Alfred thread

Alfred thread.

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fuck supercuck

You seem to be lost, user. This is a thread about Alfred.

It hurts


>alfred will never be your mom


From Batman #5



Batman is so gay. It's so obvious he's into that greek-love style pederasty.

we've known that for decades user

Alfred being sad but still being professional will never stop tearing my heart apart


Neil Gaiman's 'Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader'



Fucking page of the year right there

Jesus christ, how bad did Bruce fuck up to make Alfred quit?


i fucking love the idea that bruce is this master detective and badass martial artist, but is clueless when it comes to mundane things like cooking and cleaning

Goes all the way back to Sherlock, except maybe the badass martial artist. There was a routine joke about Sherlock not getting anything immediately relevant to detectiving. In fact, he didn't even know how the Solar System worked. It just wasn't important to him.

The problem with inhumanity is that the second the Regime side ever wins a big battle, the whole war is over. So you've got years of comics where one side keeps getting its dick kicked in and after a while, you stop even thinking that the "good guys" are in any real danger.

>the alien

This is some tryhard shit

These are great

>This is some tryhard shit

It's always Batman going in hard trying to kill Superman in these fanwank images, cause they have to know, on some level, that if the situation was reversed there's literally nothing any human could do to stop a superman type from pushing the Moon into the Earth into the sun.