Idea of a Trump White House leaves Germany angry and anxious

>FRANKFURT — Eight years ago, a U.S. presidential candidate named Barack Obama captivated hundreds of thousands of cheering supporters at Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate with a promise to tear down walls between races and nations.

>Over the last year, however, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has provoked ire from German quarters after repeatedly disparaging the country.

>On Monday, Trump sought to insult Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton by comparing her to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, saying incorrectly that crime had skyrocketed under Germany's refugee policies.

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Fuck Germany


>saying incorrectly that crime had skyrocketed under Germany's refugee policie

But it has


Ashamed to know I share DNA with these cumsluts.

ya because my morals and views are rooted in rich german values. kek

Good god Germany need to be invaded by Russia or the US again

>saying incorrectly


yes there are jews in the media, it's damn near impossible to not have the jews controlling what you see or hear

>Germany in 2016

Germany is the least of our concerns.

>Trump says crime had skyrocketed under Germany's refugee policies
>(it didn't)


No, it hasn't. Crime is not higher than before.

Germany eternally BTFO

I just can't get over the fact that the media is now telling blatant lies to push their agenda. Used to they just twisted the facts to suit their narrative now they spout actual blatant falsehoods.

Is that because it's not being recorded?

Everyone realises that the media is straight up lying at this point right?


And now you know why Frogs hate Germans.

What is wrong with Fascism?
Is it just
>Muh Nazism
>I just don't like it
>Capitalism sucks, socialism only

t. merkel

Crime in germany not being higher than before is as legit as japanese cops having over a 90% crime solving rate

how dare you Murrica to insult Germoney!

apologize nao!

>Implying government presentation of the truth is the truth.

Wew lad, growing up under stasi rule does things to the brain eh?

wait. i dont get the metaphors. What does the Iowa black eye represent?

Every single time

Apart from that our retarded citizens indeed merely believe he is a racist idiot not capable for the job and Shillary is the only option. Ally news propaganda works like a clock here

Because hitler ruined it forever by introducing race into it, something mussolini didn't do

>Germans applaud diverse mulatto nigger
>Germans boo and hiss at white man

Yeah thats something that the general populace of Sup Forums just doesn't grasp is just the level of propaganda being force-fed to the average Kraut day-in and day out.

>saying incorrectly

>we must listen to the people who fought against us in two world wars, elected Adolf Hitler and Angela Merkel, and supported Obama


>implying the german govt wont be the second to be overthrown after france

Who cares what they think.

Do americans really give a shit about what Germs think?

Not really.

Is it because they don't get arrested or deported and hence nothing goes in the records?

We need trump!!!
The media does represent him as a second hitler here but we would need Trump!

Like Trump, his supporters don't give a fuck what other countries think.

And that has made all the difference.

And not bother leaving survivors this time.

Muh free market

>CNBC pretending Germany gives a shit who's the US president.
B-but we found 5 people on twitter....


What are they gonna do get fucked by us AGAIN?

How old were you when you realized Hitler was right all along?

>Implying Europe wouldn't have better off if the Nazis had won.

No friend, the United States has been trying to destroy Europe since the end of WII. Germany nowadays is just a puppet regime to international banks.

Hitler described himself as a national socialist not a fascist.

95% of people in the US have no idea what is even going on in Germany, let alone what they think. Most Americans probably believe Germans are a bunch of Nazis still.

Germany is cancer anyway.

Jealous much?

I wanna deepthroat that Miss Liberty

I would rather suffer in my country than live for free in yours. Thats saying something.

Why should Americans listen to the opinions of the country that once again brings yurup to ruin?

It's essentially "obey or go to jail/die".
I can see it being good if it's in the right hands, but they'd need to literally be jesus. Imagine if Merkel had her way and Germany was a fascist nation, it'd be a muslim ghetto already.

Our Media has been in complete shill mode for 2 months now


Most our Journalists are part of the Atlantic Bridge, an organization (with Merkel and other politicians, german and US alike) that pushes globalism under the guise of furthering German-US friendship and relations.

So they all are Hillshills

people care a lot, every newspaper in austria and germany has had daily articles on the us-election for the last weeks. and in every single one of those trump is demonized and ridiculed.

t. Angela Merkel

Who cares what Germany says? They let in violent, third world Muslims to rape their women and attack their population with impunity. Disgusting cuckolds with zero credibility.

Now you know why France and America will never not be allies

Lmao we do the same thing with Latin America

What doesn't make Germany nervous and anxious?

Good. We want Germany to be angrier and angrier until they snap back into their "other" persona.


