The Bible is vehemently Pro-miscegenation...

The Bible is vehemently Pro-miscegenation, pro-"diversity" garbage and this is the one thing keeping me from becoming christian. Miscegenation is as foul as sodomy. It's rooted in the lie of the equality of believers. If you believe in Christ suddenly some men aren't short while others tall, some clever and some dull some attractive and others ugly, some sick and others healthy.

Other urls found in this thread:

So you like Jesus's dick in your mouth

fucking gay fag

just because you're equal before God doesn't mean you're equal on earth

>Abos, Igboos, Hottentots
>mean IQ of at most 70
>that means half of them can't into the concept of moral turpitude
>in any court they'd be found incompetent to stand trial for a mens rea offence
>literally can't understand what "sin" even means
>Cuck-christianity recruiters will nonetheless drag them into church to warm the pews and call them Christians

“ 3“Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them; you shall not give your daughters to their sons, nor shall you take their daughters for your sons. 4“For they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods; then the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you and He will quickly destroy you. 5“But thus you shall do to them: you shall tear down their altars, and smash their sacred pillars, and hew down their Asherim, and burn their graven images with fire. 6“For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Deuteronomy 7:3-6

fuck off

Commandment for jews and it isn't because of the race but the difference of religion. I've looked into every quote and can't find one that isn't refuted in being anti-miscegenation.

Hell Moses even makes his brother marry a nigger, and when they protest god gives everyone leprosy until they say it's okay.

The best I can find is a general theme of keeping things separate. tower of babal, not mixing fabric/ not mixing different vegetables or animals, and yet they outright say not to deny marriage and interracial marriage is in the bible.

all it cares about is interfaith unions.

We are not the ones that Yahweh was talking about there. HE WAS TALKING TO (THROUGH (((MOSES)))) THE PEOPLE HE MADE THE CONTRACT WITH

No Christian church proscribes miscegenation and none will deny the marriage sacrament to any mixed-race Christian couple.

All the churches are synagogues of Satan with their own doctrines. It really doesn't matter what they say, only what the bible says.

>All the churches are synagogues of Satan with their own doctrines. It really doesn't matter what they say, only what the bible says.
So your reference, then must be aimed toward Christians, not Judeans. Nowhere in the Gospels or Pauline letters does it proscribe miscegenation.

What matters is living the faith, regardless of whether you understand it on an intellectual level. All understanding the philosophy does is give you reason to start living the faith on your own. I suppose those living in sin and too stupid to ever understand the bible, and too emotionally retarded to start living with faith for any visceral reason are the closest things to reprobates.

I know. It doesn't forbid it in the old testament either.

>If you believe in Christ suddenly some men aren't short while others tall, some clever and some dull some attractive and others ugly, some sick and others healthy.
I'm fairly certain the bible does say people are unequal on earth because after all it is an imperfect existence. It talks more about the equality of spirit before god and that jews suck mane

They are unequal but not to be treated as such, for we are all equal under God. All these worldly differences don't matter.

>If you believe in Christ suddenly some men aren't short while others tall, some clever and some dull some attractive and others ugly, some sick and others healthy.
Who does this? Are you mad? Noone says this

Sodomy means rape or exploitation or the rape of angels. Racism is exploitation. Right wingers suck at the Bible. You can thank Plato for your delusions. Trump is probably a pedo and the antichrist

Constantine changed Christianity to suit his political agenda. If you want to be a christian follow Christ's teachings plain and simple. As for the division he creates notice how other people will treat you when you are truly kind to others.

>What matters is living the faith,
Which presupposes things like being human, having a soul and, well, understanding what you're asking forgiveness for. Otherwise, you're just performing the rituals.

Synagogue of satan is a synagogue. All churches are corrupted but they're not synagogues...

>Commandment for jews

Stopped reading here, christians are the New Israel if you don't even know this, i will not waste time to argue with you.

>Sodomy means rape or exploitation or the rape of angels.

Fuck off Faggot. Are sodomites really trying to rationalize laying with men isn't a sin?

>notice how other people will treat you when you are truly kind to others.
There is some game theory involved with that, you know. That works best in a neighbourhood, city or land that is high-trust where most people are kind reciprocally.

Christiniaty is truly the cancer of mother Evropa.

Bait but whatever.

Story of Babel is pretty clear: God made man into many nations and we're fucked if we try repeating the experiment.

Non-christians and churchians need apply no theology. The book is clear. End of line.

>the lie of equality of believers
What are you even talking about desu?

