Refugees would support dictatorship in Germany, share values with AfD & Pegida


Not surprising, in France the far right royalists are on way better term with Muslim communities (specially Harkis) than Antifa lefties.

>the migrants imported to vote left vote right instead
The left keeps eating itself.

Caucascoid alliance against degeneration and niggers when?

If kebab doesn't get removed, that seems to be the eventual outcome in shitholes like Germany and France.

Migrants vote right wing to create a new Reich? Oh boy, Merkel just imported 2 million possible SS foot soldiers.


Thy will make their own Muslim party eventually. They won't vote for a German party.

Nothing can stop the Germanic Caliphate!

Well, they are used to type of rule aren't they?


Wtf are you talking about my friend.

>Thy will make their own Muslim party eventually.

You can't make a party that is literally religous. While our conservatives have "christian" in their name, they can't make politics based on religion (and they aren't religous anyway). And the moment the muslim party gets votes, the far right would incease in germany.

>implying AfD wants a dictatorship
>implying muslins support strong borders, free market and limited government
>implying Islam is not just communism for brown people

Why can't they?

It's the law. Church and State are seperated.

>inb4 but Mosque and State aren't

They would want a party which would change the law though. If they got enough support they could change the law, or because Germany has coalitions, they might end up in coalition and demand a law or constitutional change as part of it.

What is RT even thinking with this?

Watch France 4's point actu on thé AF lad.

They won't make their own party, but they will subvert an existing one.

Fuck off Amerimuts they can have the alliance when they get out of OUR lands.

>Caucascoid alliance against degeneration and niggers
LMFAO. Just read the words you just wrote, you pathetic autistic cunt.

"muh degeneracy" fucking hell you guys are pathetic.

Germany hasn't been "white or christian" for DECADES. Lmfao. You do realise, literally ZERO normal western adolescents are "christian" these days right? Hell, even OLD PEOPLE aren't. I fucking hate you pathetic, "iron pill" autists who try to act like ANY normal people actually believe in God these days. The only ones who do are Muslims, who are ACTUALLY PREPARED TO DIE FOR THEIR RELIGION, rather than the 1% of whites who still call themselves christians (basically because they're scared of going to hell or girls who go to ask forgiveness for getting fucked by Chad and Tyrone at the weekend).

How the FUCK are you "NatSoc" (I actually cringed) when literally ALL you do is quietly play Rammstein and Nazi march songs through your headphones, TERRIFIED that any black or muslim guy in the gym might hear it and knock seven shades of shit out of you. You wouldn't even WHISPER your views. Stop pretending you're some "crusader", you're a cringeworthy 18 year old KID who has to take MEDICINE (FUCKING LMAO) because his parents think he's weird to the point of ILLNESS. LMFAO. You wouldn't say SHIT against the "shitskins" you claim to be above. You're TERRIFIED of us, lmfao.

Good job falling for RT propaganda

t. Patel

Is this pasta?

Lol, it's funny because you know what all the "offensive" pictures you post have in common? They're all either CARTOONS, or Qu'ran defacement done behind closed doors by some SCARED WHITE COWARD.

It's so funny, because what you do is just ROLEPLAY. You get all angry at the Mujahideen in your streets, you rage on your little anonymous imageboard where you know you won't get smacked, talk about "muh day of da rope" and look at your "white nationalism" folder. You're PATHETIC, a fucking JOKE.

Sup Forumsfags SERIOUSLY think they'll be able to stop the Islamic takeover, when we've literally made it ILLEGAL for you fags to criticize us. Lmfao. We are CONQUERING YOU. We LITERALLY SEND YOU TO JAIL when you insult us. And you pathetic incels have the NERVE to act tough online.

lmao if you are serious come down under and run your mouth off no one is scared of you scrawny pricks.

There are genuine refugees. Can you imagine being a woman escaping rape culture, after a dangerous journey you finally reach Germany ... only to get raped.

Even in Sweden, I would not be shocked to find out the most anti-immigrants are integrated immigrants.

Just a quick glance at your post tells me that it's not worth reading.

That autistic who gunned down refugees in Germany was half Iranian

This is even in our mainstream media you retarded burger.

My thoughts: Kremlin TV is retarded as ever and your thread is dumb.

Of course the state should btfo imbeciles outside the law. Does this automatically translate to dictatorship? No.

>implying that's a bad thing

Now I don't support Islam or any of what it says but the root cause of the degenerization of the west has been democracy. We are stronger when the power rests with a few who support our values

>come from theocratic dictatorships
>prefer theocratic dictatorships over secular and democratic societies

This is absolute surprising to nobody nowhere ever, except for leftie welcome-clappers.

>can't make policy based on religion

One of two things

>support a set of values that are technically based on Islam but say they """aren't inspired by religion"""
>you're incredibly ISLAMOPHOBIC for not allowing our Muslim party (after which the cucked """german""" "leadership" bends over and let's them do it)

>64 percent of them believe the best type of state should include “a leader who governs Germany with a strong arm for the sake of all.”

>“a leader who governs Germany with a strong arm for the sake of all.”

wtf i love 80 IQ sandniggers now

this is going to sound kinda silly. but posts like this actually culminated with me calling a a black guy a nigger to his face, and then knocking him down when he put his hands on me.

felt good, thanks pol

Where I live the Muslims are actually scared to walk the streets alone because the Chinese "mafia" and to a lesser extent the Sikhs absolutely hate their guts.

Personally I don't find muzzie rats a problem because there are so few around and they never leave their containment neighbourhoods for fear of having the shit beat out of them

So yes Sup Forums remember before you make fun of BC for having a few Chinese remember that they are literally the reason we have so few Muslims. Their advantage is they are rich as hell and can pay cops to look the other way if they decide to exterminate an uppity rat.

You triggered brah?

Dude the redpilled of all nations fought under the Reich. We literally have Arab mobs shouting "Heil Hitler" in public streets in some places. They were always here as reinforcements, hence why kikes like having NPD and other stooges run that "racist against everybody" parody ideology; the one and only problem is that one group is Islamic and the other is everything but.