What did wizards who graduated from Hogwarts actually DO with the knowledge and skills they gained from their time at...

What did wizards who graduated from Hogwarts actually DO with the knowledge and skills they gained from their time at the school? What real-world benefits were there for being a schooled wizard? Were there job opportunities for learning to be a wizard? What exactly was the fucking point of the school?

Wasn't there a whole subplot that spanned the last 4 movies concerning exactly this? Didn't Harry end up a wizard secret agent or something?

Wouldn't there be huge unemployment rates? Like why would you need a plumber? Magic. Why would you need an accountant? Magic. Why would you need an architect? Magic.

The real question is why were there poor wizards in tattered clothes and broken down houses? (Weaselys, Sirius, etc.)

did the real world know of hogwarts?

It seemed like the only options were:
>opening a store at Diagon alley
>working for the Ministry
>becoming a teacher
>becoming a pro Quidditch player
>going to Azkaban

i dont think a highrise flat or luxury postmodern apartment would have had quite the same atmosphere and character to match the people

Why do our schools teach you how to read? Why do they teach you how to count?

It's not a fucking trade school, not all learning needs to be for a specific career.

Apparently in the new play it talks about Harry's life just after the end of book 7. The first thing he does is goes out and stretches his legs.

Not everyone is good at that kind of magic though some are better at some subjects than others

My understanding is this: Homeschooling is still a real hit for a lot of wizarding families. Parents could handle their child's magical education at home if they felt that the curriculum/environment at (I'll just stick with Britain) Hogwarts wasn't appropriate or they were just too poor to send their kids to school. Hogwarts seemed to have a student loans program for poorer kids, but it didn't amount to much more than allowing them to purchase a new wand and third-hand everything else for a few years, at best.

But at the end of the day, if you didn't have the required grades from your Hogwarts exams, then there were a lot of doors closed to you in the "proper" wizarding world (working for the Ministry of Magic or St. Mungo's or some other establishment where the power of the wizarding community was centered). So if you're the equivalent of the family-fucking trailer trash that wants to make wizards great again and you're too poor or inept to go to Hogwarts (which means that you're even further removed from ever having a place among the more elite people in wizarding society), one can see why admitting muggle-borns into the best school of magic is a slap in the face. Here you are, forced to train your insolent little whelps on how to use the fundamentals of magic, and these little immigrant kids who didn't grow up in your world are suddenly flooding the school that your ancestor founded. It's time for them to go! They're stealing all the magic!

>magic yourself some money

You're way off on your thinly-veiled political strawman

learning to read is a pretty useful skill in the world to say the least...

whereas turning someone into a rodent isn't particularly., especially with the threats that come with the world of magic.

im just surprised it managed to bypass health and safety regs

>10 Break into Muggle bank vaults
>20 Steal muggle money
>30 Take muggle money to Gringott's and exchange it for Wizard Currency
>40 GOTO 10

There were lots of businesses that weren't in diagon alley
Example is the Weasley twin joke making, the newspapers, collecting and processing magic ingredients etc

I don't know about say, a half blood deciding to use magic to live it easy in the muggle world, but as far as your plan goes for the wizard world, the goblins at Gringotts have some magic on their coins so that you can't fake it.

Though showing them some concepts like checks and credit might work.

But the Weasly twins joke store was in diagon alley

The Jew goblins won't take magically created coins and the ministry would crack down on fiddling with muggle economies

According to the books/shows you can either work as a teacher, sankt mundos, ministry or breed deadly animals.

Or you can be Lockheart, stealer of virgins and Ron weaslys mother.

Except that was pretty much the position of the Gaunts, Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and the MoM in Deathly Hallows. Muggleborns were accused of sneaking into the wizard world and stealing their magic. The fact that you don't like how it corresponds to people who accuse immigrants of sneaking into the country in order to steal jobs doesn't make it a strawman.

Did they make all their stuff on site? Did they store supplies there?
More likely it was a front end place

>Author purports to be a leftist
>Supports a secret society of elites who exclude those who don't fit certain conditions of birth

But Voldemort was a mudblood himself

It really doesn't matter what the point is. All that matters that Harry Potter is the most exciting franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been distinguishable from the others. Aside from the incredible imagery, another one of the series’ consistencies has been its saturation of excitement and effective use of special effects, all to make nonmagic magical, to make inertia seem actiony.

Perhaps the die wasn't cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would always be a work of art that meant everything to everybody? Not just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be pro-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the pro-James Bond series in its inclusion of wonder, beauty and excitement. Everyone wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they still do.

>the books were even better though


The writing is awesome; the book was terrific. As I read, I noticed that every time a character stretched his legs, the author wrote instead that the character "went for a walk."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope one time. I was elated. Rowling's mind is so governed by the rejection of cliches and dead metaphors that she has a lush style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will not go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, not trained to read Stephen King.

Impossible to conjure (((goblin))) gold.

Many did including the british government. The PM had a wizard bodyguard.

