Trump regaining lead as Clintons numbers freefall

As Trump keeps making VERY impressive speeches and sticks to REAL ISSUES, his numbers continue to increase.

The democrats and corporate media really have no intention of trying to debate since they would lose, and do nothing but try to distract and fling insults.

However this country has REAL FUCKING PROBLEMS, problems Trump isn't afraid to address.
Whereas the democrats have basically gagged themselves with their own political correctness, and can only spew out empty statements.

As long as Trump keeps talking about the real issues, hillary is going to have a very difficult time, especially since its not like she is trusted by anyone or has one iota of charisma in her frail, feeble body.

Other urls found in this thread:


also no link

guess I am now on board the #Trumptrain

here you go britbong, congrats on your brexit vote by the way


Isn't the CEO of the company that owns Breitbart now on Trump's campaign?

Sounds like a real unbiased source to me.

It's the LA Times' poll you retard. It's even in the fucking URL.

>fake and gay
choose 2

This is a good day.


CTR shilling hard ITT

>breitbart is cooking the polls at the la times


Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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Need to register?

TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.

>Breitbart again
What are their end game?

Did anyone read or watch Trumps Milwaukee speech? it was very impressive

So you're telling me the source is from a site which owner is on Trump's payroll. Didn't know Drumpf has to correct the record too


Look here.




AHAHAHAHAHA fucking trumpniggers like holy shit you can't be more pathetic.

ikr, its basically the Salon of the right wing.

You do know that's not a standard poll right? It's not accurate at all.

They have the same group of people that they continuously poll. It's a complete outlier and is not their standard one

>la times poll

I think Clinton is too sick to really campaign so the media is doing it for her but really the "media" isn't what it used to be and nothing replaces real campaigning



Its gonna be a back and forth battle so you will stay tuned into the election for ratings and advertisement. In reality Hillary is gonna win by a landslide.

Remember how everyone kept calling Romney vs Obama a close election? Truth is, Obama won by a landslide.

>DNC wasn't approving articles and content from media members.
Claiming a rigged media for trump is about as CTR as you can get.

Whose word should I take? RCP and huffpost or some fag shill on Sup Forums? Hmm really makes you ponder

Maybe Trump realized that he's already got the vote of people who want to hear him talk shit, so now he has to focus on everyone else.

seriously though were can i watch the speeches

So agree he needs to focus on the issues.
Trade deals, the economy, her shit track record as Sec of State, the opium epidemic and how it ties into border security, isis. He's got so many things to to hit on if he would stop giving the media stupid shit to focus on every day.

>Pretending polls matter

The only poll that matters is the poll in November when people actually vote.

Oh wow, would you look at that, 1 post by this ID.

Golly gee, sounds like a coincidence since nobody would have invested interested in denying the obvious future.

Instead of posting lies online, maybe you inepts should focus on learning skills that are applicable outside of social media. Start with hygiene, cooking, and some form of physical activity aside from being triggered.

I am glad I was able to
Correct The Record

>Look here.

Like Hillary and Dem. party aren't spoon feeding CNN & NBC/MSNBC

Except that LA Times poll is the outlier in the RCP average you idiot

That's it, I'm riding the #TrumpTrain now

So much this. Hillary isn't doing shit meanwhile 69yr old trump is doing rallies and speeches every day. Trump even said that we wasn't in a race against hillary but against the media. The media only had a thimbles worth of credibility before this but it's completely gone now

>ctr budget is going like powder into a vacuum (or coke in a Clinton nose)
>Telling their people to post less so that they can keep the budget low
It's not working

Do you even know how their polling works? They are inaccurate and their method fucking sucks(pic related).

Also go on their website and see yourself.

Hillary was never in the lead.
The idea that Trump just lost half of his supporters because...(???) and then regained them all is completely insane.

Trump was leading the polls, which is why they rigged the poll. Now Trump is no longer leading the polls, which is why they're not rigging them anymore.
They see that Trump is 1-3 points behind and they don't rig it, because it shows Clinton winning.

We've already seen undisputed evidence of them flat out rigging the polls.

It just means what they side with during election
What is the problem?

The point is it is considered a good enough poll for every major aggregator you whiney shill faggot

Still not convinced he's going to win and will most likely lose in one of the largest landslides in history.

Polls showing Trump going up are disingenuous at this point. This election is so polarising that there really shouldn't be any undecided voters left. Both candidates are on the opposite end of each spectrum. People who are voting for Trump have already decided to vote for him and those voting for Hillary have already decided to vote for her.

The thing is, Trump has no ground to gain from Hillary. Most people voting for Hillary have probably been offended, at some point, by what Trump has said. This is literally Trump's race to lose. This isn't a grey election where the candidates are almost exactly the same cuck moderates. The more he says polarising shit, the more support he loses, until he completely boxes himself and only has white nationalist support. Even now, many of my conservative christian friends refuse to vote for Trump. If Trump is losing the cuckservative and christian vote, there is NO way he wins the election.

