Why does the idea of an united Europe competing economically and militarily with the USA and China to put Europe number...

Why does the idea of an united Europe competing economically and militarily with the USA and China to put Europe number one again makes Europeans here so angry?
Isn't it supposed to be a good thing? Or maybe do you like your Americans masters too much?

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Because Americans are better leaders than Br*ssels.

I dislike the current form of the EU and also I don't want to be in a union with fags who get mad at Germany for every failure of their own country. Other than that, I'm all in.

Because we don't want to lose our languages, cultures and traditions

Yeah because being a military and economic competitor of the USA is such a surefire sign of prosperity and well being, as seen by such paradises like Russia and China

Because we dont want more fucking G*rmans and slavics to steal our shit.

Ive had my cabin wrecked by roaming po*lacks twice in the last 5 years.

Down with the mutts!

>when country roleplay gets too far

because people with triple digit iq care about their life and not how much wealthier the wealthy people of your country can become

>current form of the EU
You mean the nameless bureaucrats and general lack of democratic principles?

Do you truly believe that all the small countries in Europe, which form the majority of the EU, have any ambition to become a global power?

They just want a country that functions well. And the EU adds an undemocratic and bureaucratic layer that currenty causes more problems than it solves. In the Netherlands you can walk up to a politician, state your complaints, and then it will be discussed in parliament and solved. That's literally impossible in the EU. In the EU some person that has never seen your country will decide over your country, while possibly not even taking your country into account.

For example now the central bank wants to inflate the debts of South Europe. But what does that do to our savings? Those will also be inflated away. That's just bullshit.

>i don't like the EU but I can't give you any clear nor legitimate reasons why


>Or maybe do you like your Americans masters too much?

>Because we don't want to lose our languages, cultures and traditions
That's why you are the most Americanized people on this planet?

>You mean the nameless bureaucrats
Irish people don't learn about the European institutions in civics class? Why are you blaming the EU for your national education system failing you?

useless regulations and bureaucracy, lack of democracy, lack of transparency, lack of support from the member states

Because the EU is a technocratic apparatus meant to kill whitey and allow degeneracy.

>my thread is getting reposted






the actuel EU is everything but that.
first step : same taxes for everyone inevery european country, same minimal wages.

If it's supposed to make us independant from the US why has the US pushed it since the beginning ?

first step : just kill the EU, we don't fucking need it

because the interest of many isn't always the best for the single states of the union. if you have structural problems being in a union may weaken you even more.
If wealth and the constitutional ideals of the states really merge into one big organism, then we'll prosper

Regulations that are actually mostly requested by the relevant industries and their associations. A bureaucracy that is smaller in size than that of a medium-sized city and system that is more democratic than pretty much any other international organization that is comprised of sovereign member states.

Got any more non-arguments?

Quads of butthurt.

You liked it when it was still beneficial to you.

The EU needs a lot more reforms desu. Now everyone only knows the European politicians from their own nation, because those are the only ones they can vote for. We need truly European parties, separate from national parties.

We also need critical journalists getting more free access to the EU. To fight the corruption, be critical of policies and to give feedback on what people find important in the EU. Currently the EU mostly talks to their cheerleaders and lobbyists.

>Yeah bro, don't worry about those hundreds of thousands of Poles invading your country. They are Europeans and just like you :^)

I'd rather this country get nuked then give it to Poles and Lithuanians.

Why does you have to make this thread every day?

>useless regulations and bureaucracy
sorry that we live in a civilised world with laws
>lack of democracy
you can vote can't you? also democracy for every small post or position would be impossible to achieve
no country in the world holds a vote when they want to hire some administrative worker
>lack of transparancy
every EU regulation, decission, meeting,... is freely available to all EU citizens on the EU websites
>lack of support from the member states
every member state is free to leave at any time
none except the UK have done so... it would appear that almost every member state supports the EU (or at least thinks the benefits outweight the downsides a lot)

france is BASED

Belgium is pretty much a bureaucratic hell, so it's no surprise its normal to you. The EU is basically a larger Belgium, which is not something positive.

