civil war (jewish "revolution")

They are against:
-patriarchy (marine lepen refused the right to het own father to lead the political party he created)
-remigration (they are for muslim integration)
-World War 3 (only way for aryans to prove their racial superiority)

French nationalist: a bunch of gay faggots submitted to leftist women.

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What happened to JMLP's FN

Main leader of le Front National and his boyfriend.

Im ok with this tbqh

Marine Lepen's jew husband in Israel.

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Nobody is going to stop the spreading of far-right ideas in the public debates
not a leftist-shill
not an underage german

the FN has done more for the cause than any mino political parties ever

Collard, leader of FN deputees, mason and satanist.

>cuckservatives will defend this
It's same here with SD (Sweden Democrats).
Good that we still have an option left.


Your "far right" is promoting the most leftist ideas ever.

Go back to obey to your woman.

What option?

Stop saying bullshit Hans

Good old time: when this bitch used to obey her father.


NMR (Nordiska motståndsrörelsen)(in English - Nordic Resistance Movment).

Stop submitting to women.

Right wing was always globalism and degeneracy, Socialism on other hand had borders and non-degenerate society.

Are they aryanist? Or into the jewish christianism?

I bet you meant : national socialism

Your far right consists entirely of government agents. You have no Room to talk

And yet, millions and millions of people call them "dirty fascists" and would gladly vote en masse against them


Merkel pls

Say Hans with Kaiser Angela Germanirapefuges

Come one Franz, stop being mad because your women are craving for migrants' dicks

You obviously have some insights on the Front National but it's still far less pro-Israelian than your cucked German far right, that had to wait decades of degeneracy before having the balls to simply protest.

The F.N is collapsing anyway since Jean-Marie "Gas Chambe are a details of WWII' Le Pen got kicked out.
Philippot is gay, we got it, be he is also excellent at shitting on the USA and German owned European Union. Fuck I event voted for that faggot so he can get paid to troll that fucked up institution

But stay mad, I'm posting from Lorraine right now, that part of Germany we got back while your women were getting raped by the Red army.
Your blood is cucked forever, it's sad but if you stay rational you might get over it. In the meantime enjoy welcoming the equivalent of 10% of your population in one year, most of them being niggers far more developed physically that you'll ever been lmao

National Socialism doesn't exists. National Socialists were a political party. You either have socialism or you have democracy. Socialism is always created by Communists, democracy is always run by rich internationalists. Hitler done same thing as Communists around the world, nationalized property, kicked out foreigners and secured borders, if we skip the war part and just focus on policy. Socialism is nationalism, always was, run by Communists. You can't have nationalism if you don't even have a culture definition, how are you going to define a race without culture? Anglo will say lets integrate them, so that literally means interracial and no culture, no race.

>Le epic "leftist retard pretends to be a neo-Nazi retard in an attempt to win over Sup Forums"


why did they change the colors from friendly green/white to aggressive yellow/black?

oh german turk of the other thread

Saging like a faggot

>german nationalists
>butt raped by turks



Nazi? Proisraelian?
You eat way too much jewish propaganda from your Front National.

French being French desu

Hey: Front National is for the jewslims integration. So just stfu.

Pls Jew Jebus, forgive my sins.

But they accepte that some people're christcucks.

NMR political views:

Basically Sup Forums the party.

Lol I never called you a Nazi you worthless cucked faggot, that would be an insult to Nazis

Just keep on shitposting and paying reparations for muh holocaust from your disgusting excuse of a country. It's over, your elites tried to save you but you lost the war and now they are replacing you with sandniggers because your civilization is worthless

Deal with it ;)

So there is still hope in Europe.

>inb4 Sup Forums is one person

Hey: Marine Lepen is a feminist against remigration. Deal with it.

Nope they're closet remigrationists i.e. they are for making laws to deport the shitskins using political correcteness like deporting the binationals, deporting the terrorists, supressing wellfare, deporting the shitskins who commit crimes, etc

They also want to limit the immigration to educated people and supress all possibilities for foreigners to obtain the nationality.

And they also want to limit the immigration to 10000 people per year.

National Socialism constricts socialism within a country's borders, whereas socialism (the precursor to communism) focuses on globalist policy where everyone is equal and culture is a spook.

There a big difference between Germanic and German. One is a race culture(historic origin, invention, struggle, survival), other is an ethnic culture(imitation, leech, cheat, globalist).

3 weeks to your capitol

you faggot

stay mad

Mao's China, Stalin's Soviet Union and Tito's Yugoslavia had zero immigrants and army on borders. You really need to stop listening to American music and stop watching American films, since you are stupid shit that prays to some kike god on stick, fuck off and learn some basic history. Do you even know more about all your surrounding countries than USA? I would say you can't even name a single music band from Hungary, you are literal Christian Americanized dumbtard, fuck off.

Nice proxy !
0,2 shekels have been transferred to your account.
We here at Shillary Industries appreciate your work Mr. Muhammad Ibn Rapesweden and looking forward to continue our collaboration.

