What are some disappointing face reveals?

Use to watch this fuck with my granddad, thinking he is some giant luchadore. Turns out to be a latin twink.

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google.ru/search?q=ultimate Spider-Man black cat kiss&newwindow=1&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSuLPp9brVAhWEshQKHTnkDYEQ_AUICSgB&biw=360&bih=567#imgrc=s3bCeea9IJ-2LM:&spf=1501758357389

Sargon looks nothing like what I imagined him being.

I always imagined him to be a fat bearded cuck

his voice sounds normal and he looks normal
what did you imagine him to be?

I win.

>what did you imagine him to be?

not a fat mixed slut

What's really disappointing is having a face reveal in the first place

>fat bearded whiny shit who doesn't ever leave the house
why were you not expecting this?

I torrented the movie and stopped it and deleted at that point.

This made me so fucking mad.
I was sitting in the cinema gritting my teeth at this.
A fucking edgy, baby faced looking little kid? What the fuck? Who would be scared of this faggot?
It's like when they used Javier to be the bad guy in Skyfall, he was scary as shit in No Country for Old Men, but gay as fuck in Skyfall.
>Who could be behind all this?


I feel like you were one of the people who went "WHAT THE FUCK" outloud at the cinema at a fucking face reveal. How pathetic can you get

It was more of a depressed growl / sigh.
Like an internal "Are you fucking serious" moment.
I'm not a black chick, so I don't hoot and hollar over shit.

lel when his face was revealed in the cinema some girl at the back said out loud "What an ugly bastard, I thought he'd be handsome", everyone had a little giggle while we endured the rest of the shitshow

can anyone post face?

Holy keks. This is the man who will lead us to defend Western Civilization.

wasn't that the point?
That he was a baby faced edgy fuck who wanted to be like Darth Vader?

>everyone had a little giggle

>complaining about ugly guys


OP said disappointing you faggot

wheres that from

SNL sketch where they spoofed undercover boss with Kylo Ren one of the only good things theyve done in years

>I'm not a black chick, so I don't hoot and hollar over shit.

does it actually feel good to deflect your autism to random fucking black women when called out? man you really sound like a water heater commander

>takes his helmet off
>the whole cinema starts laughing

I don't get why people were upset over this. His character was edgelord from start to finish. Did they expect him to look like Justin Bieber?

Same with Keaton's and Kilmer's Batman.
In costume they are cool guys, but without it they are boring ass dudes with boring uninteresting faces and bad haircut.
It was moment when I understand that they wearing masks not only because of secret identity. Hell, O'Donnell's Robin looked awesome, that's why he covered only his eyes.

Thank Brit God for Bale and Garfield.

>inb4 raimi autists
Shoo, shoo.

Literally me IRL. When I first discovered that Peter Parker and Spider-Man is the same dude. google.ru/search?q=ultimate Spider-Man black cat kiss&newwindow=1&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSuLPp9brVAhWEshQKHTnkDYEQ_AUICSgB&biw=360&bih=567#imgrc=s3bCeea9IJ-2LM:&spf=1501758357389

Calm down Shawneequah

Fucking hell, the exact same thing happened when I saw this, I don't know what I was expecting, I guess it just wasn't... That

Don't know what I was expecting but I was disappointed.

soon enough

>Voice sounds like a Mexican
>Looks like a Kike
>Hollywood pushes him as "cool"

I was surprised that his hair was part of the mask.

Confused matthew

Fat, pale neckbeard. He's exactly how I imagined him.

Haha lololol literally Hitler!! xD xD


What does he look like? I'm guessing a skinny nerd.

That face reveal was fake. You can clearly see a cut when the smoke comes in

pretty much

It wasn't at first, then Jacobs started balding.


He legit looks inbred.

You think that's bad, remember the time they unmasked Kendo Nagasaki?

They're pretty easy to find without their masks. youtube.com/watch?v=GQmVdGvoQXk

I'm more annoyed that Disney spoiled it in all their promo pictures and had him reveal his face to fucking Rey for no reason instead of during the scene where he confronts his father.

Wait why would he be wearing a mask if his face had the same structure anyways?

>but gay as fuck in Skyfall
But user, that was the exact goal of Bardem's character.
He's a gay psychopath that organizes mass murders from a distance, are you implying that an actor should always be doing the same role?

No one is safe from the Lynching


>tfw will never go to a dance club in the mid-90's with them performing live during their earlier years
Seems like it would be such a cool experience


Whole theater laughed at my viewing, I shit you not.

I always thought that the Darth Vader face reveal was REALLY anticlimactic. I think it's coz I wasn't there at the time.

He's supposed to look like an inbred retard. He uses the mask to hide his ugly childish face and scare people. If he had a scary face under the mask, why the fuck would he wear a mask?

You really don't understand movies do you retard? The point is no one takes him seriously for being a baby faced kid and that just makes him angrier and edgier. Not even going to bother to explain Bardem in Skyfall to you. Don't breed.

>stopped watching wrestling before they unmasked Kane
>friend tells me about it
>"Dude, his face was supposed to be severely burned and all they did was put some black shit on him like in Looney Tunes when someone gets shot in the face

>Kane's face is burnt in a fire
>had to use a one of those voice-box thingies since his vocal chords were damaged

>his face isn't burnt and he can speak regularly

Dropped the ball with that one.

I guess everyone was expecting him to be an old white guy or some random black guy. when he pulled the mask off and hes was some young Spanish looking street rat it was kind of a let down for me to

I was actually ok with this

>but still he can't grow all his hair


>tfw no one cared who they were until they put on the masks

Thought he was cool till he revealed himself to be a circus clown

The Strain

Show was shit anyhow so not really that disappointing. Was drop-feed before that.

The one on the left has such huge ears she could play Minnie without the hat

holy fuck hahahahhahahahahah
