Civil unrests against muslims who chased away women from a beach they wanted to be burkini-excvlusive

The incident
>muslim attack women in unapropriate clothing
>they attack them with axes and HARPOON yelling "allah akbar"

The reaction
>French parade in muslim city block yelling "THIS IS OUR LAND"
>French start burning their cars and ask for apologizes
>Intelligence service warning about potential race war

French socialist PM backs burkini bans to maitain civil order
Feminists also backs burkini bans for women emancipation

17/08 : SEVEN towns banning burkinis

Conquering le Leddit like Trumpfags did:

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Day_massacre

Frog Sup Forums
cmon my /theSwamp/ isn't too bad.

I like that but we'll use it when we have good OC to go with it.

OP from last thread here, I'm pleased with this

>encourage far-leftist "white man's fault" racist "liberalism"
>it's about to backfire spectacularly
Hope socialists like me don't get caught in the heat. You can only virtue signal for so long.

I'm guessing Muslims never heard of the; French Revolution. You frenchies know how to fight back.

I love these threads. A vestige of the French resistance and a more nuanced perspective on the unrest.

Godspeed, mon frère.

just a little advice from a frog/pol/ veteran, concerning OP pic, there is only 2 choice to make it to the front page :

-French flag (or anything with blue-white-red)

pic related: ultimate combo

I want a Légion coup again

opinion on burkini ban ?
i dunno what to think.
a women should be able to choose for herself what she wears, and she can be retarded enough to burkatrademark her body freely.

is this clearly wahabism/salafism ?

thx australia btw for burkini.

Guerilla ( book in september from Laurent Obertone, the war against muslims )
Dans une France proche et obscure, une descente de police dans une cité sensible tourne au drame : un policier pris dans un guet-apens perd son sang-froid et tire aveuglément.

La cité s’embrase et tout le pays vacille. De villes en villes, le feu connecte les fils d’une bombe à retardement.

Forces de l’ordre, voyous, terroristes, responsables, journalistes, mouvements citoyens, tous sont submergés par le raz de marée du chaos.

Rapidement, réseaux électriques et hydrauliques tombés, faute d'approvisionnements, de moyens de communication, de transports, de secours et d'ordre, le chaos gagne la campagne, la société vole en éclats et les villes sont la proie de violences, de pillages et de gigantesques incendies. Des terroristes, dépassés par les troubles, déclenchent des actions d’envergure simultanées.

Privés de tout, livrés à eux-mêmes, les citoyens s’apprêtent à faire face au carnage.

nightly edition loaded
/comfy mode activated

je commande uniquement francaise.dans cette conversation

They never head of St. Bartholomew's Day massacre or the Reign of Terror or even Algeria's_Day_massacre

check it burger, the battle of Algier was studied at Westpoint befre Iraq invasion

Distraction by cuckservatives to pretend they fight Islamization even though they fight only the symptoms and are responsible for the cause: immigration.

Will only increase tensions.

Would be a good policy if it was ALL salafist or even all Muslim signs, and if the Government told clearly "it's assimilation or re-migration // Hijra".

>The reaction
>>French parade in muslim city block yelling "THIS IS OUR LAND"
>>French start burning their cars and ask for apologizes

any details on who these ppl were? FN, random locals, bussed in? was it spontaneous?

So does "civil war" mean frogs vs frogs or frogs vs kebab?

Because I hope western countries don't start killing each other over muslims.

There's two ways of looking at it.

>hide the oppression from persecution
>'liberate' hijabis

IMO, the latter is the veil covering the former, ironically. Why else would your established political class approve?

this is clearly salafism, and wahabism.
Wahabism is salafi with politic.

imo, this is nothing, just a fait divers.
the real point is, that media bring it to top news, because politics are boring, and everyone has a though on this, the troll feed himself.
at the end of summer, nobody will talk about, this is just anothere news about the mass immigration consequences.

Those corsicans would see themselves as french as much as you see yourself as english.

Vive France! Vive Marion!

