Why do you hate America?

Why do you hate America?

Meme and non-meme answers appreciated.

I hate America because Americans are in general to easily swayed by media. For example, in 1992 during the Somalian civil war the American media decided to air videos and pictures of starvation occurring in Somalia EVEN though people knew there were similar scenarios happening around the world. And the American people became emotional and started pressing their government to send soldiers to provide relief in the area. But then when a bunch of Americans died they didn't want to give aid anymore and pulled out. Why I ask do Americans do things without thinking things through? I find it insufferable.

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Their overuse of greatst country because of "their freedom".

Yeah I'll give you that, you have some freedom that are better. But it mainly boil down to easier access to weapon, and easier ability to say assholish shit to people that in general would get you ostracized anyway.

So in my day to day life I much prefer the benefits of our health care and having my entire tuition to a master degree cost me less than 2000€ than trolling about mudslimes on facebook. But everytime I any time you want to debate about the real flaws or benefits of the american system they'll just go back to muh freedom and muh guns and don't say much else.

Domino theory

At this point they (and you it seems) are a self perpetuating meme OP. It doesn't really matter how they respond to your thread, they're so full of their own shit they don't know what's real any longer.

Who is they?


The American state is the most central actor of neoliberal capitalism and ruthlessly crushes any sort of leftwing or working class movement both in the US and abroad

Are you kidding? Get the fuck away from me 89iq,

I love America a lot but thing I hate:

1) Divisiveness of politics
2) Our healthcare seem so expensive other countries with less money seem to do okay. Why not us too?

That's about it.

>Culture of materialism (starting to exist elsewhere)
>Toxic culture of individualism that spreads degeneracy such as trannies, gays, abortion, cursing, atheism, feminism, socialism, hedonism, drug use
>Trying to police the world
Central government over states rights
Can't wait to live in Europe.

>it mainly boil down to easier access to weapon, and easier ability to say assholish shit to people

Those are the literal foundations of freedom.

Europe is the same thing except they worked like that BEFORE USA. USA is a product of Europe.

you don't know anything about healthcare in other countries, poorer countries do in fact not do better than our system, I know a guy that suffers in an EU country with le universal healthcare

>Can't wait to live in Europe.

Which is becoming us.

They are less materialistic, they have monarchies (even if in name only, it won't always be that way), they don't police the world, they have different laws for the different countries, and their culture is actually less degenerate. It is not the same.

it's pretty interesting when you look at early soviet-US relations, they honestly could've gone several different ways but the primaries were quite noticeably rigged against based pic related, and instead of any sort of decent relations, the you got truman intentionally trying to piss them off as policy

You are supposed to use we m8, aren't you a part of the they?
Alot of that shit exists in Europe tho

Healthcare is expensive because of regulation. Europeans don't have this problem because for one, there are more people paying into the system due to less minorities, and two, they don't waste their money on the military like we do. We COULD have socialist healthcare if we didn't pay for the military, but we are better off just getting rid of regulations that drive the price up.

Europeans policed the world for a long time, we are doing in the age ofbthe internet so we are more exposed and western Europe is as degenerate as America and their culture is pretty Americanized to the degree that they even copy shit like buzzfeed.

No, since I don't hate America like an internet drone.

because it's the biggest military power in the history of the world and is using that might to enforce a state of permanent low-level warfare that kills people every day and is killing the planet with its industrial waste and cocontaminant economic policies of endless consumption and expansion at any cost, just so fat old white men can get a bit richer. even though they're already disgustingly rich in a world absolutely fucked by poverty.

America also doesn't have a culture of nigger loving sports and the people in Europe know what it means to be nationalist, American nationalist is focused on making shekels.

It is not more degenerate, the teens in Europe don't have sex as much and they don't pop xanax bars and get addicted, nor do they listen to nigger music and watch nigger sports. You can say it's the same no matter how much you want but it will not ever be the same.


Yeah maybe you are right. But then everyone in Europe is memeing on us hard because whenever someone goes broke on healthcare its like "heh Americans amirite?"

