Let me get this out of the way: I am planning on voting for Trump in the upcoming election...

Let me get this out of the way: I am planning on voting for Trump in the upcoming election. Hillary is too great of an evil to allow into office. I am sure there are plenty of others who feel the same on this board. Gary Johnson is a garbage libertarian candidate, and the green party isn't even worth talking about.

My question is this: why the hell was Sup Forums so infatuated with Donald Trump from the beginning? Back in the primaries I heard people say stuff like "Trump is the only talking about the real issues. Trump says it how it is." But what issues has he even talked about? Immigration is basically a nonissue at this point. China isn't going to take over the world. Can anyone offer me some solid reasons for why they support Trump? It seems to me that Sup Forums latched onto him for his memability, and then retards showed up to start taking it seriously.

Rand is still my top choice.

Other urls found in this thread:


we want whites to stay a majority in the US

How will Trump accomplish that?

Immigration is a huge issue you cuck.

deporting millions of illegal shitskins

if removing non-citizen leeches, helping minorities get jobs so they won't chimp out and going to prison, and freeing up $1 trillion dollars a year is a small issue to you, what do you consider a big issue?

Our current border strategies are effective. More people are leaving than staying.


>why the hell was Sup Forums so infatuated with Donald Trump from the beginning?
>"Trump is the only talking about the real issues. Trump says it how it is."

I don't remember any of this, and I suspect you're actually a newfag.

the ones still here multiply too fast, they need to go back

Not good enough. There are tens of millions of illegal aliens squatting in this country right now. Every last one of them, and their children, born here or not, need to be rounded up and deported.

>why the hell was Sup Forums so infatuated with Donald Trump from the beginning?

Why else? With absolutely no exceptions, Sup Forums is always R I G H T.

Maybe you're fucking retarded because people here have been supporting trump, ironically or not, ever since he started running.

You're right though. Nobody said what I wrote in the OP. Instead they said "MAGA" or "BUILD WALL." Maybe I implied that Trump supporters were smarter than they actually are.

I was on Sup Forums before id's btw. I remember when moot removed the post timer and captcha for about a month, which basically ruined the board since. It's been a hellhole of alt-right shitposting ever since

Literally because he is not a career politician.

>Immigration is basically a nonissue at this point.
It's literally the only issue. The country is made up of the people. And when the people are Mexicans, the country is basically Mexico.
>China isn't going to take over the world.
Not in ten years. Maybe not in twenty years . But in fifty? One hundred?

>US fertility rates are in decline. >Entrepreneurship is down
>Most industries are owned by fewer companies
>Wages have been stagnant for decades
>The government and media are corrupt
>Scientific breakthroughs are increasingly rare
>Moore's Law is dead
>Infrastructure is literally crumbling (2007 Minneapolis bridge collapse, Flint water crisis)

We're seeing an empire in decline. Bringing in Mexicans or Muslims to fix birth rates is a band-aid on a gangrenous amputation.

Why are you legit trying to have a rational conversation about Trump?

You're not going to get Sup Forums to admit he's shit even if we all agree that Hillary is the shittier.

I tried to look up information related to that image and here's what I came up with: fairus.org/publications/the-fiscal-burden-of-illegal-immigration-on-united-states-taxpayers

Here's the gist:
>Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level.
>Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion.

It seems to me that the bulk of the issues could be resolved if states decided to crack down on illegal immigration. The amount of problems caused by illegal immigration doesn't warrant federal intervention, nor does it warrant the bureaucratic and political nightmare of deporting every single illegal immigrant.

Legitimate question: what should the racial makeup of the United States be? I mean, break down by percentage. If Mexicans are to Mexico then are you saying the United States should be European? How do you address the fact that the country has always been multi-racial?

I mean, you're probably going to say, "it should be 100% white". That's fine. But why do so many supporers try to deny the connection between c/overt racism and the Trump campaign? It seems like you guys want it both ways, you want to be pro-white but don't want anyone to call your movement pro-white even though it's pro-white and you admit in private that it's pro-white.

Immigration is a federal issue according to the Supreme Court.

