Did we just win the Internets?

Time came out with an article saying

>The alt-right’s favorite insult is to call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,” as in “cuckold.” Republicans who don’t like Trump are “cuckservatives.” Men who don’t see how feminists are secretly controlling them haven’t “taken the red pill,” a reference to the truth-revealing drug in The Matrix. They derisively call their adversaries “social-justice warriors” and believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity, which allows them to control the levers of power. Trolling is the alt-right’s version of political activism, and its ranks view any attempt to take it away as a denial of democracy.


Haven't found the tonnage in the magazine version and in the spectrum they set up we aren't the most red pilled. Were second and 2 away from leddit.

Other urls found in this thread:


those fuckers from eboaumworld did this

I bet the creator of that Time article is a fellow polark.

Only a Trump candidacy would legitimize our board. Now we need him a President to be the official hive mind of Trump Republicans.

>Joel Stein


The Holocaust never happened.

Women talking about cuckoldry is as dumb as men talking about feminism

>Did we just win the Internets?
kill yourself

Joel Stein not Jill Stein.


My statement still stands

>rich jew advocating for internet regulation over butthurt liberal feelings

And they wonder why the alt-right is growing more and more each day. They blame Trump but he isn't even alt-right. These filthy jewish parasites should take a long look at the mirror.

>Did we just win the Internets?


Redpill me on underage, non consensual, interracial anal fisting.

Its degenerate.

You're welcome.


Remember goys , Sup Forums is only satire after all

The internet is just the last place people can be honest about the world. What the fuck do these kikes think will happen if they crack down on it? People will lash out, hard.


just another millenial """"journalist"""" repeating memes for all the normies that haven't been on twitter for the last 12 months

deadline for a new article must've been bearing down on him

It's a Swedish custom, prominent since the 70s when the socialists took over and hailed until this day.


>To: Joel Stein
>I find it hilarious that after your people have stolen years of my life at gunpoint and bulldozed my home, you still expect me to work for free in your interests.
>You people belong in a f-cking oven.

>Weev clarified that TIME is “trying to destroy white civilization” and that we should “open up your Jew wallets and dump out some of the f-cking geld you’ve stolen from us goys, because what other incentive could I possibly have to work with your poisonous publication?” I found it comforting that the rate for a neo-Nazi to compromise his ideology is just two bitcoins.

Weev is mai waifuu

I'd get over my Hebrew-jeebees and kiss a kyke for $1152

He says his next printer troll will be for world peace by sam Hyde

It's not even just that. The more someone tries to limit something the more they just push it underground and make it worse. I remember back in about 2001/2002, a handful of kids spoke to paedophiles in chatrooms who offered to show them some puppies or something and because their parents didn't actually give a fuck about keeping an eye on them or even ask them who they were going to meet and they got molested. Hotmail closed their chatrooms in Britain (the most widely used and well regulated in the country at the time) almost immediately to combat this (God forbid parents actually look after their own kids) and did it solve the problem? Of course it didn't, it just pushed everyone to shitty websites ran and moderated by fuck knows who (potentially by paedophiles) and made the situation even worse.

I was only 12/13 myself then and even then I could see it was a bad idea, it just reminded me of prohibition. Close regulated establishments that are ran properly and force people to go to speakeasies drinking fucking varnish and juniper cocktails. It's true for absolutely everything too, gun bans, drug bans, none of it makes any difference because if people want to do something, they will.

Can confirm.

Closing Krautchan was a smart idea....

>Sup Forums Sup Forums memes have made it to Time magazine

What a time to be alive. I hope I don't have to shoot any of you fellas when the shtf. We've come a long way together.

They closed krautchan?


Where is the lie?


Internet is real life at this point
Strange to think the last five years of shit posting actually made a difference in a small way

>to late to sail the universe
>too early to discover the earth
just in time for

Thank you Times my life has a purpose again

>He doesn't remember the Moot incident
>2009 was 7 years ago

>tfw only went on Krautchan once

I don't even want to think about how long ago that was.

Wait they made a spectrum of 'red pilled' sites?

Fucking lol

You're on the same level as Sup Forums when Oprah did that expose on Sup Forums being an Internet Hate Machine.

Nigga, you made it.


>Win the internet
Get the fuck out of here with your Facebook tier mindless drivel

Where are the comments about calling people you don't know who say things you don't like racists, bigots and sexists? Why isn't time commenting on people who call other people "literally hitler".




I am but a humble servant of Kek.



One side of me is cheering that we won the internet.

>What the fuck do these kikes think will happen if they crack down on it?

You will crap your pants all over the basement and your mom will have to clean it up.