Even countries like Mexico have a universal system so I don't get the minority thing anyway.
And yeah fuck regulations, fuck the military especially when we pay for other countries defense.

>America also doesn't have a culture of nigger loving sports
meant to say Europe

Lol I thibk you are thinking about a europe that doesn't exist even in bosnia.

people in Texas drive down to Mexico to get medical work done since it's cheaper, I'm not sure about it being socialist healthcare....

The worst culture on the planet. It's not even a real culture, it has no history or identity. It's mindless consumerism that chases shallow instant gratification. It's disgusting. Everyone is so obsessed with how people view them on social media and being validated by our norms. The market for jobs, housing, school, and cars are all permanently ruined because the people who run them know Americans are forced to get them in order to fit into society, regardless of how much debt it gets them into. All our "big cultural events" are literally just several hours of ads with brief interludes of some garbage sports nobody outside of here cares about - and our brand worship culture is so pervasive that people who hate sports will LITERALLY BRAG ABOUT WATCHING SPORTS THEY HATE FOR SEVERAL HOURS BECAUSE THEY GOT TO SEE ALL THE FUCKING ADS.

And the worst part? America has ruined pretty every other country with this garbage. I hope every American leader who caused this shit in the 50s and 60s died of the most painful, slow cancer possible with all of their families having left them long ago because they are slugs in human skin. Fuck them.

Whatever you say lad, enjoy your nigger rap/ball culture, I will stick to a white continent.

>he isn't trolling

>the teens in Europe don't have sex as much
>they don't pop xanax bars and get addicted
>nor do they listen to nigger music and watch nigger sports
the thing that makes non-americans hate americans isn't that they're not smart, it's that they aren't smart and still actively talk about shit they don't have a clue about

Well said
>he thinks America is a white country

Mexico has universal healthcare, doesn't mean you can't also buy shit if you are an American.

>and ruthlessly crushes any sort of leftwing or working class movement both in the US and abroad

Are you a time traveler from the 1930s? Leftists abandoned any connection with the working class a long time ago. It's nothing but feminism and trans rights now.

Drugs don't destroy European society the way it does in America. You don't live here and you don't know shit cancuck

I wonder when this rich self-hating New England Bernout is going to move to Norway like he always claims he's doing.

I have literally never expressed a desire to move elsewhere, did you miss the part where I said everywhere else is exactly the same

>Huge egos
>Everyone has their own political agenda and are willing to ram anyone whos in their way with it
>Poor education

>individualism causes socialism
How is that suppose to work?

I don't hate Americans, and to be perfectly honest I think most of Europeans are as retarded as them, even though this retardation reveals itself in a different way.

We try to pretend that there's a great deal of social mobility while having a rigid class system. We Our educational system is pretty horrible, and locks you into your path in life by the time you're twenty. As much as it seems otherwise, we're so obsessed with intelligence that we use the concept to justify whatever injustice is currently persisting.

>Women are separate from the working class when half of paid labor and most of unpaid domestic labor is performed by women and Engels even wrote a proto-feminist book about the family unit
>Liberal identity politics is leftism
>US social liberalism represents leftism around the world or even in the US
>implying there's something wrong with treating trans people like human beings

Hip hop is by far the most popular genre in Europe. In fact, it's the most popular genre in every country on the planet besides dictatorships and poor African backwater republics. The shitty hedonist xanax rap is even bigger in Ukraine, Russia, and Poland than it is here.

Individualism is more than just economics, you can have individualist economics (libertarian/free market) with a nationalist/family centered culture. In America's case the culture promoted by the Jews is social individualism which leads to people needing to "find themselves".

>heroin epidemic in scotland and wales (west virginia tier)
>heroin epidemic and correlating HIV epidemic in Russia (west virginia^2 tier)
>perscription drugs all across western europe
>party drug (MDMA, cocaine, etc) problems in britain and the low countries specifically
>huge drug using and trafficking and correlating organized crime problems in the balkans
>huge human trafficking and sex slavery problem in the balkans
>the high popularity of hip hop and rap in countries like britain, france and germany
>football is a second religion to nearly any european country, which is extremely non-white
yeah, no parallels with american society at all, your problems are all you're own and no one else's

And where is socialism in your explanation?

