Why are all school shooters white?

Why are all school shooters white?

The top 2 deadliest mass shootings in American history were both caused by non white non Christians.

Blacks don't go to school.

Who chos?

Because we have to live with other inferior races that drive us crazy.

They're not. School shootings match up with our national demographics quite well. Only ~65% of school shootings are white, and that's about the size of the white population.

Because white people are fucking stupid when it comes to pointless killing. A nigger kills lots of people and tries not to get caught. White guys just suck at being criminals. Most of them just an hero like a bitch

Blacks can't aim

got it in 2

More like, schools in noce areas don't have armed officers and metal detectors like schools by the ghetto

Blacks are killing each other in the streets, in their houses, and in fast food restaurantes plenty

Niggers are too lazy to shoot up schools. If they are frustrated at school they just quit going

>What did you just say, nigga?

Niggers always get caught and never plan ahead.

Are jews white?

Because niggers cut class

because in black school, the niglets know that everyone has a gun and so they won't be at an advantage

Because whites are too cucked to fight back. The school shooters are almost always in very white areas, because they would get their shit kicked in if they did anything around naturally barbaric nogs.

> Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

you have to know where the school is to shoot it

You just never hear about nig on nig violence at schools.

Yeah but they live a great life in prison. For them it's like free college where you get taught all the advanced nigger-science and negronomics. A skinny white boy wouldn't survive long inside.

Because the couple of times a decade a white person shoots people at school it's a "mass shooting". The multiple daily occurrences of blacks and mexicans shooting people at schools it's "gang violence".

That's actually wrong

Blacks are still overrepresented in school shootings

because all the black school shootings are gang related and don't fit the liberal narrative

so there are really never any black ghetto school shoot outs? i find that hard to believe.
If black school isnt dangerous what the fuck are all those 90s movies about then?

A) Most blacks don't go to school

B) The ones that do have generally run out of bullets by the time they get there

there are black school shootings everyday but the media counts it as youth violence / gang violence and doesn't report it

Nigger schools have metal detectors.

Natural Selection
Columbine memes apart, Id say whites do the most school shooting since they try to behave themselves and go out of the way of trouble. With that all the anger builds up and explodes a fiery explosion of wrath. Not to mention that only whites and Asians have the capacity to plan stuff like this.

Niggers just do a small explosion of violence every time something doesmt go their way. Thats why niggas constantly fight and normally arent as concerned with behaving well. With that they constantly release pressure from their school shooting valve and it never bursts instead you get a bunch of fist fights and destroyed class rooms. And like I mentioned they arent smart enough to plan and organise this stuff.
Asians, while they have the capacity to do this stuff easily just like whites, dont do it in large numbers since their simply less violent (due to lower test?)

this is what schools in areas where blacks live look like