Larpers for stormweenies

>-masons (collard)
Duh. Masonry is nationalist. Or is heretical?

>Stalin's Soviet Union
Had immigrants in it.

Fuck her, she already lost the next election anyway

Wait for the next attacks in France the socialist are cooking and you'll see the National Front collapsing, hopefully someone else will get the party's shit together and we'll be the first European country to destroy the status quo with a nationalist party in power

Yup, Nazis were the real shit, France couldn't compete back then that's for sure.
Amerifats, communist slavs and kikes anihilated them though, along with your chances to be a civilization ever again. You are alone now, surrounded by "migrants" and shitposting until Angela founds and charges you for hate speech lmao

bavarians arent german

Is this why Stalin sorted people by race and many had to go to gulags? Oh right, you Christian shit probably thinks Stalin hunted Christians and killed 60 million of them, half of Soviet population and nobody knew. Logic in Christianity, that's impossible. Tsars didn't give a single shit about races and when you don't give a shit about cultures and races then you suck Mexican, Arab penis and become a shitblood like Anglo.

The third option.

Lol, next time try and argue your stance instead of resorting to ad hominem.

The Soviet Union was comprised of several countries, fuckwit, and actively funded anti-apartheid rebels to promote their ideology of equality, along with Mao's China

The sole reason why immigration into communist countries was so low is because nobody wanted to live a shit lifestyle.

>Is this why Stalin sorted people by race and many had to go to gulags?

Citation needed. Political opponents and possible dissenters were sent to gulags.

>Is this why Stalin sorted people by race
He didn't, and the Soviet Union had anti-discrimination laws.

>and many had to go to gulags?
These were purely political, most people who went to the gulag were Russians or Ukrainians.

>Masonry is nationalist
TOP KEK, how come even when a 15yo german faggot is shitposting with the rage of a summer kid mad to come back to class in less than 2 weeks,
Australia still manage to post the dumbest stuff?

Indeed !

And this is why ISIS hates France and loves Germany. It's the country of liberty.


Oh, found it!
Jesus it's way to easy to spot cuckservatives.

It's true. Your disinfo doesn't change that. Or it's referring to the GOdF, which is an understandable mistake in your country without proper education.

But kikes hate the National Front

>A country where "far right" is lead by:
>-women (marion and marine)

Hey Hans, didn't you forget about something???

not his BF
richonnet is a controversial person within the far right, he's a conspirationnist and has a wierd stance when it comes to ISIS (for someone who pretends to be far right)

LMAO. Swedish Resistance Movement = Putinshills and Russocucks.


>In recent years the Nordic Resistance Movement has grown friendlier towards Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

>In an internet radio interview Swedish Resistance Movement member Emil Hagberg said that he would rather see Sweden occupied by Russia rather than be under its current government. Klas Lund, the Swedish group’s leader at the time, agreed, dismissing the threat of Russia as nonsense, saying the real threat existed to the south and the west - rather than to the east.

>Holappa explains that members who criticised Putin and Russia - or those who defended the Ukraine - were branded as "Jews" or "Zionists," with the effect of silencing any dissent about the movement’s leadership.

>Last year, members of the NRM attended the far right-wing International Russian Conservative Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

>The annual meeting was organised by the Russian political party Rodina, also known as the Motherland-National Patriotic Union, and during the conference participants adopted a resolution to coordinate what they characterised as "conservative forces" across Russia and Europe.

>Given Finland’s troubled history with its giant Russian neighbour, far-right groups in Finland have traditionally been hostile towards Russia, a situation that has caused the FRM to be more cautious in supporting Russian issues than their Swedish counterparts.

It's almost like there are Jews with different views about immigration and multiculturalism.

Soviet Union literally fallen apart as 1 MIGRANT came.
>Mathias Rust (born 1 June 1968) is a German aviator known for his illegal landing near Red Square in Moscow on 28 May 1987.
>Rust's flight through a supposedly impregnable air defense system had great effect on the Soviet military and led to the dismissal of many senior officers, including Minister of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei Sokolov and the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Air Defence Forces, former World War II fighter ace pilot Chief Marshal Alexander Koldunov. The incident aided Mikhail Gorbachev in the implementation of his reforms, by allowing him to dismiss numerous military officials opposed to his policies
Anglo propaganda is strong in you. You couldn't even film in China or Soviet Union during Socialism, not to mention go there.

Nationalism isn't you buying American albums and singing in English. I never met a Christian who wasn't under influence of Americanism and you surely aren't an exception, but do you know anything at all about Russia or Soviet Union, do you even speak Russian? So you will tell me we are under their propaganda or what? Fucking Christdumbs.


>there are Jews with different views

The chief rabbi of France and other jewish civic and religious leaders represent the majority of jews

Migrants in the Soviet Union were the internal ones.