Chirac card activated
+cocorico increased 10 pts

Increasing tension is actually a good thing.

>check it burger, the battle of Algier was studied at Westpoint befre Iraq invasion
Will do kek wills it.

no, islam should be banned
freedom of religion is overrated and causes more problems than it solves

Youtube entertainment:

Legion documentary
GIGN assault at Marignane
GIGN documentary
Algeria war movie

La Marseillaise
Casablanca version
Chinese revolution version
Reconstitution version

Chivalry theme
Claquez Bannière de Chrétienté
Les Lansquenets
Chants Des Appelés .Kyrie Des Gueux.

Revolution theme
Le Chant du départ
La Marseillaise

Résistance theme
Le chant des partisans

14-18 theme
Verdun, on ne passe pas
La Strasbourgeoise

I'm worried French anons, I think that Soros is trying to put a BLM franchise here...

It's happening

post some tl;dr (if you have somes) for french and others

Pendant que j,y suis, mes parents sont deux babyboomer hippies et je suis tombé sur des BD de Lauzier.
Soient ils sont cons soient il y a quelque chose qui cloche.
Bref je suis tombé en amour, suis-je le seul qui à lu les Tranches de vie 1-5?
C'est le plus beau satire politique que j'ai rencontré.
La France était-t'elle avant gardiste dans son schisme social créé par la politique? Même en 2016 tout ce qui se passe dans cette bd reste "relevant".

Parce que je vous aimes voici l’extrais que j'ai post dans la thread précédente RE-MASTEURIZÉ comme ils disent chez vous.

>France create Godzilla
>Godzilla attack Wall Street
>based weapon


Already here. Google Adama Traoré.

The triggering of leftists by this book will be a treat to watch.


Don't try to stole their accomplishment, french did other things pretty based imo like when they expelled the gypsies

Banning Islam is just a way to ban shitskins. They belong to Africa. I don't care if they are good citizen or scumbags (like most of them are anyway). Let them go back to the land of their ancestors. Same for nignogs. And then asians and jews.

>0 mosques in Corsica in 2003

Corsicans okay, that explains the militant reaction. OP said French.

Aucun auteur contemporain arrive à la cheville de Lauzier.
Il rie de la gauche, de l'extrême gauche marginale, des bourgeois cocus, libertins et échangistes, des féministes, de la propagande et j'en passe! Tout cela sous une fine nuance qui a probablement berné mes parents hippies qui ont acheté les intégrales.

Toute une œuvre pour un grand homme!

So, is this a Happening? Are the French finally going to remove lé kebabop?

Yes. One of these organisation is called PIR (parti des indigènes de la république). They develop ideas that are copy-pasted from black american movements. Even to the point where they don't make sense because they talk of slavery etc. as though it had ever taken place in mainland france.


nah, just the trailer of these leftist biased movies will do

So is freedom of speech
>muh vaccines cause autism
and democracy.
>professor of economics = homeschooled dumbass = 1 vote

A shame that proper socialists won't be at the forefront as the democratic experiment is over and establish a socialist technocratic Science Directorate.

I thibk we need to start a campaign to promote Hijra. Many Muslim scholars say it is an imperative for all Muslims to leave the infidels lands where they can't pratice freely, and to go live in a Muslim country.

In other words, remigration.

I am enjoying this. Lesbian lefties get kicked off. KEK APPROVES


here, French user explaining that people are preparing for the race war

anglos press coverage of the ban on burkini

La 6e page que personne ne pouvait lire.

the 7 towns where the burkini has been banned


> they talk of slavery etc. as though it had ever taken place in mainland france.
Or in African colonies. On the contrary we conquered African slaver countries and liberated their slaves faster than Daenerys.

Not quite sure if we're quite there yet but I also definitely detected a huge change of tone.

People got from fed up to determined to actually take things into their own hands real quick.


it's sacrebleu happening

The anglo takes every opportunity he has to bad mouth white people.

Beware of the beady eyes!

Yes, and not only that but also built schools, hospitals and brought medicine, technology, crops etc. etc.

