So it seems like there is a movement of right wing blacks calling themselves Hoteps. Some of the twitter accounts are pretty based. They rustle a ton of leftist blacks.

Haven't seen much discussion about it on here but it seems like a decent step forward for the blacks. What do you guys think?



Isn't that like, Egyptian? Are these the WE WUZ blacks?

Damn, these niggas gettin woke
Smash dat mfn woke button like its real hotep hours.


I don't really know. They seem to take a ton of pride in old niggers but not in the gibsmedat cuz dey died kind of way


Black nationalism has always been stupid, but at least it's better than Democratic niggerdom.

This is reasonable.

They can parade around their KANGZ bullshit all they want if they promote nationalism and self-sufficiency to the Blacks.

it's funny that you look at this and see reasonability but the blacks they're pushing this on think of this as some crakkka trikkks

This pretty good. We need more of those thugs convert to hopasism. Also Sup Forums should learn some of these commandments too...

The path of righteousness is never an easy one
Give them time to awaken, maybe there is hope for unity through ideological commonality

I'm full on National Socialist and I don't disagree with anything on this list.

Seems to me more like self-respect and higher expectations for themselves rather than nationalism. The "hotep" angle is a little KANGZ though, not sure if it's the best way to present themselves.

Could go either way, I've seen the WEWUZ from both leftist BLM/marxist nigs and right-wing nationalist nigs.

>Bubba Hotep

Yeah that's the basis of what they're going for but some of them (on twitter at least) are definitely starting to lean towards nationalism. It's a logical step once they start to realize that they are responsible for their own success.

seems these blacks have critical thinking skills.

a lot of black people want an imaginary scapegoat for their lack of success or wealth or w/e. white privilege seems to be the go to for them because this takes credence away from white peoples accomplishments while making it seem they were discriminated from accomplishment.

obviously this logic and rationale is wrong but that's the premise that many poor blacks are operating on. instead of looking at their past and saying 'my dad was a criminal and crack addict' both things he so willingly chose to do put me in a poor environment it's his fault - instead they say white people invented the prison and drug to keep us down?

I hope this does pick up steam. Black civil war. Hopefully the right one wins.

Better than islamism

>homophobia hate group

so they hate homophobia doesnt that make them a pro homo group?

Well that's exactly it. It's their locus of control, everything is external, nothing is their fault, and there's nothing they can do about it cuz privilege.

Some nuanced niggers preaching self control and self responsibility is step in the right direction.

>I am a master of law and finance

is this like the "study STEM" equivalent? or is it just telling them to not commit crime and keep a budget?

anyway the idea is nice but it seems bullshit too. they say "I am a servant to my community/elderly and youth" but I don't believe many of them are actually gonna go volunteer lol. I mean, most blacks are christian and they don't follow 10 christian commandments, why woudl they follow this?

>or is it just telling them to not commit crime and keep a budget?
basically this. Pretty standard for you and I but for the negroman, not so much.

>I don't believe many of them are actually gonna go volunteer lol.
I think they implying that they will build the community instead of destroying it.

right wing blacks are cucks

Thanks for Correcting the Record™!

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

>I think they implying that they will build the community instead of destroying it.

i don't know, still seems very vague. i mean, i'm all for self-improvement, and it'd be cool to have blacks make something of themselves, but at the same time the whole thing seems like a very temporary movement with all talk no action. blacks are mostly christian and can't even follow the 10 commandments, "you shall not kill" "you shall not steal" etc. if their own religion isn't enough, i doubt a random internet WEWUZ movement is going to do much