Nazis and jihadists should just ally already, like you did before. You clearly hate the free world where gays, women and atheists can live like anyone else.
Come on, do it. Let's see who wins this time.

there are commy kikes and nationalist kikes

the latter aren't terrible

if they hold tribal loyalty over national loyalty though they should fuck off to israel or be tried for treason if they act against the countrys interest, then hung, in public.

not even israel wants the commy kikes
that's what helicopters are for.

Marine Lepen husband IS A KIKE and he's ruling the Front National

No. Does Pope represent majority of Catholics?

Then prove it to me you masonry faggotry expert, I'm willing to read a book about it


Commy kike: Trump The Donald, against a new racial word war, for a new civil war in usa.
Good job kikes!

>Nationalism isn't you buying American albums and singing in English

What are you even talking about? You're basing your assumptions off of complete guesswork.

>You couldn't even film in China or Soviet Union during Socialism, not to mention go there.

Again, nobody wanted to live there. And the only reason why getting in was so difficult to begin with was because the West and the Eastern Bloc were in a state of cold war.

Trump's daughter is married to a jew and kikes absolutely despise and hate Trump.

Why are Germans so eager for war? Is it in their genes?

louis alliot is not a jew: he has jewish origins, his mother's father was a jew (1/4 jew), but Alliot loves mentioning it cause it triggers edgelord weenies.
louis alliot and marine le pen are not a married couple.
you german guy has strong comprehension problems

and kikes absolutely despise and hate Trump.

No they didn't...

Muslims in Russia exists because:
- Ottoman Empire imported slaves
- Tsars conquered lands(including Muslims)

Soviets and Hitler and Tito solved royal shit they caused with their conquest. People didn't had cars or airplanes 100 years ago and didn't travel unless there was war or conquering going on. Yugoslavia was literally created to unite souther slavs aka Yugo Slavs, which obviously weren't Germanics or Russians. During Austria-Hungary Franz Ferdinand mixed everything up from Russia, to Serbia, to Austria/Germany, which is why Hitler left Austria, which is why Ferdinand was shot by a Slav, why Chinese and Russia revolution happened, since in China they had royal rulers too and they also didn't give a shit about interracial as long as they were part of royal army. You think a king cares about your race? King only cares about you being a good farmer dumbtard who reads the bible and bows down to royals.

>Remember to
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OK soviet BTFO please, people are free to discuss

Yep That's called aryan genes.

>Not jew
>jewish orgins

Typical from french "far right"

>not gay
>just love to get ass fucked by men.

Yes, good goy, the right wing leaded Israel is you best ally!

You need to send them more shekels! It's ok if your country is bankrupted and your medias 100% run by kikes since they are "right wing"

The French should never have you freed you from the Anglos, you are a disgrace to the human race in general

Nobody is talking about Kings, but you are stupid if you think Soviet Union cared about the Russian people. They were just cannon fodder to spread Communism.

Jew lend a bunch of money to Donald The Trump.

Being that stupid that you think Socialism had migrants can't be anything else than Christian Americanism, since those capitalists who are all globalists need new people for their churches and companies. When Christianity came to Europe it already stated mixing tribes together with Christian marriage, kings only accelerated this, by converting people into Christianity so they gave people a reason to die for their pointless land conquest and to breed more soldiers, since armies were made out of different conquered nations. Socialism is literal opposite of internationalism, we didn't even had stocks during Socialism, it all came back as we left Socialism. Stocks also been here before Socialism, since Anglo royals had Jew trades and their Christian conquests in case you remember those slaves they imported all over the world.

please show me your pure german DNA analysis
oh wait it's so tainteed with slavic blood cause you know post ww2 commie mass rapes, that means that nearly all german citizens have their DNA tainted by jewish and muslim blood

You "Aryan genes" are not real, you just took a word that already existed and started delusional powertrip that Germans are the real Aryans. You had to go Scandinavia to find those men becase they actually don't exist in Germany.

>2016 germany
>aryan genes

Oh god, this thread is golden

Well any Masonic Book of Constitutions will cover that, but i think Revd. Neville Barker-Cryer's Belief and Brotherhood goes into it. Otherwise anything examining Anderson's Constitutions (of which the history is retarded) or the Ahiman Rezon will do, since it will go into detail around the political situation at the time.
Continental Freemasonry by Michel Jaccard has a paper on it as well, and Tobias Churton's Freemasonry book goes into exhaustive detail on it (and everything else).

Proove racial superiority: That's what War is for.
Fuck your jewish sciences.

What is that? Are that Sweedes resisting cuckery? Can't believe it.

Are you a mudslime by any chance? Because as far as I know the vast majority of "White nationalists" are favourable towards the National Front and Donald Trump despite certain problems. If a party has wide appeal to Whites and represents White racial interests it is OK in my book. 90% of Murican jews want open borders and White genocide. Trump wants a reduction in immigration.

If you're so superior why do you lose every war?

>World War 3 (only way for aryans to prove their racial superiority)
um... because that went so well the last time?