
What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis.

No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average western nation:
its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek... need I continue?
And each of these example can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Pheonicians, and so on.

Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suits their need.
Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species.

You're reading, right?

Stupid frog, nationalism is necessary for individuals to take pride in their country. It's essential to have strong borders for security, population control and all that great shit

Couldn't have said it better myself. Our narrow modern definitions of nationalism are not only anti-history and anti-white, they're anti-reality. Synthesis and fusion is the only way cultures can truly thrive.

There's always been a balance of force and openness.

Force has been greatly devalued in the last half-century. Western culture has spread too far too fast, and since we see ourselves reflected everywhere we no longer have a clear image of what it means to be Western.

Culture is rapidly being reduced to a series of insignificant memes.

>hey guys part of all culture is the human element
>so accept immigrants and if you shame them for bringing their nationalism with them you're racist
Solid argument, frog.

many states existed and even thrived before the advent of nationalism, why can they suddenly not thrive without it?

Pre-nationalist 'states' were feudal influence zones.

Modern transportation and trade have completely changed the landscape. Culture is mostly a response to isolation, and I don't know how the world will react when you can constantly shitpost with Russians and Kazakhs on the internet as long as you both know the same language.

wtf i hate borders now, thanks for your guidance Dr. Shekelstein


Wow, I actually checked and our numbers are really Arabic. Huh, I guess we really should flood Europe with millions of shitskins.

this is truly great, especially with a common enemy


doublecheck it. The numbers are indian, they're just called arabic.

Why does the free flow of information require the free flow of persons? Historically, it may have. Today? Not at all.

under rated.

I mean, what's the alternative? No borders round the world? That'd mean people from poor countries would move to the more wealthy areas, which would make the rich areas worse and worse as more people moved there. Instead of poverty in only some of the world (well, most), there'd be poverty ALL over the world. You, sitting at your computer writing this, would be able to see homeless people outside your windows. Maybe even people trying to break in, because so many people migrate at once, so there's no houses and mass poverty.

As well as that, countries allow us to have unique values and not have to force them upon one another. A country is essentially a collection of people who share similar values, hence why people are so resistant to immigration. However, as long as that immigration is controlled, it's fine, and the values of that country remain.


>No civilisation is authentic, monolithic, pure
Bitch you guessing

We understand that. Our understanding of the world and the accomplishments we have made are not solely our own. Human genes are unable to pass down culture and memory, so we must rely on the world built by those who survived.

While human cooperation and altruism is necessary for survival, that does not mean that the idea of nationalism is flawed. What makes us strong is both our diversity and our inclusiveness. Nationalism isn't race exclusive.

It's not a matter of if a civilization is pure, it's a matter of what works. The preservation of your country, culture, and accomplishments allows society to move in a direction which is beneficial towards that society.

And what you open border cucks fail to understand is that you don't have to have foreign hordes invade your country and replace the native population to adopt the positive elements of their culture.

Look at Japan, they're not isolationist culture-wise but they don't accept tens of millions of low IQ niggers either.

Why can't you understand that?

To all those who cared to answer without resorting to shitposting and memes I think you may have misunderstood the original post.

It is not about erasing borders from existence.

It's more about not erecting barriers that would effectively, put a stop to what has proven to be of cultural significance.

The passing of said culture through borders.

Bear with me, I don't want you to jump on that "he's a liberal, an algerian, stupid globalist, cuck, other minority other things that have become memes and that have seen their meaning diluted into some hive mind".

I'm not advocating a forceful (nor a passive) replacement of western culture.

I mostly think that setting up impassable walls would lead to stagnation.

Eh, I think that the world's standard of living, rate of advancement, opportunity, and overall happiness of populations has increased by economic globalisation. However, it's because of the sharing of cultures with other countries that have amazing cultures that this has happened. Cultures need to earn the right to pass into other countries. Western values and culture has been at the forefront, well, for hundreds of years because it has been the west that has advanced human everything more than anyone. Before the Industrial Revolution, when China was the dominant power in the world, they were the ones who were culturally dominant. And that's how it should be.

You can't just expect countries to allow in every culture just because it's different. If that culture isn't going to increase happiness or development in the lives of these people, why would they want it.

gonna make for a great speech to video just before they saw your head off