To all white supremacists:

To all white supremacists:
You will never have enough support for ethnic nationalism.The only way to keep your borders is civic nationalism:

A civic nation consists of all those who subscribe to its political creed, regardless of ethnicit race, color, religion, gender or language.

A civic nation is in principle a community of equal, rights-bearing citizens, united in patriotic attachment to a shared set of political practices and values.

When liberals burn the American flag, they think that they attack ethnic nationalism, but fail to see that it is civic nationalism. The only way to gather support against them, is to invoke civic nationalism in the hearts of the people.

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wont happen because different races(as a whole) have clear and distinct cultures that clash heavily, and those cultures carry different views on ethics and government.

not even a white nationalist, whites suck just as much, just in different ways that tend to end up with masses of idiots handing power over to the smartest of the worst of mankind, instead of burning and looting everything into a wasteland where id doesn't matter who rules cause your probably gonna die in a week anyways.

i have lost any and all faith in everything and simply await the collapse or point in which it it bad enough to which i can no longer convince myself to stay in the "civilized" world.

Have faith white man

I've never agreed more with a post on Sup Forums

I would consider myself a proud proud white man who would love to see America be a home for white people, but anytime I know a minority is right-wing conservative and upholds traditional American values then I have no grievance against them. I have noticed it is only minorities to subscribe to the left wing liberal progressive new age secular policies that make me hate all races.

Are traditional American values only your masonic constitution?

Civic nationalism is artificial liberal trash, it disgusts me

Burger talking about culture..

> Civic Nationalism
go fuck yourself you kike
> yes yes goyim accept the niggers and spics in your communities it is the only way

>tfw right wing
>tfw nationalist
>tfw also puerto rican

theres nothing to have faith in is the point.

yes and?

in God?

I sincerely wish this wasn't true but I know it probably is.

if he exists he long ago lost the right to ask for it.

Ok, thanks retard coward.

The War is coming. And we will slaughter every brown ape and enslave every yellow whore on this planet.


Murica is 60% white thats the mayorety.

Germany 95% white.

user please.

Civic nationalism is complete nonsense, literally the only people that's good for are kikes who have their own parallel nation.

Lmao 'people will never support ethnic nationalism'. Really? You think people magically changed because muh progress? Because 100% of humans before Whites let Jews be part of their societies were ethnic nationalists. And today it's only Whites that have bought this Jewish venom. The return to what is normal is inevitable. You can't stop it, faggot. It is hardwired just as forming families is (don't bring up the fact that niggers don't form families, they aren't humans, paleolithic European man was nothing like niggers, they even had monogamy) .

Every race has its nigger

That worked out for Lebanon didn't it? Everyone was a Lebanese Nationalist: Christians & Muslims, Phonecians & Arabs, all united for a civic nation.

Oh wait a sec

Maybe we just turned away from Him

>Germany 95% white.

German humour.

Kaetab were fashy Christians, they wanted to remove Bedouin

>civic nationalism
Yeah, that works great. It's worked every single place it's been tried. Maybe we should give socialism another try whilst we're at it.

Get money and fix Puerto Rico then.

It's been working great for us so far.

in my experience those that follow religion of any kind are just as much a problem.

u w0t m8

What about your immediate ancestors for the past 250 years?

>1 post by this ID

Ach Malte-Sören...

It's called hard drugs, nigger. If we walled off the border and shot any spic that crosses then we wouldn't have this epidemic.

Also if spics didn't take all the manual labor there would be jobs for whites so they don't hate their worthless lives and turn to drugs.

This is an arab not a french, there is no civic nationalism in France, french are french and arabs are arabs, and we live in separate area between our race.

But I'm American. Can't you see the flag? Plus people from the island are American citizens by default, even if we weren't born in the country like I was.

in america?

fuck man American history is fucking horrible in so many ways in all honesty, sure we kicked ass and had some fucking bad ass moments, but it was by no means some ideal perfect picnic by a long shot.

them being religious didnt mean jack squat to stopping the bad or making the great.

>implying the french aren't basically arabs

See? A true patriot.

>or making the great.

Religion adds stability and cohesion to a nation. It would be unimaginably stupid to deny that

I agree to a certain extent.

In straya it kind of works because white people make up the vast majority of the national identity (although that is sadly changing).

If multiculturalism is truly unavoidable, then ideally it should at least be contained somehow. This way civic nationalism is at work by definition, but by practice it is ethnic nationalism or something similar.

So now you won't have triggered leftists rioting against the government because of "muh raysis opreshioners".

But with all this said, we still have culture clashes in aus and some people hate the country because it offends them sometimes.

But niggers have no sense of civic duty, spics only do to other races, and mudslimes only answer to their demon god. Our Indians and East Asians are pretty cool, but we cherry pick the fuck out of them when handing out work visas

it very well can yes, stability does not mean greatness in and of itself though.

like all things Religion however does not mean it is guaranteed to grant those things.

really depends on the specific religion too.

