How can such a shitty country produce so many good mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists?

How can such a shitty country produce so many good mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists?

Is there a biological explanation for this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>so many
>dozens out of a billion


Perhaps it's not such a shitty country after all.


>so many

India has relatively few great scientists, but more than China though, China has a population of a billion yet I (as a physicist) cannot even name 3 Chinese physicists, but that's slowly changing.

India had a good tradition in science in ancient times and because of British influence managed to have a few good scientists in the 20th century.

mutants and shit
there are billions of them, it's also why the pictures of human monstrosities also come from India

Indian IQ borders what was once considered retardation.

You guys are retarded.

There are even more people in Africa, Southeast Asian and Latin America and nowhere near as many great scientists from all those places combined as there are from India.

There has to be another explanation other than there being lots of people in India.

I'm very dumb desu.

how in the fuck ramanujan was caucasoid?

Lots of people and a western-based education system in a relatively stable environment, as well as a value placed on education culturally

their culture is autistic af.
they cant do anything without being obsessed, therefore the retards bound to be a creep while the smart one tends to be a phenomenon.

Cuacasoid is a racial term to denone a broad range of sub-races from Europe all the way to South Asia.
Europeans, North Africans, middle easterners, some central asians, and Indians are all part of the Caucasoid race.

I think ramanujan was more dravidian though.

Fun fact, southern India has a higher HDI than north India.

Dravidians are also caucasoids.

Chandrasekhar (star limit), Ramakrishnan (bio nobel ribosomes) and that Canadian dude with 4 Putnams, all don't look like the hyperconfident Punjabis in films

I'm willing to bet all the successful Indian scientists were Brahamins.

ramanujan father was a clerk

he was still a brahmin tho

no shit

Indian Hindus are the filtered higher quality people of the subcontinent. There were thousands of years of migrations and all the good quality people migrated Southwards. The lower caste Punjabis, sindhis and bengalis became Muslims and others held on or migrated.

Today exact same thing is going on in India where lower castes are being converted to Christianity en masse.

So this is what has become of Sup Forums


>Nobel prizes of India: 5 (pop: 1.325.000 hab)

>Nobel prizes of Argentina: 5 (pop: 40.000.000)

Lol, but clockboys dad sold out to the brotherhood and Qataris, we savaged them here on social media

The craziest part, his dad ran against Albashir in the faux-elections

(pop: 1.325.000.000) *

>1 legitimate prize, 1930 physics prize
>3 legitimate prizes, 1947/1984 medicine prizes, 1970 chemistry prize

On the topic of math skills you may want to do a q quick count of just how many people there are in Latin America and compare that to India's population, even putting together all three regions you mentioned we shopuld barely be a little over India's population if that, nevermind your comparison does an enormous diservice to the real talent our region does produce.

If you're trying to make an argument Indians are exceptionally talented for whatever reason the simple answer is they're not, you're making the same observation a white supremacist might make about the British, making a choice of some narrow criteria that confirms your own bias, is India holding a single Nobel prize in literature vs 6 for Latin America proof they're not a creative people when it comes to more refined arts?

You're retarded.


Don’t reply him. He’s cancer.

Jee assume there is 0.1% chance for someone to be gifted at something since birth.
Now there if you have a billion people, chances are there will be more intelligent ones than a country with 10 million

Even if you have a trillion people in africa it wouldn't matter since most of them are still in uncivilized tribes with the pastime of killing each other

Maybe it's not such a shitty country