What exactly is the mental disorder that makes people conservative...

What exactly is the mental disorder that makes people conservative? I know that this has been studied but it's not very politically correct for scientists to talk about.

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>Thinking other people are mental defectives for not having the same ideas as you

>not very politically correct
Normies shame conservatives all they want and be praised for it


It's called sanity.

No, see, people are welcome to have different opinions on how to deal with things.

They're not welcome to go against all conventional wisdom, stomp their feet, bring the government to a halt, and try to pass stupid laws for spite based on fairy tails.

What exactly is the mental disorder that makes niggers steal? I know that this has been studied but it's not very politically correct for scientists to talk about.

Its not a disorder. They are perfectly healthy adult low iq idiots.

Niggers aren't liberals. They're just voter toys that political parties use to win.

Surprised to hear that a liberal hates niggers? Don't be. That's just right-wing propaganda.

I wish it was a disease, because I would try to pass it on to as many others as I could
think of the good that could be done

Right. Because there are NEW fairy tails, such as:

>Gender is a social construct.
>Transgenderism isn't a mental disease.
>White people must atone for being white.

The last one sounds familiar, right? It's the new, "Original Sin" and must be cleansed away only instead of water on your head your baptism is forced acceptance.

>literally all of Sup Forums's ideology
Guy. Come on.


Again you're assuming I agree with any of those things.

Is it impossible for you to think that someone might be liberal, and accept that government isn't a boogieman and that I agree to pay taxes for the benefit of society rather than the individual, without thinking I'm a crazy left-wing socialists SJW?

Guess what? You already live in the terrible socialists country Fox scares you about. Except you love your roads and police and schools.

LMAO I mean.

Conservacucks on Sup Forums are always accusing liberals of being retarded. No need to get whiny and hypocritical now.

C'mon guy.

Conservatism is a sociological requirement for fellowship in a people because it forges a united narative which veils the truth of loneliness. Sociology, if researched with measures of induction and accounted for with falsifiability, is a science. Your picture, on the other hand, is artistic which is mostly distanced from science and stoisicm in general. Artistic subjects tends to push aside science to focus on the recievers emotional side.
So, your picture is really upside down since liberals, in general, are more prone to disregard science and focus on the emotional aspects of life. This also explains why liberals are much more recipient for demagogue propaganda and why they all are having self-rightious hard ons right now due to a picture of an unwashed syrian kid floating about the internet.

It's called life. It's sexually transmitted, invariably fatal and one of it's symptoms is that the sufferer goes through a process known as "growing up" during which conservative tendencies arise.

But Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder (TM)

Funfacts: The much-touted "authoritarian/paranoia tendencies by political ideology" study that originally claimed right-wingers displayed more neurotic, paranoid, politically intolerant, and authoritarian/totalitarian tendencies had to be totally revised and reversed as it was found that left-wingers/progressives were those which displayed problematic and severe sociopathies on the regular.



>eurofag thinking he deserves to weigh in on american issues

Get back to me when your country does something other than legalize drugs for you to forget how miserable your country is.

Drugs are illegal in Denmark.

Like trying to force people into believing that some dude with a fat cock is a Woman because he says so. FUCKING kill yourself

It's called "Having self-esteem"

Holy fuck, checked

>also Redditors btfo

Conservatism, Nationalism, Pride in ones self/family/race and nation has been working well for over 2000 years, but a little virus known as marxism thinks it can run against human nature despite plenty of real world evidence that shows it can't, Liberalism is inhuman, unnatural and immoral. And is doomed it's only a matter of time before the reaction proves to great to be contained by the leftists. Hopefully we can put liberalism and marxism back into the dustbins of history where they belong.

Used to be a liberal, changed after I started to realize all the left does is pander to get votes by appealing to the naive and emotionally gullible. Most people start as liberals then turn conservative, you rarely see the opposite.

Your response was entirely unnecessary user.

You did not add to the conversation. Your outburst was entirely unneeded. And will get you nothing.

Reflect on that

Also, you asked a question regarding ideological philosophy, not a question about american sociology. Don't be a crybaby just because you don't like my answer.