Trumps first political contest was the Iowa Caucus which he lost to Ted Cruz.

The German govt knows we will get rid of the anti white Marxist propaganda operations carried on by German media outlets

>Idea of a Trump White House leaves German media angry and anxious

The only Germans who love Hillary don't really follow the US election. They don't know who Hillary or Trump are.

>The German govt knows we will get rid of the anti white Marxist propaganda operations carried on by German media outlets
Doubtful since they were your idea in the first place.

It's a so-called battle ground state and it's blue, which Iowa has been for 6 of the past 7 elections. I don't know why anyone thinks Iowa is red, but 'tards gon' 'tard.

>saying incorrectly that crime had skyrocketed under Germany's refugee policies do people reach this state.

I wish I could have some sort of VR experience for a few hours just to see what it's like to be completely oblivious.

>saying incorrectly that crime had skyrocketed under Germany's refugee policies.

>saying incorrectly that crime had skyrocketed under Germany's refugee policies


They're just mad that America won't be providing the muscle for their 'great social experiment' anymore. You're going to have to choose Klause, social programs or a military to stand up to Russia.

>give migrants German citizenship
>put their nationality down as "German"

Checkmate, racists :^)

Truely, you have no idea the bullshit that gets shoved down the populace throats.
Anyone remotely thinking for themselvs is frustrated and weirded out atm.Its like were just an echo chamber for america.

No refugees and migrants sicne 2015 are getting citizenship.
Most are being shipped from camp to camp so they dont pull as much shit on one location and it seems with the new immigration plan that most registered at camps will be send back. (lol)

Hello Achmed

>Its like were just an echo chamber for america.

What do you mean by this?

I want to believe, Fritz.
But I'll believe it when I see it.

Otherwise I expect Sweden 2.0 where they get "denied" but then never fuck off because they aren't deported and wind up on media stories saying "Durr I'm in limbo, fuck borders I want to be a programmer!".

>saying incorrectly that crime had skyrocketed under Germany's refugee policies

haha, ok.

>No refugees and migrants sicne 2015 are getting citizenship.

Just wait until you start seeing crying people begging for citizenship in 2020 after the Syrian war ends and the German politicians will give it to them because they have lived in Germany for too long to tell them to leave.

Cucks always feel this way the first time their wife takes the bull.

All normie germans are with her. they eat up everything. Trump is literaly a new hitler if he gets elected. Germany is a republicans worst nightmare these days.

But hey everything we do on a national base is dictated by the US since the war. Especially the state media. Should give you an idea about the pro hillary sentiment here.
I want to believe too. Time will tell. I guess in a year or a year and a half we will see what way its really gonna swing.

Pray for me.

Remember that kerfuffle when Trump tweeted 2A proponents "should do something about it"? On Polish tv they literally reported he said that "gun owners shouls use them" to get their way. Didnt display the tweet on screen like they usually do too.

germany seems to be doing a lot of angry and anxious lately

>I guess in a year or a year and a half we will see what way its really gonna swing.

>really gonna swing.

Oh, somebodies gonna swing Fritz....take heart.

>government has published data since 2013 when there was a sharp uptick in violent crimes from the previous year
>government releases report saying "hurrr everything is okay rapefugees aren't causing problems"
>won't release the data they used for the report to the public
>police caught trying to hush up rapefugee crimes

Yup nothing to see here.

I thought Germans were supposed to be smart yet you idiots are rused by the most simplistic shit.

Yeah because this is not problem for the Germans. Pic related.

>Germanic arab loving cuck detected...

The crime among non-germans has doubled, immigrants are 5x more often likely to be a suspect, they are 4-5 times more likely to commit rape, murder or bodily injury.

The released numbers show this, the interior Minister still claims they are not more likely to be criminal.

Number of non German suspects has doubled in 2015 (blue triangles)

>Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate

Holy shit Germany... Wtf.

Additionally, they have released a report for the crime comitted in the first quarter of 2016

Blue = Crime rate for 3 months per 100000 refugees.
Red = Crime rate for 1 year per 100000 if the rate doesnt change
Yellow = Crime rate in germany per 100000 citizens in 2015
Green = Crime rate in Germany per 100000 males

Note that the numbers for Germany also include all non germans, the refugees are just a huge outlier

We also had it lit up in fag rainbow and in tri colore.

Be honest you got raped 3 times last time you went for groceries and, of course, all your melons have been taken away, too.


Germany must perish.

nice try, but you forgot Borkum


Nice. It's time German scum is vanished from Earth

Germany is cucked.

More news at 9