>more democratic than pretty much any other international organization
not exactly a high standard to live up to
Who did you vote for in the last elections for the European Commission?

>Irish people don't learn about the European institutions in civics class?
No we don't, and it's a serious problem. It's the reason you see the "Hurr durr, the EU forced us to vote on the same Lisbon treaty twice because we didn't vote correctly the first time" argument trotted out by Irish people all the time.

I have had no problem whatsoever with the huge amount of Poles living in and around my village. That is more than what I can see of the center for asylum seekers nearby.

They do, but people that have a deep and honest interest in the inner workings of government bodies and few are far between.
I don't mind the regulation, we have higher quality goods specifically manufactured for the EU market, at affordable rates.
also, saying that as a German is so odd. Lived in Munich and Frankfurt for a couple of month, you can live quite cozy with a semi-decent job.

the EU is based

need more jupiterian influence across the continent


As an Aussie I don't really get the EU, why would you let foreigners make decisions for your country?

A clique of rootless EU bureaucrats are the last people I'd actually trust with defending anything. How about I just have my country, other countries have their country and leave mine alone?

>Who did you vote for in the last elections for the European Commission?
Who did you vote to be Chancellor of Germany in last year? Oh that's right, you don't always directly elect people to positions of power but that doesn't mean that they are appointed undemocratically. Read up on how Commissioners are appointed some time.

A frankenstein, a body with no soul. That's what the United STates of EUrope would be. A patchwork of people who don't want to live together.

Also this

they're not foreigners retard

we're all european


>not exactly a high standard to live up to
Actually the only standard to live up to at the moment.

Why are you comparing apples and oranges? As of today, the EU is not a sovereign state but an international organization with single member states that form it. Any attempt to compare its institutions to those of a unified sovereign nation is either intellectually dishonest or downright stupid.

As an international organization the EU is actually exceptionally democratic, actually the most democratically organized international one in the wor.d

>How about I just have my country, other countries have their country and leave mine alone?
"German nationalism on the rise"

I think the EU should have remained what it was originally, that is just a bunch of different treaties that countries could be a part of, like the Coal & Steel Community, EEC, Schengen etc.

Unifying all of that into the EU and giving it a pseudo-parliament only made it an easy target to blame for when national policies fail and a good enemy "other" that plebs could direct their hatreds toward

>implying people are against united europe

no, people are against european union
united europe can be, simply put, a good union or a bad union
current european union is a bad union, and various nationalists want out because their nation is a better union than european union

if serbia, for example, was a pro immigration kind of place, importing feral savages 24/7, and if there was an anti-immigration european union where all member states close borders, i'd want my country to join it
but the situation is the opposite of that, so i want opposite of joining eu for my country

>t. Janusz

>No we don't, and it's a serious problem
Are you fucking serious? This is a joke, right? I'm in my mid-twenties and learned about this shit in 5th grade.

>we're all european

We're also all human, why not just let the Chinese government take over?

I'd support a more unified Europe on paper, I just don't think the current EU leadership has the welfare of EU citizens mind.
Call me when they aren't engaged in a game of who can gobble down the thickest nigger dick.

A democracy of that scale with so many layers is never representative. Imagine if the US senate elected the president.

Says the country who just had a constitutional crises because its government was compromised by foreigners from NZ.

I want to be independent. I want Malta to be ruled by Maltese people, not some dick in Brussels.


It was never beneficial.

If you call giving up your industry, losing most of my generation to emigration and becoming a colony of germany beneficial then you have your priorities wrong.

Germany has a problem because without creating a market for their products (The EU), they're fucked, they produce way too much for internal demand and now they're approaching a limit even for the market they "created". The EU is basicly them scamming other countries into joining handing out cash, while pushing their demands soo that those countries can buy up their goods or produce half-products for their economy soo that they can fuel their economy and growth which is unsustanable otherwise.

Fuck the EU, im glad the UK left and i hope follow soon

So they can blow up more journalists?

i dislike the EU but they give the international megacorporations shit for and for that it deserves respect


Give me proof that the goverment had to do with it.