Grass is greener syndrome is a bitch to have.

If you grow up in a mostly capitalist society with great wealth and no identity and you see people poorer than you and are influenced to feel bad about it what do you think would be a great way to find yourself?

All people are easily swayed by media americans are nothing special in this regard.

I could always move back to the states if it was truly the same but from spending time on /brit/ it is not the same there, and the UK is arguably the worst Western country besides America.

Pay debts

If you want to "flee the decadent America", the only places that are actively resisting Americanization are Belarus, Eritrea, Turkmenistan, North Korea, and various unstable African states. How appealing are those places?

They're fucking stupid and don't learn basic shit other people figure out immediately.

And since they're the leaders of the free world they often make other countries forget lessons.

ie. your typical guilty rich white liberal

Yep, they are the more moderate example, with antifa being the extreme.

Eh, just makes me hate this place even more. But decadence is nothing new. It's been the basis of our culture since jazz was popularized.

>the UK is arguably the worst Western country besides America
>not worse
do live in a shoebox and only get your news from other homeless people or something
the welfare state and social security may aid a bit in the drug epidemics across all of europe, but they're still facing nearly all of the same problems that you guys are

>you see people poorer than you and are influenced to feel bad about it
If you influenced to feel bad about the others then that's more like a collectivism already.

This one is pretty good if you have western salary:^)

Don't they refuse you at the border unless you have perfect Russian?

Belarus is nice.

>But decadence is nothing new. It's been the basis of our culture since jazz was popularized
Loosen the headband on your fedora, dude. It's cutting off the blood circulation to your brain.

The school system promotes socialism, which is collectivism, so yeah, I guess that means all of America's culture is now collectivism. You sure outsmarted me.

Belarus isn't that terrible, they have some draconian laws but so does America
Turkmenistan is very rich, their only real city is made entirely of marble. Their bizarre personality cult is offputting but eh
The capital of Eritrea is apparently pretty good

The difference between our contemporary versions of highly sexualized dance music, and the highly sexualized dance music of decades prior is negligible.

>they have some draconian laws but so does America

Oh boo hoo, my redneck state doesn't let Bob and Steve get married. How turrible.

My issue with America is their arrogance and selfishness that take individual liberty too far in my opinion. The whole universal healthcare debate, the gun issue, the poverty issue - it all boils down to this notion of "hurr I'm American and I'm an individual so why should my taxes pay for anyone else in this country when it's MY money and everything is about ME. Fuck everyone else I only care about myself". There's this severe lack of empathy for their fellow countrymen which is unlike anything I've seen in other countries. It's no surprised that America such a polarized society when everybody fucking hates eachother and is unwilling to concede anything towards the betterment of the nation as a whole. This is also extended to their feelings about the wider world and the holy notion of American exceptionalism.

>Be car manufacturer
>Try to sell car at decent price
>Can't do it unless you let the car dealership mafia jack up the price and take most of it home

We already pay as much taxes as anybody else, why the fuck would we want to increase it by 20-30% to pay for everybody's healthcare?

Weakest Russian propaganda I've ever seen

Don't we donate more to global charities than any other country? For comparison, China (ie. your homeland you love so much that you left it to live in Australia) donates less than 0.5% of its total GDP to global charities.

Wait, how is it Russian propaganda if I was talking about Belarus? Wouldn't that be Belarusian propaganda?

Yes, your rich donate more to charity because they can afford to and you have a lot of them. That doesn't refute anything I said retard.

Because you get a better system that everybody can use instead of just the extremely wealthy of the country?