>If multiculturalism is truly unavoidable

As soon as you start believing that, you're gone

Excuse me, spics only do to their own race.

How about the traditional religion of Europeans?

civic nationalism without niggers or jews

Europe has warred in and with itself to for all of history.

perhaps for internal stability but for stability as a whole it did not stop much of anything.

We don't need your fucking faggot support, we will rule your anyway because you're fucking retarded, White nationalist moron.

If you're a White nationalist the subhuman fucks and liberal scum will fucking call your a White supremacist either way so you may as well be a fucking White supremacist for fucks sake. You only feed into their fucking arrogant fucking pompous hands and fuel their retarded arrogant mongrel ego by trying to justify yourself to them how not racist you are because you're a White nationalist and not a White supremacist. Enjoy being forever a cucked bitch.

Yea Brazil thought the same thing would save them let's look at how they're doing tooh gee they're Brazil.

Well, for a country that's been continuously at war for most of its history, the best you can wish for is internal stability

a fair point.

Oh I want our cultures to be separate, but the masses don't.

With the falling fertility rate and low replacement rate, civic or ethnic won't matter in 10+ years because there simply won't be enough whites. The time for white ethnic nationalism is now or never tbqh

If Israel is "traditionally" jewish, then the entirety of Europe is pagan.

They mean Rabbinic Judaism

Those who claim that civic nationalism always fails:

It failed, because some liberals and progressives started rejecting any kind of nationalism. You could have citizens showing the american colors with pride, upholding american values. Instead degeneracy led to burning american flags and people who want open borders, because "everyone is equal".

Civic nationalism didn't destory itself, it was destroyed by the opposite of it.

In a civic nation, every LEGAL CITIZEN has equal rights and duties. "All humans are equal" or "no human is illegal" are the exact opposite of civic nationalism.

Ethnic nationalism is as vulnerable as civic nationalism, when it comes to being rejected by progressive citizens.

Honda Civic

>A civic nation consists of all those who subscribe to its political creed, regardless of ethnicit race, color, religion, gender or language.
Good to know. Diversity is our strength.

Letting every subhuman in, is not compatible with civic nationalism.

>the time for white ethnic nationalism is now or never tbqh

As long as you're for Christianity I don't mind

I have more faith in God than in convincing the current mass of White liberals to become nationalist

Can we have civic nationalism with secured borders? If so I'm game. I can just about see this working in Europe where we're still majority white.

>You will never have enough support for ethnic nationalism.
This is true. We barely have support for regular nationalism. "Why are you proud of being born here? It was pure luck, you didn't have anything to do with it."

>The only way to keep your borders is civic nationalism
This is false. Different races are biologically wired to behave differently because they have evolved in different environments.

The only true solution would be a nation where people are filtered on the basis of their IQ. We only allow people in such that the average IQ of the nation is 100 or more. Anyone who falls out of the boat, such as an IQ of 90 or 80, will not be able function or integrate in a 100 IQ-society.

But good luck getting support for that.

You people don't realize the fight is lost already, look at how many people are voting left. Right is resurgent because people are fed up with the left yes, but the overal culture is shifting leftward. There is no stopping it.

It is if a certain part of your citizenry are of the same ethnicity as the ones you call "subhuman"


Ahmed pls, there's no such thing as a white German anymore!


but you will let in some? what about regression to the mean? sure in the short term its nice to brain drain the top tier shitskins but their kids are not necessarily as good, the more they breed the more they revert to a mass of subhumans, and even the intelligent races like asians will fall into unruly angry foreigners with their own shared culture and society that become a massive liability

Of course it works with secured borders, if your prime minister isn't called Merkel and lets everyone in.

What if your prime-minister is a citizen of the same ethnicity as the ones you call for refusal of entry?

kill yourself phagget the tanks will roll again!

It isn't. You don't let them in, BECAUSE they are shitskins. You let them in, if they are in harmony with your ideology and have needed skills.
The "regression" isn't a thing where top tier immigrants give birth to gangsters. Germany has more educated Iranians (relatively speaking regarding all Iranians in Germany), than educated Turkish immigrants.

When unskilled immigrants give birth to uneducated losers, it is the perfect environment for your "regression". They are losers in our societies and cling to other ideologies.

Isn't it against your civic country's egalitarian principles to presume that in some countries there are races and ethnicities that have a higher proportion of uneducated, violent and more dangerous people in relation to your society?

A civic nationalistic prime-minister would not care, if they have the same ethnicity. He would decide based on their qualification, political views and moral values.

An arab prime minister in such a nation would have to decline ALL arabs, who want to live like in a Middle Eastern country.

it takes time but it does happen, an outliers bloodline will not stay outliers. it doesnt matter to the short term focused globalist jewish societies we have today only concerned about the next fiscal quarter but for anyone who cares about stability its extremely important

You don't have to presume it. Check their backgrounds and don't give them immediately citizenship.

