Were we supposed to like/root for Hank?

Were we supposed to like/root for Hank?
Because I just found him annoying from start to finish and felt nothing when he died OR when he got his spine shot out

His name is Isaac, you fucking mongoloid. Did you miss that part?

What was it about BB that brought out the best performances from the actors?
I watched a few episodes of Beneath the dome or whatever it's called and he was a pile of shit.
ASAC not Isaac, retardo. Assistant Special Agent in Charge.

It's A. Zack Schraeder, dumb fuck.

Holy fuck you really are stupid. You're literally just making that up.

where the fuck did you get that nonsense from

I hated him since the twins had him dead to rights but he escaped with some Tom & Jerry shit. Fuck off. Either kill him or don't put him in that situation.

no hes name is isaac you retard its a twist hes jewish -_-

Its A$AP schrader fags

That was has birth name. He had to change it to steer clear of Albuquerque's notorious Nazi gangs. His full name was Hank Schrader (Formerly Isaac).

To be fair, no one on the show was likeable.

That doesn't make sense, the Nazis kill him anyway.
He clearly says "A. Zack Schraeder" and I stand by it.

its isaac schrader, you literally have to be retarded to not understand that

the more I think about this the more I realize its true, holy shit. Even saul was pretty annoying and he was just comic relief

Sorry guys, I have a habit of making outrageous statements and flat out lies to make myself feel better about being a hopeless waste of skin.
I'm going to go and watch Inside The Dome now as penance.

It's a final act of defiance. To show the Nazis that a Jew had been in a position of power this whole time. That they had failed to keep their home Jew-free, and that more will come after him.

Gus Fring was a fairly good goy

Fucking why do I always read spoilers for shit I watch

Quit doing it. For real. Shit's gonna get better when you stop

>asac hank from breaking bad
>a tale that ended far too sad
>such sorrow true i can't deny
>tears do veil my troubled eye
>he entombed in lonely hole
>like seven coils right down the bowl

I'm even on the last season so I can't even forgot it by the time it happens. I fucking hate it.

dont watch brba its shit (sry for spoiler)

He honestly should have died when the cousins went to assassinate him That whole hospital bs scene with the guy crawling out of the bed with amputated was so fucking stupid The guy playing Hank was a pretty shitty actor too

did nothing wrong

you're lucky I even spoilered it 99% of this board either doesnt spoiler or uses spoilers for shitposting rather than their actual function

I mean he did plenty wrong. I think he mostly had good intentions throughout the show though.

I liked Jesse.

he was quite a bitch lot of the show
not just being crushed about killing
but so many times he was just fucking up shit for no reason
just that he thought he should get payed more for "hard work"

haha memes. so funny.
Losers trying to fit in with a bunch of bigger losers, it's adorable

I did like that he basically went through the same journey as Walt in season 5 p2. At that point there was no good reason at all for him to go after Walt. He was out of the business, not hurting anyone, and would probably die of cancer before the trial. Still Hanks ego wouldn't permit him to let it go, thus destroying the lives of himself and many others. Pretty much the same thing as when Walt didn't have Elliot pay for the treatment in season 1.

He could have turned it all over after Jesse confessed, but nope, his ego got the better of him.