>The fact that you don't like how it corresponds to people who accuse immigrants of sneaking into the country in order to steal jobs doesn't make it a strawman.
Can you please explain, in your own words, the economic benefits to glutting the labor force and weakening the borders with a drug cartel-run country, please?

Does wizard school accept muggle money? How does that work exactly? Maybe purebloods should've invested their Wizardbucks in the wizard stock market so their pureblood babies in their pureblood cribs could go to wizard school.

Fucking kek

And Trump is a Russian, so?


Muggles with wizard kids/relatives did, like the Dursleys and the Grangers.

In the 2nd book, Hermione mentioned that her parents were in Gringott's getting their Muggle money exchanged for Wizard cash. It stands to reason that there are wizard plants in the banking institutions of the Muggle world and wizard money launderers who can reenter muggle cash back into their systems.

Fug, meant for

They needed certain OWLs and NEWTs to get certain jobs. Particularly aurors. And you had to have a license to apparate which they got from a course taught at school. Plus there's the benefits of learning magic in general. And the school has access to expert wizards in obscure fields as well as access to rare creatures that you can't easily find elsewhere.

Makes sense, they cannot tell anyone without seeming crazy and if they pushed it they got mind wiped.

There were loads more options than that. And the Ministry has loads of different types of jobs. It's gotta be a hell of a job keeping the muggles obliviated all the time.

Good one. Took ma aback a little.

We see
>propertied gentry a la the Malfoys and Potters
>career politicians and bureaucrats who have risen through Ministry bodies
>professional athletes
>middle-class employees of the Ministry, handling everything from masquerade breaches to law enforcement to beast-wrangling
>shopkeepers and craftsmen
>Hogwarts teachers
>hedge-wizards who live like hillbillys
I mean that's a pretty decent bell-curve shaped society right there. Hogwarts is mainly a sorting mechanism for ministry positions and assimilating muggle-born mudbloods into society

*signs sanctions against Russia*

In the fifth book they clean out a room in Sirius' house. I don't really remember how they do it but iirc most of it is done by hand. Presumably their magic isn't advanced enough to easily clean the house with.

The Burrow is built using magic and held together using magic but the entire thing is very makeshift and precarious, again presumably because the Weasleys aren't good enough at magic to build something better.

How did they get away with this?

they have actual slaves tho


The wizard worle is soooo bigot.

>going to azkaban

they're goblins you fucking racist

They live in a fairly totalitarian society when you think about it. Most of them either work for the government (Ministry) or research new types of magic with the ministry's permission. It actually seems kind of limited.
To be fair I would love a wizard qt because then I could MUGGLE her.

or they're athletes, or i assume farmers. musicians too. and business owners.

Yup, exactly.

Are there any wizards that go on crazy adventures, hunting monsters and looking for ancient artifacts?
There is a magical sub universe that all the magic places are in right? So there must be really crazy areas where reality warps and daemons manifest.

>Why do our schools teach you how to read? Why do they teach you how to count?
>It's not a fucking trade school, not all learning needs to be for a specific career.

That doesn't answer the question of what exactly these hundreds or perhaps THOUSANDS of graduated wizards and witches did after they finished school. They spent their entire youth up until adulthood training in magic, neglecting to learn actual valuable employable skills in favor of this. Doesn't it seem dangerous to have so many people with these destructive powers and trained to use them let loose into the world?

>Doesn't it seem dangerous to have so many people with these destructive powers and trained to use them let loose into the world?

I mean look at fucking Voldemort. What's to stop any of the other students from using their powers for evil like he did?

>Be poor wizard
>Living in a ramshackle hut
>Hey, why don't I conjure some gold and trade it with the muggles
>Ministry of magic shows up
Fuck, now I see why the wizarding world needs Voldemort. Wizards could be ruling the world and using their magic for the betterment of mankind, instead they hide in the gutters for literally no apparent reason.

>When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, not trained to read Stephen King.
stopped reading right there, this is an edit

Abolish Slytherin and try to hide all the books with the real top tier magic like Dumbledore did after Voldemort happened.

>magic crops
>magic music
Wow such hard workers.
>all business is regulated heavily by the Ministry of Magic

Honestly Voldemort's reforms don't even seem that bad on paper, it's only in "execution" that they are "bad," mostly because he dresses everyone in stupid black death masks and recruits psychotic murderers as his inner council instead of other passionate intellectuals

>abolish slytherin
And then what is done with the children who would have been sorted into that house? What do their parents (who likely have been Slytherins as well) do?

This is all true. Pottershit is bottom-barrel tripe.

not saying it makes sense, but different professions exist. rowling is a hack anyways. the world of harry potter makes very little to no sense, and there's almost no consistency.

this. Watch Harry Potter with the thought that Voldemort dindu nuffin really makes you see Dumbledore and his faggot army seem like the bad guys.

>Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will not go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, not trained to read Stephen King.
This doesn't work as the correct version is a real quote

Usually they join the Ministry of Magic, everyone else does fuck-all because they're worthless louts.

The house system in general was shitty because being sent to Slytherin meant everyone treated you like a Dark wizard in training so nearly all of them wind up as dark wizards.