Here's my two daughters. Nah. We are in a prison in Oz we want to rape the new visitors. Tell me what Christ said was their sin. He never once even said malepenisbum or malewomanpenisbum. Or sodomy. Just inhospitality and being an asshole. Like you. Read the Concordant Literal version. Read up on what rainbows are in the Bible and when we've seen them after pro gay moments in recent history. Study Koine Greek and words like eunuch. Study David and Jonathan. Study the roman centurion. Study the marriage parable. You fuckers brought the fall your morons. The good is preferable to any intimate relationship. Christ then came immaculately. It's all about doing what comes naturally to each of his own kind. We are cursed to do OUR OWN unnatural things when we become goatfuckers again. Procreation is a curse and I'll use a surrogate

Christ's Silence on homosexuality is telling. He proclaimed all of the old law to be true. At the time people still had the sense to know homosexuality was a dire sin so he never needed to clarify a misunderstanding.

Filtered fag.

He's silent. The word didn't exist. But it goes in the bible once it does and im still wrong because i had many facts and you have additions and deletions and suppositions. You don't divide scriptures. You shit on them. An apple a day goyim. Marry Christ. The army of 144,000 will be male virgins of only women. Muh Platonic starfish vagina. Read about the shitshow called complementarity. We used to call sodomy masturbation. It was a different time. Christ and everybody knew the centurion was gay. Forbade marriage in service. They never brought their kids only their whores. What'd we mistranslate it as? Boy. Two words were used differently. Just like malakoi and arsenokoitai it means lazy men. Bad men in bed who are assholes. Pagan shrine prostitutions. Just like the ethiopian eunuch he was saved. You're just a bitch. You cannot tell men to be alone or judge fellow believers or forbade them to wed

All fallen angels take male form. Men are not to cover their heads only women. Men are never raped by them. But you go have sex with them. Eunuchs protect your marriage bed. You suck at it since Adam and Eve

He overwrites the old law you pharisee. He was jewish. Of judah. Now we have 2 million shitshow liars. You're a crappy Christian

The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the LORD your God.

Bible is against new world order one nation mixup but doesn't call for homogeneous nations.

influenced by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are seared with a hot iron. 3They will prohibit marriage and require abstinence from certain foods that God has created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth

You can't prohibit marriage.

Like you?

You are completely incoherent and not well versed. I don't have the time to try and decipher your ramblings but

>you cannot judge fellow believers


>The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the LORD your God.

>uses the Jewish Nationalist Old Testament myth to justify the globalist race mixing New Testament myth.

I'm not sinning. You think you're so amazing that pussy can make you delete the entire Christian message of love your brother. I aint incoherent, jidf. You are. Do you believe in jury duty? You're fucken duped. Who readd the bible and then decides to cover their heads as men and have sex with Eve whom is same as isis?

Based St. John Chrysostom

Muh lilith. You idiots

this. Equality in our status before God does not mean racial/physical attributes are null and void here on Earth. "There is no Jew nor Greek, man nor woman" in regards to our salvation through Christ Jesus, but this does not mean there are not men and women. Clearly, as evidenced often in the Bible, there are such distinctions, it's simply that they are not relevant to our equal status as sinners in need of salvation.

All (((Christian))) threads are miserable. Even among themselves they go back and forth in arguments on who interprets the kike Semitic verses the best, who loves and is the truest to the Jewish myth.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have no place in Aryan lands. All three need to be destroyed.

Once you believe in Christ men and women jew and greek disappear we become one just not hermaphrodites. What is bride of Christ? A building? No. They are individual believers. Can a male marry Christ? Of course he can. Think deeper

Just because it's not forbidden doesn't mean it's advisable.


24Stop judging by outward appearances, and start judging justly.”

the "YOU CAN'T JUDGE ME" garbage is so common. Judging is a malleable word. Judging is wrong when you condemn those who have repented for their past sins, it's wrong when you try to correct a minor mistake in someone else instead of focusing on fixing your own major flaws first, and it's wrong when it's done to make yourself feel holy (pride) instead of genuinely trying to save someone.

Excellent picture. That ass created israel

>hurting feelings is wrong even if you're right

fucking weak pathetic pussy

Yeah you should just stop trying

secularism is death. Man when reduced to himself is too wicked for such freedom. You worship false idols (country, race, rationality) and fall into depravity, as evidenced by how many whites and white countries are some of the best buyers of degeneracy. even if it is sold to them by jews or others.

Just look up Christian Identity. It has everything you want.

Christcucks are anti-western civilization and worship a jewish god anyways, who gives a fuck. Western civilization and democracy was built in european paganism.

