Dad's complaining about how coming to America was a mistake again

Dad's complaining about how coming to America was a mistake again.

you have to go back pablo


Was Mexico any better?

You have to go back Kate.

better than brashit probably

Try canada. Its far better in every regard

Not really, c*n*dians come here to do basic shopping

I've never seen a brazilian being killed for trying to invade another country, Paco.

Because monkey lives dont matter shit

why? you got shot?

Did you come legally?

One got arrested in ukraine

No, but it doesn't matter.

basics in third world countries are normally cheaper

fuck you

Yes. (I'm OP btw, not the other guy)

>be killed like pigs by the border police
>country so shitty people will literally risk their lives to illegally invade the neighbor country
>illegal immigrants are daily humilliated by the US president, the american people and the ICE
>people literally elected an orange cheetos just because he promised to keep your people away
>still, actually believes he's a human being

just cut off the cocaine, juan

Why was coming to America mistake?

Classism and racism.

Where did you come from?

Isn't that what Brazil is built on?

I don't why that guy is trying to impersonate me.
I like America, but Dad misses how nonviolent China was. He says freedoms and wealth don't matter if you can't live.

Bullshit, chinks come to Canada not the US