Dumbeldore was a bad guy until he was an old man. His brother was shit tier compared to him but a better person in almost every aspect.

>wizards could be ruling the world and using their magic for the betterment of mankind
They don't want the witch trials all over again. Wizards are actually scared of muggles because muggles have the numbers and wizards still get rekt by guns.

>Hires a race that feeds off misery to guard a place full of people that can offer them more misery in the world.
>Acts surprised when they turn on them.
What did the ministry mean by this?

Yea, the Prime Minister is actually kept informed about Wizarding, he could literally snap his fingers and annex them if they misbehave.
That's why if Voldemort won they'd be royally fucked.

>he just saw a block of text and assumed it was the standard pasta

>picking apart a story for children

>Take the face of PM's bodyguard
>Kill PM
>Take his face

Fuck me.

This is something often overlooked in Harry Potter, it's a dystopian hellhole of a society, but everyone is just mostly cheery about it.

> government is massive relative to population size
> hugely influenced by wealthy individuals like the Malfoy's
> complete control of the press
> courts are an absolute sham
> Wizard prison is endless (literal) soul destroying torture, not even attempting to be correctional
> keep a race of intelligent, sentient creatures as slaves and no one even thinks twice about it until Herminoe starts her activism thing
> not to mention offical Ministry position on tons of intelligent creatures is to clsss them as sub-human and restrict them to very specific parts of Britain
> despite this they have the gall to critise American segregation as barbaric

The Ministry of Magic was an incredibly shitty government, people only put up with it because for the first 3 books wuzarding society was generally going well. But the moment anyone acts against the ministry's interests they intervene and exercise thier totolatarian powers. Which don't even get anything done.

>get rekt because there are less than a million wizards worldwide

my headcanon explanation for why wizard society is in shambles is that magic causes retardation, or at least a complete loss of common sense. hermione seems to be the only one to retain some of it. still, it's interesting that even she fails to mention how much better the wizarding world could be if they adopted some of muggle tech and methodology.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Witch Hunting Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Turn Into A Crow and Fly Away Like Nigga Turn Invisible Haha


Based dullposter

Thats literally what fantastic beasts is

Am I the only one who gets slightly aroused by Umbridge and her punishments?
I want to be disciplined. I want "I must not finger myself to Hogwarts professors" carved on my arm.

Most wizards aren't THAT strong, they'll be blindsided and the wizards will lose like 90% of their numbers in a day

Its what it should have been. I thought the guy was going to be adventuring through lord of the rings type places, but he was just chasing animals through a dumb city. How did he get all those animals in his brief case? Where did they come from? Would have been a far more interesting story.

That sounds like some illuminati shit, Prime Ministers are probably hand picked by the wizarding council.

I'm sure we'll found out more in the next four installments, where Newt will be for some reason vital to Dumbledore's fight against Grindelwald.

what did JK mean by this

Spend a few decades infiltrating muggle institutions. You should be able to do this with a small, elite team by shapechanging, invisibility, etc. and targetted assassinations and bribery with conjured money.

Become the jews.

Then when you control all the major institutions across the planet, then start propagandizing. Have media show wizards in a positive light, start slowly revealing different kinds of magic and show how it can help humanity. Set up the appearance of magic as a miracle, and wizards as messiahs who will lead mankind into a new golden age.

Then go ahead and reveal wizards and install them as the new ruling class.

Then go invent magitech self-aware mechas for law enforcement and go colonize Mars or something.

Nah, there's an unremovable portrait in the PM's office that announces the Minister for Magic's appearance from the fireplace.
Like how the US President gets the nuclear codes when he gets the job, the British Prime Minister gets to know about Dementors and Dragons.


It's canon that key humans (prime Minister, president etc) are aware of wizards, first sign of shady business and the dead drop is active, no more wizard world. If medieval humans canonically hunted and rooted out witches and warlocks then I believe we can today. The point of the modern attitude towards muggles is that they ALREADY fought, and lost. BEFORE guns and bombs.

Desperation to stay relevant like everything else she does

Yeah, and how the hell is the Prime Minister of Britain going to justify on public media, his massive genocide campaign against British citizens. "Bububut they're wizards!" Sure buddy.

>tfw user criticizing harry potter can't read
poetry of the highest order

i think in the book at one point they said real wizards and witches were rarely caught in those times and could use magic to avoid being burned/killed easily anyway

Because non-autistic people aren't obsessed with Jews and see them everywhere

Yeah that's where YOUR argument of the shadow government comes in (the one you wanted them to infiltrate?) You're assuming that the PM is going to say anything rather that just "vanish" them
Still forced underground

>literally nothing to do with the movies
There's a lot of different jobs and wizards survived so long being hermits that seculded themselves they don't care about jobs like you

Emma was a great Hermione :3

well you have to admit, when you notice it...he does look kind of jewish

Think there was a line or two about the Salem witches coming back to get sentenced again for giggles. The made the fire ticklish with magic and enjoyed the experience.