>Expressing socially unacceptable views like Weev’s is becoming more socially acceptable.
There's that high verbal iq you always hear about



its pure human nature mate u faggots PC CUNTS

why? they want everyone in one place instead of spreading amonst multiple chans. It'll make their life easier

>The alt-right’s favorite insult is to call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,” as in “cuckold.”
Yeah, that's ALL it's about. Not hating feminism, boy you sure got us pegged. This (((writer))) is so close yet so far from understanding what is happening here. He's just upset that the cultural zeitgeist is going in the opposite direction of his preferences. He just doesn't get it (pic related).

It's hardly winning the internets, just a quick peek of someone into it and Sup Forums, without any real support. Shame, because I suspect that if some (not all, because there IS a lot of simple shitposting and trolling) of the stuff discussed and shared here would find its way into mainstream media with neutral attitude toward it, leaving it up to debate - something good could come out of it.

>the online disinhibition effect, in which factors like anonymity, invisibility, a lack of authority and not communicating in real time strip away the mores society spent millennia building.
>spent millenia building
No faggot, what we spent millenia building was a successful civilization based on freedom of speech and freedom of arms. That has been torn down in the last 50 years in the name of (((diversity))). He's basically crying because we are anonymous and he can't harass our employers and family members when he disagrees with our opinions.

>In June of this year, Jonathan Weisman, the deputy Washington editor of the New York Times, quit Twitter, on which he had nearly 35,000 followers, after a barrage of anti-Semitic messages
i snickered
>At the end of July, feminist writer Jessica Valenti said she was leaving social media after receiving a rape threat against her daughter, who is 5 years old.
I laughed at her over-reaction... then remembered that she's just another normie. Is this what winning feels like?


I know you're too young to realise but that particular phrase actually originated on Sup Forums. So stop to trying so hard

Not quite a full until someone man's up and rapes that 5 year old

(((Pure coincidence)))


Also the wrong side won WWII.


>Currently used
Get with the times grandpa, it sucked then and sucks even more now

I say we all go and send a strongly worded letter to that shifty jew on how we don't them not taking us seriously and the fact that they rated us #2 redpill on the internet. Sup Forums is at least #0

Fuck off newfag

Frigg off you greasy cheeseburger eating fuck

If Time thinks something is serious business, that makes it serious business.

srs bsns

Yeah yeah I know the meme, my point is that it's completely obsolete.

>The Media is going insane over retarded 4chins memes
>Literally can't handle The Bantz

Fuck, it's like a goddamned Nightmare World.

>he doesn't remember rage comics also started on 4chinz
le fuuuuu amirite?

sometimes it's best to just let some things go

is this 2005 all over again?

Why is the media a decade behind.

>Time wasting their time talking about some Laocean shadow puppets board

Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.

nah...probably one of those faggots from plebbit who tips a toe in the waters here every now and then to post
>dank frog memes
and screenshots of RP threads to some sub ABOUT Sup Forums.

Because it's "safe" if they do it that way as they can claim it's for research purposes only.

hahahaha, lefties are really triggered because of this shitty insult, hahahaha, priceless.

>We're losing the internet

It was never theirs to begin with. It has always been the domain of the troll and the shitposter. They can try and make a little safe space for their widdle feelings but it will remain a fortress within the wilderness so long as the internet resembles its current form.

>“The idea of the basement dweller drinking Mountain Dew and eating Doritos isn’t accurate,” she says. “They would be a doctor, a lawyer, an inspirational speaker, a kindergarten teacher. They’d send lovely gifts and be a normal person.” These are real people you might know, Moreno says. There’s no real-life indicator. “It’s more complex than just being good or bad. It’s not all men either; women do take part in it.”

Right from the article

lazy as fuck edit

whoever made that should be ashamed of his low quality OC with no thought whatsoever behind it



>hillary totally wouldn't pay people to come to Sup Forums and shitpost goyi- I mean guys, we're not important enough

it's a vintage insult that was pretty much the worst thing you could call a man back in the middle ages.

Similar to being a "bastard" son.

People actually cared about family structure and bonds back then and if they were not held sacrosanct it was obviously because you were CURSED by devils and unloved by God.

Deep down in the darkest depths of their hearts the last sickly vestige of their soul cries out to them to do right and they know it... but choose to ignore it because they are giant children who will do what makes them "feel good."

I've been online since the 90s, and it's hilarious that the cucks and feminists think the internet has ever been their.
All they've done is shit all over it, and ruined what made it good to begin with, like they've done with society in general.

Fucking ebaumsworld.
They're always behind everything aren't they? Leaving their watermark behind at the scene every time.

Eric (((bauman)))

However: Jewgle and Kikebook are pushing hard for the leftist agenda. In the end: everything starts idealistic, free, adventerous and ends up in a socialist-capitalist swamp owned by kikes.