>hurting feelings is wrong even if you're right

no that's not wrong at all. You can love someone with hateful words if it gets them to change. Jesus knows our heart. judging merely to feel-self religious and not to save sinners is pride.

Except Jesus wasn't jewish, and is not God.

blah blah blah

I don't worship anything you fucking weak faggot. I respect nature and understand the weak cucks, like yourselves, are the pussies bringing us down by allowing in the horde of the world and making "loving excuses" because you fear that might is right. I fucking hate you and what you dead.


found the fag.

Go back to Israel with your foreign Semitic myth kike lovers.

You haters of European tradition that claim it's "evil and pagan" and support the destruction of our indigenous faiths for a foreign Semitic world view of goy slavery.

I hate every Christian and have made it my mission in life to destroy you and the church. I am the Anti-Christ.

Pic-related about sums it up.

Good pic

>mosaic law
>relevant for christians
T'es bien con, cousin.


You were wrong here though

>all these summerfag b8 threads

you're all retarded

The law has not changed. It is merely written upon our heart. We must not only refrain from breaking the law but we must not WANT to break the law.

I wasn't.

The reason why most people cannot understand Bible prophecy and God’s plan of salvation is that they do not know the identity of modern Israel. Because the vast majority of Christians simply do not know where the descendants of the lost tribes live today they are clueless regarding even a basic framework of the events to transpire in the very near future.

Most of God’s promises contained in the Old Testament refer to Israelite descendants. He has also made some promises to Gentile nations, but the vast majority of them involve the children of Israel.

The tribe of Joseph was subdivided into two tribes - Manasseh and Ephraim (the two sons of Joseph) - and they jointly received the birthright blessings from their father Jacob. This division of the tribe of Joseph resulted in there being thirteen Israelite tribal units.

When migrating to Europe both the Parthians and those from Scythia retained the name Saxon (which stands for Saac's or Isaac's sons) as they made the Great Britain their new home. This name, however, was also retained by the Israelite people who remained on the European continent (for example "Saxony" in Germany).


Location of the descendants of Israel (with tribal name)

Republic of South Africa
>Ephraim (one of Joseph's sons)
United Kingdom
>Manasseh (one of Joseph's sons)
The United States
Living among the various nations
Living among the various nations
Living among the various tribes

>What kind of blue pill becomes less popular?
Stupid rebutal, plenty of blue pill shit come and go with the fashion.
See the Cult of Reason, or New Age, or any other fashionable nonsense that went out of fasion.

>Europe is majority Christian, therefore it's not kike-made
Did you even think about what you were doing before posting this picture? Woaw holy shit Europe is historically Christian, what a fucking discovery Einstein.

It doesn't change the fact that European philosophy and even theology is much more Greek than Semitic. We wouldn't have needed the dead kike on a stick fable to come up with scholatic, only Aristotle.

Jesus fills us with the holy spirit and gives us a perfect conscience so that we might hate sin like God. I get the same reaction to miscegenation that I get from sodomy. It is even worse than what I get with fornication and far worse than other sins like gossiping or swearing.

How could it not be Sin? We know the ramifications it has on the family, the nation and the dangers it does to the child mentally and bodily though outbreeding depression.

I can for the life of me see how it is merely "not recommended" and not a grave sin.

We were yahwists before we turned pagan, Einstein.


No matter how you try to spin it, anybody can join the new Israel, and that includes niggers, so no that passage doesn't apply to christian niggers, thus Christianity promotes miscegenation.


yeah no fuck off with your crackpot shit

Just literally shit all over European history to fit European tribes into the foreign Semitic desert tradition.

This is proof enough you (((Christians))) are traitors and need to be destroyed.

You literally advocate the destruction of European history and tradition.

Do you not know what an ID is?

It's all in the Bible.

Jesus was not a "sand-nigger", he was white. He was a descendant of David, King of Israel, who was described in the bible (Song of Solomon 5:10 and 1 Samuel 16:11 - 12) as "white and ruddy," see greentext for exact verse (same way vikings were described by Ibn Fadlan, on the Rus merchants at Itil, 922. See greentext for direct quote). Ruddy is synonymous with white. Jesus came from David's lineage, consequently making him ruddy (i.e. white) as well. David couldn't have been an ashkenazi jew (i.e. white-looking jew) seeing as they didn't exist at the time.

>My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
Song of Solomon 5:10

>Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes, and good-looking.
1 Samuel 16:11 - 12

>I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy;
Ibn Fadlan, on the Rus merchants at Itil, 922.

>Muh bible
>muh flood of bible verses as if it's literal truth

Never stop posting Jew wannbe.

