ITT: characters you do NOT want to meet face to face

ITT: characters you do NOT want to meet face to face

I want to meet Ward butt to dick

I want my face to meet his dick

I want my face to meet his dick

I want his dick to meet my face

So what has happened to him since I gave up at least one season ago?

He got infected with an alien virus and forced dasiy to cure him using her vibration powers. but suffered amnesia from the cure , and dasit fell in love with the new him and they ar on the run from shield

Coulson crushed his chest in with his cyborg hand, and then he died, and then a squid alien took over his body, and then Electro Ward flew him and SquidWard into outer space and exploded their ship and he died again

He proved that he is, without a doubt, the best villain of the MCU and then proceeded to die shortly after.

Jeez, seems like it was a good call to jump ship when I did...

>implying Hive-Ward would give a flying fuck about a puny human

you're of no interest to him. He wouldn't look at you twice, if even once

So I stopped watching this show part way through season 2. Why does Ward look like he's straight out of the thriller video?

don't fall for it.
it's this

Exactly why he's scary. He would do that weird disengaging shit to you

He was possessed by Hive, the first Inhuman, and became the leader of HYDRA.

His corpse is being possessed by Hive.

Because that's not Ward. It's Ward's dead corpse being used as a meat puppet for an ancient death god.

This fucker.
He's not intimidating, he just seems like that kinda douche you see at a party who's constantly yelling, challenging people and getting into fights over dumb shit.


Honka honka

Nice bait

That fucking dumb ads line.
Every time I hear it, I remember that one episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor with the saxman.
>Lou come on now, tot da tot the saxophone. Honka honka the saxophone. Tip-aty tip-aty top saxophone a go honka honka I don't like it!