Decline everyone who you wouldn't be able to deport (for example people without ID's).

civic nationalism doesn't have to be as soft as it is.

How are you gonna mandate that you always have a patriotic non-Ethnic European prime-minister, if your civic nationalist country would allow for a total freedom of thought and principles?

What if a non-patriotic non-European gets elected? What then of your country's borders?

Isn't it non-civic to check other peoples' background with the assumption that you might find groups of ethnicities and religions which would be considerably different than any other?

I would ban such research if I was to be in the full spirit of your nation's civic values

That can also happen with a white person in a ethnic nation.

They can also elect a white non-patriotic prime-minister who opens the borders.

Ethnic nationalism does not protect from internal degeneracy, but it has much less support than civic nationalism.

Everyone's background will be checked. There are no assumptions involved.

Civic nationalism only leads to Brazilification in the long run.

>That can also happen with a white person in a ethnic nation.
>They can also elect a white non-patriotic prime-minister who opens the borders.
>Ethnic nationalism does not protect from internal degeneracy, but it has much less support than civic nationalism.



Why would you even need to background check? All peoples are the same anyway

Why would you presume otherwise?

The point of this thread is that you won't have the necessary support for ethnic nationalism.

Even Nazis had effectively civic elements with the status of an honorary aryan.

Japan is quite homogeneous and intends to be homogeneous in the future. The progressives are a small minority. There you could have the support for ethnic nationalism, but not in the west.

I tend to agree, race is dead. Lets turn to nation and culture.

Civic nationalism is what made the Roman empire fall. It will make America fall as well

No one says that everyone is the same. Why is it so hard to understand that civic nationalism has nothing to do with that kind of concept.

Every citizen has the same rights and duties. Cultures, religions and people aren't regarded as the same and equal.

Saying that the west is culturally superior to the middle east, is a statement that does not contradict civic nationalism.

>Even Nazis had effectively civic elements with the status of an honorary aryan.

Nazis didn't really have the concept of civic rights

All you have is the obligation to serve the Germanic race

Spics and blacks will never accept civic nationalism. There's only 3 possible outcomes left.
1. Restructuring of borders, secession, etc. to save the number of regions that are still 99% white and don't want to look like Brazil
2. Holocaust
3. Brazil

>Cultures, religions and people aren't regarded as the same and equal.

If cultures, religions and ethnic peoples are not all the same, how come all can equally join and participate in your ""nation""?

And the reason they won't is that they're still holding tightly onto their own ethnic tribalism. Your made up nationalist shit is meaningless next to their very real and deep seated ethnic roots
Everyone except whites is still playing by the old rules, and they will destroy you for thinking you can reason with them

They did not have the concept of civic rights.

They had a title to accept non-ethnics into their ethnic nation. Honorary aryans.

They don't equally join and participate you fucking idiot.

Anyone, regardless of religion, ethnicity and culture can join a civic nationalist state

Imagine having a country of mostly honorary aryans. Is your country still an aryan country?

They can not equally join. You pick the one you see fit. You might reject an arab who puts allah before your countries values, but you might accept an arab scientist, who believes in a god, but doesn't even go to a mosque.

A simple question would be "Do you put your religion before our countries safety and values?"

If the person lies, all rights will be revoked.

>If the person lies, all rights will be revoked.

A civic nation mandates unalienable rights in practice (cf. America and the former ethnic British Colonies)

You're stuck with traitors in a civic nation until they concretely act upon their treachery. Why do you think it's called liberal nationalism?

I completely agree. I think we should classify certain behaviors/cultural norms as profoundly unamerican and send those people to the camps though.

It shouldn't be surprising that a lot of darkies would end up there, but it would have nothing to do with the color of their skin.

still look better than most niggers

The civic nationalism I want, does not tolerate "Sharia4UK" protests. They don't have to blow themselves up. Even protesting against UK's values would be enough to deport them.

You don't have to associate civic nationalism with what it has become.

So where do the rights come from in your civic nationalist ideology? The State?

What if I, as a Christian, oppose the legality of homosexuality and LGBTABCDEFG nonsense in your state, would I be put to prison?

Civic nationalism is retarded. Western civilization has a race and it is the white europid race. Protect your own and end this fucking cuckoldry you arab wannabe-german.

Race, religion and language are among the most important for societal cohesion, without unity in those areas you get a single shitfest of individualists like America, a country of haves and have-nots secluded into separate little countries that all hate each other.

I'm sorry you weren't born white but trying to rationalize that only white countries deserve to be mixed to the point where they have no unique identity just so you as a niggerspic don't have to feel bad is the peak of disgustingness and will ultimately bite you in the ass when the western world finally wakes from the slumber of liberalism.

What the fuck is that?


Simulation of populations using different survival strategies.