Time for a storytime!

Time for a storytime!
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne.
Darkseid has blasted Bruce Wayne through time after the events of Final Crisis; now, at the beginning of time with no memories, Bruce must find a way home.

This would be the lowpoint of Morrison's Batman run if the second Inc volume didn't exist

Thank you. Arguing with morons who haven't read any comics was getting old.


(not true, by the way)





What then? The only other part I can think of is the Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul.



>What then?
Why does something have to be weak.
It's all great until Inc.






Batman Inc #8 of the first run





That issue is so fucking bad.


that was good though

It really is





Yeah, I'll admit to being wrong.








I like to pretend Inc never happened. It had some potential, but the ending was unadulterated bs and the end to Return/Batman and Robin when Bruce announces the idea was the best ending scene for a Batman story ever. That's where I roll the credits in my head canon.




Hey man, it gave us Tomasi's Batman and Robin, the best Batman run






Issue 2



>Frazier Irving
My dick is hard already.







What happened to Irving? Is he doing anything rn?









I really wonder how primitive people would react to pepper spray. Of course they'd be in pain but would they also be screaming at how flimsy colorful man used the clouds and rains against him and turned his skin into flames?

They'd probably be grateful it wasn't a sharp rock, pepper spray hurts but it's probably nothing compared to what they'd endure every day.






Sorry about that long absence, some shit went down here.
Is anyone still in here?








Yeah I'm here! Been a while since I reread this so thanks.

Still here


Time for issue 3





This is something I was always unsure of.
Is this Blackbeard supposed to be Vandal Savage?