Either Trump loses by one of the largest landslides in history, or I'm completely wrong, his support is understated and he pulls a brexit and wins. But I'm really doubting that at this point.

So you're telling me that Trump is down 1%, and they used 2012 turn out data to mold the demographics.

That is completely laughable if true.

my respect has grown for you british man thank you

He's still a fucken idiot. Zionism made 911 and isis. You vote for a huge zionist

Once again you out right lied. Nothing wrong with this method whiney shill

So less niggers voting than this poll will actually show. Sounds good

>nothing wrong with rigging polls

Thanks for correcting the record.

Goldman Sachs has a large family

It's great how hillery is dead in the water like everyone else that's gone up against Trump. She won't even get commiefornia

How long until he says some dumb shit?

That doesn't mean it's not an outlier from the rest of the polls... Holy shit.

polls are meaningless right now anyways

Obama won because Romney fucked it all up towards the end


$5 long time






Evidence? Not doubting your claim, just tryna read up on the facts senpai

why does the last Trump pic have the skull and guns on the flag?

But i want Trump win.
Why i want get shill money ?

Mmm, I think you are forgetting how much he was ahead in the end of July

He started talking shit and his numbers dropped for a week, then he stopped talking shit and has been talking policy for a while now, of course his numbers are going back up.

also you have to remember that clinton is not obama, and her untrustworthiness ratings are through the roof, not to mention her low charisma and corruption

I don't understand the "posts" deal. Enlighten me: doesn't it just mean how many posts the person has in that one thread?

by tonight

check em

Hillary has always been in the lead. She's consistently held a double digit lead, even during the primaries. The only time Trump had actually lead was post republican convention and after the democratic convention all of these polls showing her with double digit leads started showing up again.

Also read: Trump is only going to lose support as more time goes on.

Like, when I look at my ID for this post, I see 1 post by this ID and I assume I'll see "2 posts by this ID" afterwards. And I post all the time. How is a "1 post by this ID" at the beginning of a thread any indication of shill status?


You mean the same Breitbart who's running Trump's campaign now?

>ha ha ha ha ha!

You people are hilarious!

Enjoy Your Summer

Election is in



>Most people voting for Hillary have probably been offended
That's why Don has to pull the skellingtons out of Hillarys closet so she offend them even more.
A libcuck could perhaps ignore a fact posted on Facebook or Twitter, but if Trump is beating them over the head with it as Hillary can only stand/sit there sweating? Might be a bit harder for them to brush it under the rug


Senpai, I don't mean to be rude but isn't breibart bough up by Trump?

None of that matters when literally every normalfag in America is convinced that Trump is hitler 2.0 and that he must be stopped.

None of Hillary's scandals have done anything to hurt her.

>He was ahead in July.

After the convention, polls showed he was ahead by 1-3 points. All within the margin of error. Because of some arbitrary garbage known as the "convention bump." And after the Dem convention, Hillary went straight back to winning.

There's nothing cuckier than Germans making fun of Trump's ancestor's German name.

Huma's beard

Weiner is disgusting

It's free, it was from an email for donors

...and now its swinging back the other way. see how it works?

just out of curiousity, what state are you in? where I'm at its nothing but Trump supporters

Trump shills are getting desperate. Can't wait for the election so they kill themselves and we move on.

you do know they got bombed by the Clinton Administration,right?

Hillary being quite literally mentally ill will do that to poll numbers.

Her brain is turning to mush before our eyes.

NO he didn't

Nationally he only one by a 3 points

>two strongest speeches
I saw the Milwaukee speech, but what was the other speech that headline refers to?

>Mexicans doing the labor we don't want to is an issue

wtf why does he sound like he has a brain now, compared to a couple of months ago?

A teleprompter. The second he starts speaking off the cuff he's the same old retard.


>I'm sick. *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

>I saw the Milwaukee speech, but what was the other speech that headline refers to?
probably the fort lauderdale speech where he showed a bunch of Sup Forums pictures and infograhpics.

not kidding

>inb4 he makes another stupid mistake and falls again

This man is playing with my heart

So, basically that thing every politician lives off of and refuses to go anywhere without.

President Obama hasn't said a word without his precious teleprompter in over 8 years. He probably doesn't even tell his daughters that he loves them without a teleprompter flashing the words at him one syllable at a time.

a """""landslide""""

>thinking hillary is gonna have Obama's nigger turnout

Wew lad

>popular vote

The electoral vote is what counts. Obama trounced Romney.

Why not just link to the LA Times poll?

wheres the fun in that?

It is a pretty new method of polling but it has valid research behind it and poll aggregates are all using it.
It does lag by one week though. So the numbers it reports are polling from the week before. It has been pretty accurate if you consider the lag.