And the biggest toll illegals take on our country isn't even fiscal, it's cultural and racial. Illegals come here and they make more Mexicans. Mexicans who speak an alien monkey language. Mexicans who vote for Democrats (a huge problem). Mexicans who are indolent, criminally prone, and all around incompatible with America.

Mexicans belong in Mexico. It's why Mexico exists.

>Bringing in Mexicans or Muslims to fix birth rates is a band-aid on a gangrenous amputation.

Nah, it's more like injecting HIV into some one already dying from cancer.


>There were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2014. The population has remained essentially stable for five years, and currently makes up 3.5% of the nation’s population.

You can not quantify the impact of 3.5% of the population. It sounds like you're angrier about the fact that Mexicans are here at all. Should we just kill all of them? What kind of America do you think existed?

Whatever dude, people thought the same thing about the Italians back in the day. Now we call them "white people".

How will deporting a shitload of people fix any of this?

Nice bullshit number you got there. Here's why that number is wrong:


And yes, I can quantify the impact. As the U.S. becomes more Hispanic, it also becomes more left-wing. There are simply too many Hispanics in the U.S.

And if I were in charge, yes, I would shoot many of them, if it were cheaper than deporting them. But I'm not in charge. I will settle for mass deportation.

Immigration is not a non-issue for millions of unemployed working class Americans who have lost their jobs to undocumented workers. Nobody said China will take over the world, but they are manipulating their currency and violating our trade regulations without consequence, which hurts our economy. He's addressed virtually every relevant issue in politics today in addition to those two trademark issues. What more do you want?

>As the U.S. becomes more Hispanic, it also becomes more left-wing.
It doesn't have to be this way. If anything, it's a failing on the parts of politicians that things are even perceived this way.

Black people for example are incredibly conservative. The failure by Republicans to court the black vote is kind of astounding to me. Hispanics are kind of the same way, when it comes to topics like gay marriage or race mixing they're not really the most liberal group. Essentially you have two conservative groups voting liberal because the Republican party is so white that they can't court voters with damn near the same political interests.

H1B visas affect my life. All my coworkers are Indian. ALL OF THEM.

>My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homeland) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended

So it's just a fucking guess

The more I read of that paper, the more it sounds like illegal immigration is more of California's problem than the United States problem. As a Californian, I wholeheartedly agree. We bend over backwards for illegals. It's a disgrace. California should be for Californians. Do I think the federal government should step and ship everyone out? No, we just have to stop pandering and the problem will work itself out. Immigrants will come here, realize their kids can't enroll in school, realize that companies are too afraid to hire them, and leave. There's no need for something as drastic and expensive as mass deportation.

Furthermore, the only reason illegals vote democrat, as this user says, is because the left panders to them. I've actually worked with illegal immigrants in construction, and the entirety of Mexican culture is built around gender roles. Insults revolve around insinuations of homosexuality, women are objectified at every opportunity, and they absolutely despise black people. The faster you disassociate "pandering to illegals" from "cultural marxism," the faster you'll realize that our cultural degradation is not the result of the illegal population, but rather the people who court them. If they didn't have illegals, they would find or create another group to pander to.

>Immigration is basically a nonissue at this point

What? Immigration is an issue for every single country on earth, and MUST be done right.

The democrats have an incentive to bring in more people who will vote democrats regardless of the long term consequences, this is why they push the whole "voter ID" is racist

reasons i'm voting for trump
>can't be bought by interest groups like many career politicians are.
>not willing to play the PC crowd's game. before he came along the entire establishment was afraid of saying the wrong thing, effectively leaving them impotent.
>he has been incredibly successful in executive positions for decades which means he is good at making decisions. his success in the private sector is proof that he will be able to get the job done as president of the united states.
>he's actually not a bad guy despite the medias bashing and him coming off as a hard ass a lot of the time. youtube.com/watch?v=U20DMF9qe3s

>It seems like you guys want it both ways, you want to be pro-white but don't want anyone to call your movement pro-white even though it's pro-white and you admit in private that it's pro-white

That's because calling his campaign pro-white would be political suicide. We aren't allowed to be "pro-white" anymore. So we have to be covert about it.

It's a matter of practicality, in terms of actually winning the fucking election, not semantics and mental gymnastics.