YFW I tell you that Mohammed guy never existed
YFW I tell you that the first 200 years of Islamic history is entire fiction
YFW I tell you that this

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>the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was built as a church, not a mosque

So? It only makes it a sign of humiliation for the Christians and a constant reminder how they were conquered by Muslims.

The Christians of then were Arabs, that eventually turned muslim 200 years later. It was not conquered.

This Mosque is beautiful

The Quran was s Christian book written in Aramaic language in the first place.

I llike it better as a Church


It was made a Mosque 637 after the Rashiduns captured Jerusalem for the Byzantines.

And it was converted after Saladin captured Jerusalem in 1187.

It is a monument of Muslims triumphs.

In 637 there were no Muslims.

Islam developed over 200 years, hence why the documents between its foundation and the mid 9th century are missing. Most probably, they have been "erased from history" to fit into the islamic scholars' narrative.

You are legit a retard.
Mohammed died in 632.

>Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem was built as a church
You're more than welcome to make it a church again Goyim, just leave us out of it when the shitstorm starts

True. They needed to do that because Mohammed never existed.
"MHMD" in Aramaic means the blessed, the lauded and is no name, but means Jesus instead

Prove this.

If the first 200 years were fiction than how did it actually start? Do you have any specifics or are you just claiming what we know is a lie?

I am curious

Tfw they make up 200 years, without any proof of any of it even existing and then they just convert people so often that they had to turn churches into mosques; my theory: at first they stayed the same, but they slowly converted to that which was wanted (a mosque).

The Arabs the took control over Arabia and Jerusalem in 622 were Christians

we don't know, because the history of the first 200 years is unknown due to the lack of documents of islamic development. In addition to that, most christians throughout history considered "islam" a heresy of christian doctrine, rather than a separate ideology. Especially if we consider the 200 silent years, we could start having some interesting ramifications.

Didn't the Pope create Islam, and raise Mohamad in his church?

There are zero documents written at that time on the Arab side. All others didn't know anything about Islam or Muslims. They have written documents at that time.

>200 years of no documents
>guise, we have proof, its all in this book, which i totally didnt write, it was a guy that live a long time ago and god made him write so all of this is true!
>how do i know this? Because it says so in the book that i totally didnt write myself.


There is no "lack of documents", you could be sure the Mohammedans destroyed all documents. Because you have documents in the Arabs space from before and after this.

There are none, therefore Mohammed never existed.

The Arabs back then were heretic Chirstians, Look at the Orthodox Syrian Chruch today, is very similar as far as we know. They even use that MHMD thing still

"They considered", because it was nothing else.

So, why are there still muslims?

It is all a lie.

look at this based syrian patriarch
he should be our pope

Well, if the Syrians had their church in the Catholic order, Islam had never happened.

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