What do you guys think of the UN?

What do you guys think of the UN?


Very little, and not often.

free kills, don't even carry weapons

too many chinks to be good, so im gonna have to say no to the united nayshuns

They're good niggas to hang around with.


In US military terms, they're a combination of shit bags and pussies. Good for fighting retarded cave men but not much else.

Can't wipe their ass without the US to be the hand and the toilet paper.

Cucked liberal international institution that are more concerned about the feewings of women rather than making efforts to stop/prevent conflicts (esp. Middle East)

Fuck the UN. We should pull out and kick them out of NYC.

UN are cucks who play soldier, then can't even protect their female soldiers from getting raped by somalis. They can't do anything to stop genocide right in front of them. They can't do fuck all and the best part is that the soldiers just have to sit there and watch them get disrespected. It is literally a cuck's wet dream to have themselves degraded so.

Why the fuck would you use a blue helmet?

Concentration of power is always a reason for concern and, sadly, the great players always have more pushing power than non-aligned members.

It has accomplished little since its inception and has proven utterly useless whenever a big guy wants to wage a war of agression (looking at you Uncle Sam).

Bribed into irrelevancy.

Should be expelled from America's shores.

global terroist organization

so the enemies can headshot you easier

It's a front.

Rockefeller "donated" the land.



>the UN

>you guys




Is one of the maim actors on the sexual slave trade of minors from warthorn countries

Good - eradicated smallpox
Bad - sex for peanut butter
Bad - support authoritarian regimes
Bad - humanitarian cover for Saudis etc
Bad - Communists

> YMMV but in general fuck the UN.

Fucking toothless and bloody useless. The same organisation that banded together to find the Nazis and the Japs is now espousing demagogic lying prattlers like Emma fucking Watson.

They best stay in 3rd world nations.




Still, baby blue is a nice color for military surplus.

>eradicated smallpox

The WHO and USAMRIID just collectively cried because of you.


Fuck the UN

It's a fucking joke and everybody plays along. They can't even stop tiny nigger tribes from genociding each other dispose having the backing of the entire fucking world

I only see them in my animes.

Maybe they do stop some conflicts, you just don't know about it because those conflicts never happened.

free targets

League of Nation 2.0

Also run by jews, but that was obvious from the get go

If they can't protect UNESCO world heritage sites, whats the fucking point?

>not having a custom skin

I think those blue helmets make great targets.

I can't think of any world event the UN had a significant impact on

Can't wait to collect some blue helmets when Order 66 is activated.
