And then the burger responded with "it's not the gun that kills, it's the person holding it"

>and then the burger responded with "it's not the gun that kills, it's the person holding it"

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, how many guns have killed people of their own will?

Idiot. I remember listening to the news a while back and hearing about a mass stabbing in Japan. Lets outlaw cutlery. Also that bastard in France who ran over all the people in that 18 wheeler. We should ban trucks.

if i give opium to everyone in poland the effect of it is the same
people will get addicted even if they know it causes addiction

it's the same with guns, don't think people are always rational, that mistake might cost your life

do europeans look like this

No way to sugarcoat it: You're retarded

don't be retarded, this is the only country where mass shootings happen every week

Man on the right is handsome
Maybe he is not virgin

*global boker face*

Every week? Nope.

The same day that guy shot up an elementary school in Pennsylvania, some guy in China also went into an elementary school with a knife.

26 dead in the former. 9 hospitalized in the latter. It is a lot harder to fucking kill someone with a knife.

As much as I like disagreeing with and ridiculing burgers, in this case he's right.

Firearm ownership is the only thing the US does remotely right.

But I don't assume people are always rational, it's one of the reasons why I own guns.

You're right. Every day.

>let's ban cars
>let's ban knives
>let's ban forks
>let's ban crime
>bbbut he is old enough to fight in afghanistan why can't he own a gun
>good guys with the guns stop the bad guys with the guns
>only happens in gun free zones
>only happens in liberal areas
>come take muh guns
>muh 2nd amendment
>liberals want to disarm us to destroy this country
>NRA protect us from the liberals

Is that deaths or so-called "gun deaths"? I doubt people are somehow more dead if you shoot them to death instead of stabbing.

Ah OK, no problem then

Cool graph. Where is the source? Who did the research? Also, if this is true... where on this list are sub-Saharan countries? Eurasia? How many people are murdered in Somalia? Ect... Atleast we don't have Muslims running us over in 18 wheelers.

Meh, even if that was true, it's still statistically more likely to be struck by lightning than die in a mass shooting.

>how americans debate with each other

>where on this list are sub-Saharan countries? Eurasia? How many people are murdered in Somalia?
>America is literally comparing itself to third world shitholes


Ok, list the mass murders which have happened every day this week?

Don't even think about it. Norwegian men are for norwegian women and thais only

You're literally using charts with no sources and expecting it to count as "proof"

Damn so a mass murder happened the same day in China?


Violence Prevention Research Program; Department of Emergency Medicine; University of
California, Davis, Sacramento, California 95817; email: [email protected]

Sweet. kekadoodledoo

Europeans are such massive pussies when it comes to guns my god

But it's true. Thought and word can kill too.

Is that because their kids don't get shot at schools?

Here's how Bernie can still win......

I know. They are literally using examples of mass murders happening the same day in a different country as proof that our mass murderer are worse than theirs. Only they used knives to brutally stab people to death.

Every Norwegian in picture are always robust,
wild and handsome
That makes Norwegian guys more attractive
I would impregnate them if I am girl
But Norwegian girls seem just men
lack of female's charm
No wonder viking raped entire europe

So following that logic we should outlaw cars.

To be fair, the people american schools pump out will make us look like pussies.

>Yeah I took a bullet to the arm in 6th grade. It's nothing much, Bill and Jessica weren't that lucky.

The primary purpose of knives is to cut food. Trucks are made to transport heavy objects around.
Guns are exclusively for killing.

>and then the eurocuck responded with "it's not the muslims that kills, it's the racism and patriarchy, refugees welcome"

nononono guns can also be used for hunting, self-defence or shooting at human shaped targets, totally not for killing.

I was right, it's "firearm deaths", which is and always will remain a meaningless statistic. Moreover, the paper there notes that overall firearm homicides are on a downward curve, while gun ownership is higher than ever.

It should be noted that since US has no national gun registry, it is hard to estimate the exact number of gun owners in the country. What can be estimated is the overall number of guns, but then again, there are collectors who own hundreds of guns. The questionnaires are an unreliable measurement, since it depends heavily on location (less gun owners in NY than TX for example), and also some people will outright lie about ownint a gun, as they feel like it's nobody's business whether they do (no sir, lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident).

I own one gun. I use it for hunting legally. There is no way of knowing what is in the food sold to us by "the government" so many people prefer to eat food they know to be natural.

No matter how much I enjoy making for of mutts and their gun issues I actually realize it’s a cultural issue. I bet there are millions of responsible gun owners in the United States and that thousands of crimes get stopped by law abiding citizens because of these laws. So some mentally ill fucktard goes to shoot up a school. You’re gonna ban guns for everyone. Wow what a great solution surely this will fix it. There has to be a way to stop the mentally ill from getting guns. Banning all guns would just increase the amount of gang violence and America would become Brazil or Mexico tier.

>Guns are exclusively for killing
Ever heard of shooting sports?

>it's not the AIDS that kills, it's the weak health during a flu

la creatura...

If they're so responsibly, how come theyre so opposed to having regular check-ups like us Europeans?

In truth they just want to be cowboys. Bring the gun to work. Dream about shooting bad guys. It makes them feel manly.

That is literally an emotional non-argument.

yep, we are a tough bunch.