America feels like a failed social experiment that seemed like a good idea at first, but failed horribly. But as far as arrogance goes, a lot of us actually feel unworthy compared to other foreign nations, seeing what they have and what we don't. It must be nice not having to worry about going to classes or just casually walking down the street and getting shot

>It's no surprised that America such a polarized society when everybody fucking hates eachother and is unwilling to concede anything towards the betterment of the nation as a whole
Each side conceives of the nation itself as a very different thing.

I'm not extremely wealthy or even slightly wealthy and I have healthcare, so what the fuck are you talking about.

Yeah, I also thought George Carlin was really profound when I was 15.

>Belarusian propaganda?
Ah yes Belarusian propaganda is like Belarusian freedom or Belarusian runing water.
ie they have none

Why are you so buttblusted about Belarus?

You can go to any country and you'll find dumb, vapid, materialistic people, slutty trash women, dumb rednecks, corrupt idiot politicians, retard-tier laws, and whatnot. America is _far_ from having a monopoly on those things.


You pay more for it than anyone else in the developed world and if you have a series of ongoing medical issues the cost of treatment is astronomically high to the point where most Americans are debt.

The main thing that drives up health care costs is [spoiler]overregulation[/spoiler]. The US has one of the most absurdly overregulated health care systems in the world. It's quite far away from being a true free market system.

Making it universal will just shift the burden from poor people to middle class and rich people you retard. The problem is the regulations, if you think making our healthcare paid for by taxes will just suddenly fix that I don't know what to tell you.

Carlin was just as much an agent of decadence as Elvis Presley or Duke Ellington. He left the culture worse than he found it.

And then you end up with California where the emergency rooms have long lines of illegal immigrants who can't speak English because we don't want to be wacist.

This guy sounds like some pseudo-intellectual from the 1950s ranting how Negro jazz ruined the culture.

Anyone with any sense has realized that those people were right all along.

I don't hate America. :3
I like America.

>universal healthcare exists in every developed country in the world and works effectively
>stupid american still rejects it and thinks it can't work just because he's not poor
Enjoy staying in the third world. The divisions in your country that these retarded policies create are literally tearing it apart.

thanks, nippon-kun
carlin was right
americans have no sense of national unity at all
spics hate blacks, blacks hate whites, whites hate themselves, red states and blue states hate eachother, rural and urban hate eachother, employees hate their employers and employers hate the bigger employers who in turn hate the government who in turn hate the military who themselves have contempt for civilians, all of whom are forced by the economic and political system to hate the rest of the population (their competitors)
you might even say that american society is founded upon the control and organized growth of hatred

My parents were 19 and 24 when they had me, if I'm not poor then I must be mistaken. You need to take a basic class in economics because you are a complete retard.

Because it's population is filled with brainwashed chauvinistic retards who only care about looking for excuses to justify their retarded worldview and narratives, regardless if what they are saying is actually true. Because their culture seems tacky and plastic, like something processed in a manufacturing line and without a soul. Because their culture values ignorance as a virtue. And because they don't care for the truth despite having every single mean in the world to get informed, and instead they only care about their petty political grievances.

lack of culture

have y'all managed to solve the brainwashed chauvinistic retards problem in Mexico?

No. But Mexico has the excuse of not being the richest country in the world. The average Mexican doesn't have the advantages you do, yet you are equally stupid and brainwashed despite having it all at your disposal.

Mexicans don't really have much of a choice. You, instead, chose to keep being ignorant.

i think that you're mildly confused
you ARE aware that this 'vast wealth' you're thinking of is owned by our political ruling class, right? the point zero one percent, or so
the average working class american isn't really any better off than, say, the average brazilian
plenty of counties in texas, for example, are quite literally third-world tier (due to our continuous neocon governance)

what exactly do you think that I'm ignorant about?

As much as it seems otherwise, we're so obsessed with intelligence that we use the concept to justify whatever injustice is currently persisting.
Because that sounds like something Carlin would say.

>the average working class american isn't really any better off than, say, the average brazilian
>what exactly do you think that I'm ignorant about?

You know. I don't really want to enter a debate. I gave my answer to OP and if you don't like it, suck it :)

very rude post! I'm sorry you seem so unhappy, neighbor