Should there be a mandatory IQ test for prospective parents?

Should there be a mandatory IQ test for prospective parents?



No, but taxes shouldn't subsidize low IQ people.

hurr durr hey guise lets make more laws and regulations it'll work trust me. stupid nigger

No. Welfare should be abolished, however.

Why would we need that?

You fags want the human race to be destroyed by fucking degenerates?

people were sterilized in alberta until the 80s

>Should there be a mandatory IQ test for prospective parents?

In half the states in the US, conservative Republicans have made it very difficult for low IQ, drug addicted, single young girls on welfare to have an abortion.

What's the point about talking about nonsense like this when the conservatives want to force ones who don't want these kids to have them?

No, but I think you should be able to prove you can support your offspring by yourself at the time of conception before you bring you little moron niglet into the world, most of these babies are just used as welfare checks anyways women plan their lives around having children in the ghetto to get money so why would they care if those same children get killed, it benefits them as they can have more and don't have to continue to support the first one.

yeah i'd be chill with that

we've overstayed our welcome anyway

Nah, just a Melanin check.

self-hating leftists will the first to go on the day of the rope

am i supposed to have a problem with that

Well going by your logic ants or cats shouldn't be allowed to reproduce

of course not. we'll even fuck your wife in front of you for you, as a going away present.

kek has spoken and the answer is yes.

You're right, it'd be better if we had Big Brother telling us when we can fuck, what to eat, when to shit, what to say, what to think. Fuck freedom and the will of the people. Who needs that shit?

Yes. And a psychological evaluation on top of that just to be sure.

Spotted a degenerate that needs to be sterilized...

i don't understand where you're coming from. have the memes given you such delusions of grandeur that you think i'm a leftist? i'm just excited for when shit hits the fan on a worldwide scale.

I want the freedom to live in a world that isn't full of retards.


>comparing niggers to overall population

You don't have the freedom to impose on other peoples' freedoms.

No, having a child is a lot like being on LSD. You may not know why the fuck your doing but your pretty sure the child should not be chewing on electrical wires

Shit is horrible and criminal, but shut who's to say any one of us know the best way for our genome to evolve in future generation

Well shit hill dawg ovbioy doesn't but it all relative to interpretation

And miss out on all the top-quality entertainment that black people provide us with like that image? Not likely.

Still reaning engrish

lmao this niqqa lit af

Just because you have a bad relationship with your parents and blame it on you stupidity doesn't mean others have the same issue.

Yes I do. If I am smarter than you, I kill you, take your shit, and enslave you family.

Pretty easy, and it's worked many times before.

>having a child is a lot like being on lsd

N-no it's not

what the fuck

No, moron. Survival of the fittest applies to survival knowledge and physical aptitude. Being brainy doesn't ensure that women will want to fuck you on both a conscious and subconscious level, it ensures the goddamn opposite. Ever seen 11/10s hanging off of 5'6" nerds with noodle arms? Big Bang Theory doesn't count, so let me answer for you. No.

>Hate niggers
>Family wonders why I'm a lone wolf

dont let niggers reproduce, no need for an IQ test

They're not going to take this test. These people don't get pregnant on purpose. People should have to take an IQ test to get off of birth control.

why she throw her source of income like that??

Such narrow minded thinking user. You're no better than the ones you want to destroy. The simple answer would be to get rid of them but that wouldn't be very fun. You'll just have more power struggle with the ones who can think. The correct answer user is to let the filth be...develop yourself and move higher up in society. They can't stand for themselves they never will. They blindly follow those who will lead them user. Death is quick user, Living a life under oppression is suffering. Wouldn't you rather have it this way user?

Is cannabis safe for your children?

Who are you to determine if someone has a child or not. I bet you're a Trump voter you fucking racist cunt

little R kelly

>Is cannabis safe for your children?
yes bro, he'll be great athlete, like Phelps or Bolt. kudos to the mother

Not IQ, but a test where the parents prove they are capable to raise the kid, based on finances, job stability, values, etc..

I'm all for some sort of standard prospective parents have to meet, just not through an IQ test.

Fuck yes

IQ, genetic defects should be mandatory
Anyone on welfare or even EITC should have to take sterilization injections until they can fend for themselves

Better still, sterilize all high school dropouts or for the bleeding hearts offer a $10000 one time payment for a vasectomy

No. But you cannot have children if you are on welfare

>No, having a child is a lot like being on LSD. You may not know why the fuck your doing but your pretty sure the child should not be chewing on electrical wires

>Le reddit humour.

It's nothing like LSD at all. LSD is fun. Having a child is like having a friend that is completely dependant on you for everything and is only fun for about 10% of the time. The rest of the time you're cleaning and cooking, doing laundry and signing papers for this guy. And you can't go anywhere without them, so you're constantly dressing them and packing their things and tripping over them even to run a 5 minute errand. This is the WORST part of being a parent (of a healthy child, God forbid). Imagine wanting to go somewhere, then having to wait 20 minutes every single time for 18 years. That's what it's like.

But the 10% where they're fun is awesome and they give the best hugs, so that makes it kinda okay.

We need bus drivers, janitors, and pizza boys. If everyone had a high IQ it would be more difficult to fill the rank and file positions of society.


There are plenty of people with high IQs that make terrible parents.

>He crazy

If degenerates are able to do so, then it is deserved.

Yes and minimum income needs to meet a threshold

Will stop spics and Arabs outbreeding whites cause they don't care if their 9 kids are miserable and poor

why do niggers do the weirdest shit?

I don't even see spics or chinks do that

Sometimes I think yes, but then I remember its mostly niggers who do this shit.

So just eliminate niggers and this shit will stop


Sounds like you have some pretty interesting LSD right now, user.