Only in the US do you get punished for being a national hero. This is absolutely fucking disgraceful and outright theft

Only in the US do you get punished for being a national hero. This is absolutely fucking disgraceful and outright theft.

Only in the u.s. Is everything you can make money on is super fucked

Simple. Gift the winnings and prize to you family and you're set. Legal loopholes 101


It's worth noting athletes in a lower tax bracket would have to pay less and most athletes can deduct the cost of training from their tax bill.

We had a boarder patrol guy which shot turkish illegal fisherman who tried to steal his weapon and they fought and the bulgarian patrol shot him at the end and he got fired and lost his status and publicly shamed by the media for doing his job.

some countries give their medal winners no cash
UK, Sweden, Norway, for example

I can't believe it. The western cucks have begun to infect our glorious Slavs. You were our only hope.

You still have to pay income tax upon receipt before you gift it.

You suck at tax evasion.

So giving somebody money is punishment? Can you please punish me?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Lmao you're dumb

it’s the same here... even the Olympic committee pays about as much as in your country, which is nothing compared to countries such as Hong Kong, South Korea..

So should sport stars not pay taxes either?

Yeah, our tax,regime is absolutely ridiculous. We are, I think, one of only two or three countries that collect income tax for money earned abroad while living abroad. One of the other countries is Liberia if my memory is correct.

You steal their money

They are given money and then we tax the money.

How is this so difficult to understand? Its a net positive for them.

>paying taxes on income is the same as paying taxes on a symbolic piece of metal you win

Taxation is theft. And the medals are earned abroad.

Silly goy, only the government is allowed to steal.

Ok so the values for the medals are as follows:

$600 Gold
$300 Silver
$4 Bronze

That is pretty much negligible as far as taxes go.


Stop treading on me fascist.

Fuck you, theyll make it back in spades w their endorsements.

Why are you such a waste of life?


>I worked at something and got paid. Now I have to pay income taxes on that payment.

Boo fucking hoo!

So you think there's a difference between your average pay check and winning a symbolic medal representing that you are one of the top 3 athletes of your sport in the world?

Don't think*