It's called harambe flipping. live the life harambe would. have some respect

it's called harambe flipping. live the life harambe would. have some respect.



man last time I harambe flipped the world folded up and I became a chair

Fuck that

I care about my mental state of mind too much use drugs


a chair with a hard dick

no respect. shame.

Shrooms never directly hurt anyone, acid is a bit questionable and I'm not sure why you would want to just randomly take viagra

>no respect

that's fine, you don't have to 'respect' me because i share a different opinion to you

I ain't here to criticise people who use drugs as though a lot of my friends do and they live fairly normal lives but for me personally I rather not go near them

Gotta keep a sharp mind for them quality bants

So, shrooms, weed, acid, and Molly? Dunno why Viagra got shitshop'd on there. Sounds like one hell of a trip, but doesn't seem like you would come down for maybe a day or two.

it got shitshopped for harambe. have some respect.

hard dicks out.

dumb ass, use drugs that elevate your mental state then.

drugs only damage the weak.

People on shrooms that have a 'bad trip' can get extremely paranoid and can definitely end up hurting someone else or acting in a way that is completely different from their "norm" can cause irrational decisions. Don't be an idiot. Drugs are bad


Harambe flippin' = good time

That's why I said directly also bad trips are preventable and simply reminding yourself that it will go away in a bit is enough to calm most people down and yes drugs are bad if they are not used responsibly

Things kept in good order are often fragile. You take great care when driving a classic car but not so much with a beater.

weren't the first 3 posts about this with the same subject and picture deleted?

Harambe is errrr was from cincy. Where did he go to high school. Probably moeller.

"Never hurt anyone"

ayye no se

Yeah, every person I've met that's done shrooms is a fucking weirdo.

Mushrooms turned me gay