Secret identities are stupid...

Secret identities are stupid. No stable society would condone anonymous vigilanties commiting violence with overwhelming force

Good thing it's fiction then.

this is the worst defense of anything i've ever seen

why doesn't the good guy just beat the bad guy by snapping their fingers every single time then if basically anything can happen in fiction?

They have family you know

Because that didn't happen.

>why doesn't the good guy just beat the bad guy by snapping their fingers every single time then if basically anything can happen in fiction?

Because conflict needs to exist inside fiction.

Are you only now figuring out how a story structure works?

Because someone has not written that yet, at least not that I have heard of anyways.

because thats straining the realism you see in comics there needs to be certain level of fiction to realism ratios when pete got spider powers that was the fiction when he made webs that cost 15 dollars that was the fiction when he wore a mask to protect his identity that was the realism you need a fiction to realism ratio of 2:1 for every 2 unbelievable acts you need one realistic one to balance the odds

It's called suspension of disbelief shithead.
Why do you question this and not men who can run faster than light and shoot lasers out of their eyes?

superhero worlds aren't stable societies, they are chaotic messes of superpowers, alien invasions, angry gods, terrorists capable of blowing up the planet, and the world nearly ending every other month

One Punch Man

I never before realized how much I wish Stardust was a running animated skit on Monty Python's flying circus. it would be perfect

Don't be ridiculous. Stardust would never settle for something so simple as just snapping his fingers.

>Secret identities are stupid.
considering swatting is all it takes to ruin someones day and random people just invite themselves into famous people's houses, Secret identities IRL are actually beginning to look like the most logical thing to do if you piss some people off.

On the other hand, most stable societies don't condone unanonymous vigilantes, either.

At least with a mask on you're slightly less likely to get arrested by the police

we all love anonymity, and vigilantes are already illegal, so it would make sense not to let cops barge into your house after your first patrol. lets not forget supervillians, the classic ill kill your family is a good enough reason not to let them know who you are.

in the movies, only spider-man and ant-man really operates with a mask, and only spider-man has a true secret identity. in real life, vigilantes were forced to unmask by court order, but they couldnt get jobs, and were forced to go superheros full time, and rely on donations to keep going

Sorry to burst your bubble, kid, but superheros aren't real.

Because it's a male power fantasy.

>yfw the female power fantasy neatly explains Twilight, the Hunger Games, 50 Shades of Grey...and Harry Potter

you can blame a lot of that on the mainstream gender roles pre-modern society. A man could always go out into the world and seek his fortune. A woman's only way to get anywhere was to marry into money, or get a big fat inheritance from a long lost relative. Any fiction which entertained some other outcome was considered subversive and denounced. except martyrdom. no happily ever after for the antisocial, just burning at the stake.

Heroes journey vs changeling fantasy. and naturally the masculine one is considered the orthodox template for all stories while the feminine one is dismissed in most discourse as silly tales for little girls and the vapid imaginings of lazy people who want someone else to fix all their problems.

Well yeah but people shouldn't be cool with .

JJJ is totally right to not be ok with a man in a mask beating people up with exotic weaponry