We are not latino,we dont even speak spanish

we are not latino,we dont even speak spanish

Your language still has latin origins though. Portugese is objectively superior to sp*nish in every way.

latino: born in latin america and latin language speaker

You speak a latin language,stupid.

It's not you who decides

We are not Latino we don't even speak Latin

Latino is not a race

is this cause i called you latino in the other thread

cause you are mayne, just embrace

it is
but south americans aren't in it

brazilians have no identity lol

latino is a retarded term anyways.
it can be about the pure Latin language, nations that speak languages originated by the latin...
in a nutshell, a generalized misspelled term because of the massive retarded repeatition of americans


fucking americans ruin everything

No, it's just the word that north Americans use to describe all of the people who speak spanish and portugese in south america because they think it's the only language with latin origins.

stay mad you will never be considered latino

helo my latino frens

ok, cocksucker of americans and their autistic artificial terms

It's not the same
Latino = Latino Americans
Latin = (You) Romance Europe

Um Latin America it's called like that because of the French

dude there's no fucking diference
you really think there's a difference because of the adittional "o"?
if put "latino" as an ethnical term, it englobes the Spanish-Portuguese-French America, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Romania

Yeah, the origins of that term was to separate the french colonies from the spanish colonies, but genetically speaking, it means nothing. A latino person is just someone who happens to exist south america and speaks a language with latin origins to it. It means just as much as the 'arab' identity does, both of them are pseudo terms really.

says the cucked american base

applying that term to hispanics doesn't benefit americans, it benefits hispanics, their ignorance benefits hispanics and you can keep crying about it, no one cares about some shitty tribe somewhere in italy from the ancient times

Reminder that the proper term is Iberoamerican

Romanians and Spanish's are the same race?

>we are not latino
but you are

That's the correct response.

>the origins of that term was to separate the french colonies from the spanish colonies
No, the original use of the term was to create a kinship in between Latin Americans (specifically Mexicans) and Latin Europeans (specifically French) that would counterbalance Anglos on both sides of the Atlantic. This is in the context of Napoleon III occupying Mexico and the instauration of the second Mexican Empire.

>A latino person is just someone who happens to exist south america
A latino is yes, someone who speaks a Latin derived language, tho in this case it was also meant to convey a connexion to Classic Greco-Roman culture as all Latins in Europe descend from peoples of the Roman Empire and so was presumed, through partial Spanish ancestry, of peoples in Latin America.

A full blooded Amerindian would in theory be neither Hispanic nor Latino and some take offense at being characterized in such a way.

The term we should use is Iberoamerican.


I agree. The term Latin America should englobe every country that its language and culture have latin origins, like Canada (the Quebec slice of the country) and yet it's not what actually happens.

The proper term is despacito.

Oh, hi Muhammad, how's life going?

Thnx Mexicanon for the explanation.

Latin Americans = the ones in the Americas
Latino = the ones in Europe
Latin = Dieded

That's true, but Quebec and French Guyana aren't considered Latino.

You're obviously retarded and just wanna get butthurt. Nobody thinks Latino encompasses all those peoples.

French Guyana is included sometimes, Quebec isn't.

Quebec isn't because it isn't a country.
We'd have to include Canada which is an English speaking country for the most part.

But I often see south Florida included

It shouldn't be.

Didn't know that Portuguese was not a Latin-derived language