Extraordinary X-Men #13


Snap, forgot Storytime in title. Oh, who cares.
It's not like anyone comes to this thread for quality.







Do they come because they are X-men fans then?



In current year? Masochists, not fans.





Every single time someone goes on a diferrent world they get sneak attacked out of the fucking panel.


Just you wait until we get to last page for mandatory BAD FUTURE that will be spoiled by writer's OC.





thanks op

Was this really Ramos?

That's a pretty gnarly cover


Oh shit! Donkey Kong Country confirmed!

life is life

Is this book happening before the cw2 tie-in? Kurt shouldn't be working with Storm's crew.

>She wants the olD

>Logan calling Jean out for her bullshit
Truly the rightest mutant

Most likely it does.
Most likely Slott and Lemire were able to convince Marvel that they couldn't stop their series to work on CWII tie-in, and since those are two of their most important ip they have let them go on with their work

>Flagship franchises
>Left to mediocre writers
>Who then don't have to play nice with the restrictions the event places in everyone else
Nepotism was a fucking mistake

It wouldn't even be hard to connect to the event, either! Both the Sapna prediction and this issue's last panel could just be Ulysses visions!

This page reminds me of that time in Whedon's Astonishing were Colossus finds out in a distant planet an image of him killing the sun of that system.

I'm not hating on Lemire, but I feel it could be better.

I see they are still doing this dark shit with Nightcrawler.

If you pop out of a portal from another world, why wouldn't a squad of super powered assholes be ready and waiting in ambush? Those sorts of people don't have lives or need to use the bathroom.

>Gee, Kurt, what do you think this mural means?

>Piotr's Orthodox Christian, you know how they feel around people of your orientation

Does Bobby think this won't kill them? One is losing his arm to gangrene from frostbite and another will probably just plainly die right there.

Means we gotta find Colossus soon before he hurts those 2 guys in the mural

Probably have his ribs collapse from supporting his weight for so long. The other guy will likely die of hypothermia since his legs are in solid ice and those big meaty leg veins

so depressing


>Being true to ourselves is never weak
Alright does anyone else read basically every time Bobby gives some kind of inspirational speech as him paralleling himself being open about being gay? It's like okay we get it Lemire, Bendis retconned him gay, do you have to keep going with the speeches from him?

Sometimes I think waitingforthetrade has comics about everything.

He's (?) the patron saint of x-threads

Wasn't he an atheist?

I do like his works. And about the cover for the next issue
Choking Bobby is really a dumb idea.

'Yana gonna get BLACKED

And Bobby was straight.

I don't like mean and angsty Kurt

nobody cares about Iceman

Kill them all, Cerebra.

he is a shitty artist, but great observer

Nigga, that's an Ewok village. There's your Marvel/Star Wars crossover.