Yea and we kicked those fuckers out B)

I would like to, but I'd get blown up before I can finish my text

Number of Maltese citizens represented by a single European deputy 40 000.

Number of German citizens represented by a single European deputy: 850 000.

Number of Maltese votes within the European commission, the ECB and the council of ministers: 1

Number of German votes: 1

They want to make the commission president directly electable within the next 2 years.

See? You'd get blown up BEFORE releasing it, not AFTER. So please, shut the fuck up.

So? I should be happy about it?

>He seriously thinks that the European parliament has any power and that anyone takes it seriously

Germans, everyone

The US hates EU
Just listen Trump

>Are you fucking serious? This is a joke, right?
Deadly serious. We learn about the history of the EU, its primary functions/figures/institutions, and how it has benefited Ireland. But nothing about how the EU actually works. All very surface level stuff. Considering this level of ignorance, I'm very surprised at how pro-EU we are.

I hope he nukes Brussels.

Yes. Your voice stronger than that of 20 Germans. You think that Malta would be a more influential country as an economically dependent vassal state outside of shared democratic institutions?

Deutschland braucht für den Systemwechsel die ganz harte Nummer.
Selbst wenn das dazu führen wird, dass Millionen von Menschen sterben aber dieses Land braucht für einen Systemwechsel hin zu normalisierten Verhältnissen die ganz harte Nummer. Und genauso wird und muss es kommen denn sonst ist kein Systemwechsel auf Dauer möglich. Das Haus Habsburg, Hohenzoller oder Bismarck kann nur dann die Führung des zukünftigen Kaiserreichs übernehmen, wenn sichergestellt ist dass das neue System auf Dauer Bestand haben wird. Und es muss auf Dauer Bestand haben, denn sonst würde dieser Systemwechsel ins Leere führen.
Die Verhältnisse, die Werte und Grundsätze die früher mal galten werden wiederkommen.

>Mit Erinnerung an die Deutsche Hanffibel aus dieser Zeit...

>Merkel, Juncker and other globalists commissars of EUSSR want to make a military of their own to wage war on Poland, Hungary and anyone that dares to protest against the genocide of white Europeans and invasion of the muslim horde
Get sick of cancer, globalist corporate tool.

How would I be able to prove corruption if I get blown up before I can release my findings?

Yes as we can see with poles not following written agreements because of medial hysteria

It's going to get way more powers once the current German government accord is finalized.

because the system itself is undemocratic,
heck the sole reason as to why homosexual marriage is legal in the majority of western europe isn't because of democratic vote by each individual state but through an imposition by an unelected council situated in luxembourg, so much for the enlightened populace of europe when their national laws and state moris are dictated to them.
The EU is a perfect example of a federal union that is top heavy and receives little input from its members states.
While the U.S, barring what happened in the last 50 years, has been a union of consenting states wherein actions between members states are not only allowed but is seen as the proper modus operandi given the expressed limitations as cited by a document that each state ratified and all federal offices pledges to honor.
you don't have that in the EU.

>Let me tell you about your Union

>heck the sole reason as to why homosexual marriage is legal in the majority of western europe isn't because of democratic vote by each individual state
There's nothing stopping individual countries having a referendum on issues like that. That's what we did. Blame domestic politicians.

Hey guys, we share all those democratic values and the love for the RIck&Morty fandom with the US, we should unite with them to keep our independence from Wakanda

*Picks some shitty piece of classical music and now LARPs about it being the official anthem of the Amereuopean Union because that's clearly what the composer intended*

In any state that legalized homosexual marriage recently public opinion polls showed majority support for legalization for years. It was actually held back by the respective political classes. Also this is not even a competence of the EU, so I don't know what you are on about.

The layers are still a problem though. Look at America again for an example. Their foreign (and to a lesser degree, domestic) policy hasn't changed since WWII.

Germany needs the very hard number for the system change.Even if it will cause millions of people to die but this country needs for a change of the system out to normalized conditions very hard number.And just as will and must occur because otherwise no change of system in the long term is possible.The House of Habsburg, Hohenzollern, or Bismarck can only take the lead of the future Empire, if it is ensured that the new system in the long term will endure.And it must have stock in the long term, because otherwise would result in this system changes into the void.The conditions, the values and principles that were once will come back.