I still think it was a mistake though, we should have let the africans continue killing each other as they have always done and will always do.

relevant ?

this is what happens to BLM France during State of Emergency, treated like the terrorists they are


We should have let Ebola do the job of cleaning Africa.

Yeah ultimately it's better than apathy and a slow death. But I still think a smart government could solve the issue peacefully.

ah! this meme makes me laugh, but nah... it's just good'ol multiculturalism ideology and leftist audience pandering

How can foreigners help stir the pot?

Sup Forums will absolutly love this one

My wife is from Metz, Lorraine/Lothringen

Will you execute me and shave her head or things cool now Jean-Jacques?
Alors, une autre excellente bouteille de vin pour moi! Non?

Essayer de se faire accepter par les blokes tant que ca...criss que tu es pathétique....


Isn't FN pro Jewish now?

when someone in your country badmouth France for being intelorant, explain them the situation

just spread the truth through hard facts, we don't ask for more

you can also spend a good time here dreaming about the global race war and watching the happening in France

remember disinformation from mainstream medias is your enemy

"Monseigneur Ebola"

you can collect rare Marion too


I'm talking about here specifically, I know that things can go really far here.

Pic related from 2 weeks ago, I had to show my power level to my dad to reason him...
> - Why are you sharing this garbage dad??
> - But it's true, slavery blablabla african roots blablabla slavery induced PTSD blabla
> - But... that was so long ago ! Plus you've never been to Africa and you don't know shit about African history !! Who is oppressing you right now???
> - Son, I...

Everyday I see more and more BLM-related shit on my jewbook. What to do ? I'm starting to feel powerless and depressed af...

Doesn't matter that much. There has always been a fringe of jewish nationalists in the FN. That's because they hate the shitskins so muc, can't blame them.

relevant but unreadable, got a better one ?

Tous les osties de Frenchies de ce thread qui répondent a des boches et des Britbongs en Anglais...les cocus par excellence...

IF you fight we will fight with you. No more identity over WW2. Only white Euopre versus the islamic invaders. And that is one hell of a clear war.


praise him


Nique ta mere la pute, sale tete de ma mere, les boubous sont mes freres...

> pushing the leaf meme this far

Parlant de transgenre.
Maintenant que tu t'es converti à l'islam parce que papa et maman ne t'on pas donné assez d'attention: c'est quand que tu commence ta transition mon ostie de pédale.

>discussing with buddy dumb shit in public
>enter in Tims, going to get a 2-2
>we cease our debate to talk to the cashier
>they respond in broken French because she heard us

Why do they feel inclined to speak this broken as fuck English? I'm perfectly Bilingual.

>using Facebook

>French nationalist
pic one

They only hate the shitskins to their guts. But I would be surprised, if anyone of the chosen tribe would feel closer to France to his Jewishness. This article also explains it:

The majority of the fuckers has always been left-leaning, lobbying for multi-culturalism and even now that is threatening their existence, most would rather kill themselves than vote for FN.

So, if we have this case, I don't believe the Jews in FN are genuine French nationalists, but simply opportunists doing the necessary evil. And then of course there is people like Sarkozy...

Warning : Leftist Document

Nignogs nignogging

Ferme donc ta gueule sale bougnoule

La Suede sera un état Islamique en dedans de 10 tete de ma grand-mere...

If Trump wins, will he have the CIA arm the French people or at least Front National to take their country back from the (((((Socialists)))))?

*broken as fuck French.

This is why these generals fail....Speak english. Sup Forums isn't your secret club


is the french socialist party national socialist or golbalist socialist?

La tombe de mon grand-pere, de quoi tu parle Kevin?

>What to do ?
Remove Alexander Soros. Georgey boy will kick the buckett soon, but Alex is his crown prince. He will provide for DECADES more of this stuff that gets people killed and destroys countries.

Je voudrais que te me répondes:

Nothing pisses me off more than a white woman wearing a hijab.

some old frog/pol/ pic

Hide the canadian-nigger's posts they are irrelevant.