Don't end up like Shmorky kids

Don't end up like Shmorky kids.

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doesn't he draw poor quality porn for money?



isn't shmorky a dude



Men can rape men, user.



It's just a shame that people who are abused go on to exhibit abusive behaviors themselves more often than not.

I mean this scenario is awful but that doesn't excuse the shit Shmorky has done himself.


But i thought that shit only happened in prisons?

What did Shmorky do?

remember that time he told his GF to stop taking her Schizophrenia meds because feminism or something

remember that time she went absolutely bonkers and started abusing him and Lowtax had to pull off this elaborate rescue of Schmorky only to find out that he got himself into the damn problem to begin with and still thinks he didn't do anything wrong

Bullied a guy into suicide via internet trolling.

This is not true.

Let's get one thing straight. Shmorky likes to play it up like he was raped, and that this sex exchange was all against his will, but it wasn't. Shmorky gave (reportedly shitty) head in exchange for room and board. Regretting it is one thing. But willfully doing it to offer some sort of compensation does not make your roommate a villain.

It makes Shmorky an pathetic idiot. He's such a pitiful man, worse than Andrew Dobson.

And he bullied someone else into suicide.
Not that online bullying matters but it robs him of the high horse to claim victim hood
Schmorky is a piece of shit.

you're just mad because he didn't leave you his car like in the deal

>And he bullied someone else into suicide.
>Not that online bullying matters
um okay