>hey man don't assume things about me

>I assume you watch Fox News

Say it with me ya'll...


Liberalism is easy.

Conservatism actually requires effort.

There are pros and cons of each and depending on circumstances each can be as, less or more necessary than the other.

I'd say we need to be conservative with resources and remain liberal with ideas.

Stop wasting and tell me how I can make my own. etc...

The Democratic Party should come out as openly atheist. That is a good idea that you should do, please.


Nice upside down stars, fucking goof

Lol, why yes. He's got three of them.

They tend to be more fearful as children.

What are you on about?

Being a liberal literally means that you have a mental disorder.


The funny thing is, when they first released the fucked up version of that study, libtards were very quick to come up with ideas about how conservatives should be forced to take a cure for their "illness" to turn them into liberals, if and when, such cure was found.

I hope you libtards are ready to take the pill!

You literally can't make this shit up

conservatism is the natural default

traditions exist, as such, because they are continuously successfully selected for, because they work

whereas degeneracy accompanies collapse

Modern liberalism is a mental disorder

go fuck yourself

monkey post best post


Conservatives are literally more likely to be scared of everything because their lizard brain is overdeveloped (the part of the brain that deals with fight-or-flight emotions and not logic)

They literally have less gray matter in parts of their brain that deal with complexity.

Conservatives literally value their own feelings over facts.

>Conservatives literally value their own feelings over facts.

Says a dipshit who most likely believes men can be women.

>stupid laws for spite based on fairy tails
You mean Affirmative Action? Or are you talking about the Great Society project.


>and accept that government isn't a boogieman
So, to ignore reality. The government is the enemy.

>agree to pay taxes for the benefit of society
So, to ignore reality. That money doesn't go to the benefit of society, it goes to bankers and corporations. You voted to enrich criminals.

>roads and police and schools
Not Socialism, period. Socialism is State ownership of the means of production and is an objectively bad way to run a country.

Now that you have been casually, effortlessly defeated, please explain to me why you vote for criminals?

>I can't argue with facts so I'll just take a shot in the dark and assume he's a radical feminist!

Wew lad, who will check these quints but I?

Gender dyspphroia is a core tenet of liberalism now.

As is general hedonism, actually. Except specific kinds, which should be extremely illegal.

In every country, they could basically be renamed the "Legalize all this topical shit, but have extortive punishment for this other topical shit" party.

Your wife prefers black cock. How do you feel about that fact?

>I know what your political viewpoints better than you do!
typical conservative who can't argue rationally

go eat some spaghetti you greasy wop

quality post, quality repeating integers

>I can't argue with facts, so I'll just project my weird sexual fetishes onto him!
really sad


>I know what your political viewpoints better than you do!
I would very much hope I know public viewpoints at least as well as you do.

Funny, i was just thinking about almost the same thing, only difference is how liberalism is a mental disorder.

Ha!Ha! You probably think Bruce is a woman.

It's fear. Fear of difference, fear of change.

It's a hypocritical attitude that is hostile to social and scientific and political advancements and improvements, despite the fact that they benefit from the world that all these benefits created. They think that we should all be frozen in time back in 1955.

Usually a whole lot of stubbornness and refusal to accept or at least experiment with change or different beliefs or ideals than what they are used too.

Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness. Perhaps though, liberalism is not so much a novel mental disorder, but a more cleverly disguised form of illness already widely studied since the late ‘60s – narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Read more: thepoliticalinsider.com/6-reasons-why-liberalism-can-be-considered-a-mental-disorder/#ixzz4Hk0tocoT

wow nice comeback u even added a meme

Verily, I verify this.

You can look at this a much different way, libtards have an underdeveloped sense of danger, which is why they are fucking retarded and extremely naive.

every libtard woman i've ever met talks about doing the dumbest shit like moving to new york and living in a ghetto or going to LA to become famous. These are the people that end up in dumpsters because they had no ability to process the potential for themselves to ever be in a dangerous situtation.

and then libtards call this idea of foresight, thoughtfulness and preparedness, "paranoia" as if accepting reality is some sort of mental condition that can be treated by disregarding facts.