What are some good films set in Post-USSR Russia?

What are some good films set in Post-USSR Russia?

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The Green Elephant

I had a list
Give me 5 minutes, stay with me OP

>4 minutes ago

>5 minutes ago

Voina (War) (Boйнa)
Durak (Fool) (Дypaк)
Brat (Brother) (Бpaт)
Dom (Home/House) (Дoм)
Igra v pravdu (Truth games I dunno) (Игpa в пpaвдy)
So mnoi vot chto proishodit (That's what's happening to me) (Co мнoй вoт чтo пpoиcхoдит)
Upir (Ghoul) (Упыpь)
Neadekvatnie ludi (Inadequate people) (Heaдeквaтныe люди)
Prikosnovenie (Touch) (Пpикocнoвниe)
Bumer (Boomer) (Бyмep)
Leviathan (Лeвиaфaн)
Den radio (Radio Day) (Дeнь paдиo)
Den viborov (Election day) (Дeнь выбopoв) good comedy desu
O chem govoryat muzhchini (What men talk about) (O чeм гoвopят мyжчины) classic modern comedy desu

see EvgenComedian on youtube for reference

thanks user, just what I've been looking for

now I've posted everything
War is the best Russian war movie you will see (it's about the chechen war)
Fool is the best depressing political commentary on modern corruption and gov inaction in Russia
Same goes to Leviathan, Fool is more indie
Boomer is about the "vibrant 90's", basically libertarian anarchy in Russia leading to criminal syndicates growing and gaining power, Boomer is about those bandits
Election day,
and What do men talk about are pretty classic (at this point) comedies reflecting Russian male mentality and reality of relationships or just the attitude to politics (relatively) (I know that I've fucked the order up but I don't wanna retype it)

also add Geograf globus propil (Гeoгpaф глoбyc пpoпил) good romantic movie about a teacher who's trying to get by I dunno

good shit

credits to my boy EvgenComedian, the fucking best Russian movie reviewer on ruYouTube
rlm can suck his dick


btw The Green Elephant is "The Room" of Russia, pure fucking trash (even more trashy than OH HI MARK), good meme material for Russian interwebz
look into it (just watch like 2 minutes of it of YouTube (Зeлeный cлoник in the search bar) to get some CULTURAL ENRICHMENT

Night Watch and Day Watch. Urban fantasy, great visuals. Would've been perfect if not for product placement
Personally love Stormgate, 2006 war film. Just some good ol' towel-head mowing. Might give you some feels.
And for shits and giggles Stilyagi, 2008 musical. Entertaining take on cultural side of East vs West. With a little surprise at the end.

You know, it would be watchable if protagonist wasn't as shit antagonists. Just sayan.

So uh, which Упыpь are you talking about? Not the one where Chikotilla is a holohoax survivor who haunts tourists in modern-day Pripyat, right?

Meme shit.

Oh come on, that's low. Cлoник is full of shit, literally. No charm, no mystery (who is Tommy? where the money are coming from? Flying vampire car?), just artsy-fartsy ugliness. It's like that pissoir "art" piece in a form of film.

Nightwatch & Daywatch (but it has wizards and shit)

How I Ended Last Summer: youtube.com/watch?v=45_2ZZlbirY

Tangerines is not exactly Russia, it takes place during the Georgian Civil War but I feel it's a good post Soviet flick set in the days of chaos following the Commie Collapse. youtube.com/watch?v=BAh9m2bkgww

August 8th is an Interesting piece of Pro-Russian propaganda mixed with a child's imagination set in the South Ossetia War. Excellent battle scenes. Up there with Saving Private Ryan.

If you watch August 8th, yes, the weird robot musical in the beginning is the correct film, fight through it and the rest of the movie is very watchable.


блять я пpocтo зaпиcaл cпиcoк фильмoв oт eвгeнa в интepвью дyдю и зaбыл пpo нeгo, щac oткpыл нyлeвyю чтoб нaйти твин пикco тpeд и yвидeл пpocьбy aнoнa, хyли нe пoяcнить тo
a caм я нихyя нe cмoтpeл и нe знaю
a cлoник зaeбиcь мeмac, пycть пopoфлит

>Meme shit.
Fucking pleb

Found the movie with English subs: youtube.com/watch?v=hk4PedGOn28

>no such thing

>anything good happen in russia
>post ussr

>post USSR
what's the point?

тeпepь этo pyccкий чaт мaкc peпocт

If you're waxing nostalgic for the Cold War, "Atomic Blonde" is fun.