>With memories of the German hemp primer from this time...

Because it will never happen.

The EU is garbage.

>heck the sole reason as to why homosexual marriage is legal in the majority of western europe isn't because of democratic vote by each individual state

>heck the sole reason as to why homosexual marriage is legal in the majority of western europe isn't because of democratic vote by each individual state but through an imposition by an unelected council situated in luxembourg, so much for the enlightened populace of europe when their national laws and state moris are dictated to them.


In my opinion It makes no sense that I have a stronger voice than 20 Germans.
We where doing fine pre-EU. I don't see why we won't without it.

Exactly. if the government wanted to blow her up to shut her up, they wouldn't
do it after the released what she released.

Have fun in your circle jerk germanistan union, maybe if you start threatening france they will surrender and stick arround

Because "united Europe" just means France or Germany acting like dicks.

>The EU is a perfect example of a federal union that is top heavy and receives little input from its members states.

And actually if you knew anything about how the EU actually works these days then you would know that the true power of the union still resides mostly within the European Council(or the council of ministers) that is the representative body of the single member state governments which still is pretty much calling all the shots. So when a national government complains that something gets imposed on it without their input then that's wrong because they were literally sitting at the table.

>economically and militarily
they do economically but they can't handle competition
if they ever decide to build an army then their economy will worsen and they won't be able to put forward ant kind of serious competition
yros are irrelevant and incompetent

>implying Poland won't capitulate too
How long until Poland doesn't exist again?

We need a Europe of fatherlands with tendency of an Eurasian Union

why though? just for the sake of it? If Europe was to mimic America's economic and military competitiveness it would just mean less money going towards public services, infrastructure and education, and more towards a massive overblown military and central european banks and corporations. So I hope it's worth it when you can't afford your prescription medication just so you can boast about some GDP statistics that have no bearing on the quality of the averages persons well being and basically only serve as proof that a small group of really rich people are continuing to get even richer

>its fine that laws can be imposed on us by an unelected body as long as there is recourse which can then be overturned by the same unelected body that imposed the law in the first place.
Even Canada's parliamentary system is more democratic than the EU.
The difference in jurisprudence and political structuring of the three unions is easy to see, The U.S is the most democratic yet has the easiest way to establish factions of significant power (some people say that features as by design as to protect minorities from the will of a slight majority)
While the EU is the least democratic with the hardest way to establish factions of significant power (as they adopted the parliamentary system as their federal body)
while Canada sits in between.

Poland has not yet perished.


Poland might leave the European Union but it will never leave Europe. The Polish economy will continue to depend on those of other European member states and will have to abide by European regulations in order to continue to access the single market or face economic doom. You guys will just get Finlandized and lose all of your political representation and influence within the union.

I understand Germany, France, England, etc being against it but why would someone from a country like mine or a Slovak/Estonian be against it? Your states are irrelevant as fuck.

But nothing was imposed on Ireland. The referendum on gay marriage was our own initiative.

Canada is a sovereign nation and the EU is an international organization. Jesus, stop with the false comparisons.

Because of russian political intrest, shaped into an alt right worldview.

Yes. We need to emulate the sphere of influence of an autocratic mafia state. This will solve the democratic deficit.

if that is true, then why not just let the member states do it the right way, the democratic way, and make their representatives sign a law, and if you want the Federal body to adopt it, then allow the member states to ratify such a provision rather than having the courts of human rights impose it on every EU member state? and this is true not only for the issue of homosexual marraige but for many other things, both commercial and societal
Anything else is a salient excuse, its akin to an emperor calling for the genocide of a minority group and then justifying it with the claim "the people wanted it so I did" rather than letting the whole event undergo the democratic process.

>I don't see why we won't without it.
Because the future will be different than the past when there are 10 000 cities in China with a population greater than Malta's.

>Poland might leave the European Union
That would be hilarious. The UK might have a chance of doing fine outside the EU (emphasis on the "might"), but Poland wouldn't have a hope in hell. They'd just fall back into Russia's sphere of influence.