We tried to warn the world about swedes but no one would listen. Now we try again but this time it's about guns

Guns are made to protect people from 3º world shitskins like you

wtf is that cringe


If the government declares guns are illegal and I hand in all four of my guns into the cops, how many guns do I have left?

three more, I lied to the cops

most gun stats have huge margins of error over here(just the way the NRA likes it)

You don't need a military tier gun for hunting, though. And considering the killing potential of these things, there should be strict mental evaluations for people who want to buy guns.

Because 1) It's none of the government's business what you own. 2) Governments are a necessary evil at best, and you should have no reason to trust them to be responsible with the information. 3) It's all in all a waste of public resources to wrestle with the bureaucracy regarding gun registries.

>Is not sexual harassment if the men are not white

Game show where they were told to introduce themselves like the opposite gender.

Here's a guy from the same show who was supposed to present himself like a retard:

These guys certainly didn't need guns to stop third worlders, though

>It's none of the government's business what you own

It's bedtime, Mäkki. The adults are speaking.

I thinks it’s something about muh gubmint and the right bear arms. I would think a system with gun licence that works like a driving license would work the best against mentally ill retards. Problem is they don’t want the government in control of that. There’s also absolutely nothing wrong with being cowboys and shooting bad guys though.

You are correct, we do not. We need guns with less high muzzle velocity. That is what scrambles organs and makes guns truly dangers. That is what an AR is and why people wanna ban it. However other guns have similar muzzle velocity and people who don't understand guns don't wanna ban those. I agree that better gun control is needed. Not absolute.


Also no need for magazines with high amounts of rounds and attachment which make guns more lethal. The issue is that guns aren't as simple as some people think.

They'll happily give away their foreskins with no questions asked though. What a joke.

I'm aryan, browns from the south deserve a betting for being brown, i also don't like brown people

>were told to introduce themselves like the opposite gender
wtf why

It’s not fair bros I’m so fucking tired of this conversation. I just want to keep muh guns.

It’s bedtime Sven. The adults are speaking.

That is not an argument. Why should you be beholden to some other entity? And even if you naively think of the government as something like the collective will of the people or some other bullshit like that, remember that governments are responsible for the greatest atrocities in human history. Moreover, it's not guaranteed that a government which is currently good will not turn tyrannical in the future.

You can joke about it but we actually have to live with knowing that sw*des are our neighbour

surrender them please and go shoot at a local range as much as you want.

Fuck me, you're slow. You said

>It's none of the government's business what you own

Are you, like, genuinely retarded? If they don't know what you own, they can't tax it. You can't insure it. And if it's stolen, you can't claim its yours. Leaving this shitty thread with all you retards.

Is your thread going the way you thought, OP?

do you really trying to deny that US gun laws affecting homicide rates there?

You need some degree of supervision and control if you want a society to thrive. Warzones in Africa are places with absolute freedom. They cannot progress until the elements of chaos are wiped out and order is established.
Of course, there needs to be a balance between freedom and control. Too much of the former leads to India and Africa, while an excess of the latter results in North korea.


Obviously there is a need for balance. Taking everyone's guns away is not balance. How much do you know about guns? Which ones should be banned and why? or is it all guns?

kek. What an idiot. Unlike you Sven I am not ok with having daddy government send a probe up my ass to know what kind of dildos I have been buying so they can tax them.

The gun license system would be good on paper, however let me raise a couple of points:
1) Who sets the standard?
If government's objective was to limit the number of guns, they could raise the bar so high that it's unfeasible to reach for the majority.
2) Who pays for it?
If it's taken from public funds, it takes away from some other area. If it has to be privately funded, it's unconstitutional and discriminatory against the poor (who are often those who need protection the most)
3) In the hypothetical scenario that the government went bad, they would have a pretty good idea as to whose house to raid to confiscate firearms. Look at the kind of Orwellian shit the US government is pulling and ask yourself, would you really want those guys to know what you own?

Also, who gets to decide what kind of mental illness is a barrier to gun ownership, doctors? Governments? It could be a pretty slippery slope, also it could prevent those gun owners who are in need of therapy from seeking help in fear of losing their guns, which is a recipe for disaster.

it's true though 90ies yurotrash post teenzs

always cracks me up

You're making no sense. Bye.

Yes. There is no correlation between crime rates and gun ownership.

gotta die sometime

America sure is great.

A government is a necessary evil. It should always be kept in check, and it should always remain as small as possible. It is human nature to always seek greater control and power, but all such attempts must be resisted by the general populace.

>Is your thread going the way you thought, OP?

No. I was hoping some hot american chick would say
>Hey you handsome norwegian anti gun man, come make luv to me rrrright now.

didn't happen.


>my freedom to hunt wild animals is more important than the safety of my child

So how do you stop regular school shootings in this country? Hard mode: you can't disarm people. Too many guns.

Was talking about things in general, not just guns.

Hey you handsome norwegian anti gun man, come make luv to me rrrright now.

Then how do you explain that mass shootings have stopped after Howard's reforms on guns in Australia.

>if I own a gun my child is in danger

maybe if the teacher had a minigun hidden underneath the desk it wouldnt have happened, clearly the answer is that USA needs more guns.

>if i and all the mentally illed citizens of the united states own a gun my child isn't in danger at all

S-she's ok, but I think the rihanna type of look is qt.

>inb4 nigger detected
no I'm white, like white

It's hard to say which right is more important than the other. However, the safety of your child is your responsibility. Get a gun.

>there is no way that a kid would take his parent's gun to use it for bad stu- Oh wait.....