I don't see your rebuttal anywhere. Stop shitposting, kike.

>who was described in the bible (Song of Solomon 5:10 and 1 Samuel 16:11 - 12) as "white and ruddy"

Do you also think Mohammed was a Nordic viking because he's described as very white in the Coran?

Dumb bluepilled kike.

There is no rebuttal to myths. It's a given that it's fiction but retards like you actually believe it. You call it faith.

Not really. That's grasping at straws. He was described as white because he was white. He also had bright eyes (i.e. not brown). It's rather obvious.
>Do you also think Mohammed was a Nordic viking because he's described as very white in the Coran?
I haven't looked into it.


That post is embarrassingly retarded.

>All Christians Are Cucks

>All Christians are Cucks #2

>All Christians are Cucks #3

>All Christians are Cucks #4

>Cucktianity: What Is A Covenant

>Cuck Identity

>Cuck Identity #2


I'm just paraphrasing the Bible. You know, the book that christians believe is the word of God? I don't understand what an atheist like you is doing here. Don't you have others things to do? Like ejaculate in your MLP plushie?

I bet you look something like this like most christcucks, skinny fat or fat and filled with estrogen despite wanting to be a "man."

I'm here to destroy Christians. I am the Anti-Christ. I hate you and your people because you're the destroyers of nations and your ideology has destroyed Europe and all white lands.

Those are legitimate historical records you fucking faggot. You think those guys just didn't exist? You would be laughed out of a serious historical discussion

>That's grasping at straws
It's not grasping at straws you dumb shit, it's realizing the fucking Levantine peasants who wrote this had local points of reference and didn't spend their time around fucking vikings.

>He also had bright eyes (i.e. not brown).
Common in the region, irrelevant point.

> You would be laughed out of a serious historical discussion

I bet Yeshua Ben Yusef actually turned five loaves of bread into Six Million.

Are you talking to me or your countryman?
>It's not grasping at straws you dumb shit
It really is. He is described as white, and you tried to make it sound like he was described as "less brown" than his peers.
>Common in the region, irrelevant point.
Light-colored irises were common in Israel 3000 years ago? Tell me more, because the ashkenazi jews didn't exist at that time.

>your ideology has destroyed Europe and all white lands Last time I checked, Europe at its height (In the 19th century) was Christian

Christians proclaim our ancient traditions and faiths are evil and must be replaced by their foreign Semitic desert tradition. The traditions that claim we are decedents of our Gods and Goddesses and that we must destroy all who rival us, not turn the other check and love our enemies. Christianity needs to be cleansed from European man.

False equivalence.

>It really is. He is described as white
Does the realization in your brain happen at some point that the people who wrote the Bible didn't have Internet and therefore wrote shit relative to their experience?
Of course it doesn't, you're a fucking vegetable.

>Light-colored irises were common in Israel 3000 years ago?

Christianity built Europe and the entire western world, you uneducated swine.

>Does the realization in your brain happen at some point that the people who wrote the Bible didn't have Internet and therefore wrote shit relative to their experience?
They described him as white. That's good enough for me. It's rather obvious what they meant. You're strawmanning and I do believe the rest can see it.
Do you have any data to back that up? Any historical text?

>Foreign Semitic myths did it
>Not European man.

Imagine what could have been done if we weren't held back by theologians.

Galileo was put on trial for claiming it is a fact that the Earth goes around the sun, rather than just a hypothesis as the Catholic Church demanded.

B-but Christianity wasn't a hindrance.

>European men
>Predominately Christian

You mean get invaded on all sides by hordes of Muslims? Or let all of Europe rot after the Germanic barbarians dissolved the Roman empire due to multiculturalism?

Atheism is a disease.

>It's rather obvious what they meant.
Yes, they meant he had a fair skin. Only a complete idiot would think it's basis to conclude he was european.

>Do you have any data to back that up?
Where the fuck do you think their current eye color comes from? From the millions of European refugees flocking to the Levant?

The church battled "witches" and "pagans" since forever.

Contrary to what you Christian liars say, not everyone was Christian, even though the Jewish financed Kings forced them to be.

No, Greece and the hellenic heritage did.

thats about as cute as saying
"the people didnt build it, physics did it, since they were all made of matter"

Fortunately, in the Western world there was then the Renaissance from which eventually sprang the Enlightenment. Islam is still in the Dark Ages. That part of the world made tremendous intellectual strides during the the 9th--11th centuries c.e., but the light of learning flickered out and through now hasn't been relit.

This is what fundamentalist Christians and Muslims have in common. If the former have their way, they'll turn American into the counterpart of Afghanistan.