Why do some groups of people form civilizations while others do not?

Why do some groups of people form civilizations while others do not?

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Loss of GAME.

Some don't want to wage slave and be in eternal debt.

Even when you die your relatives have to pay for your funeral.

Not fun. I would join these fucks any day.

they're more volkisch than you'll ever be

Embrace socialism comrade!

they're the NEETs of humanity
protectors of he forest
they're "in it"
groovin' and chillin'
psychedelic visions sham-a-lama-mamma zing-zang
ya heard?

one thing i noticed about these pygmies is NONE of them go bald, every old one i've seen has a full head of hair

because to stupid to farm the land
the earth is secret to civilization
look how europeans considred the land comparison to "native" indians .

Native Americans struggled to form civilizations because they didn't have any large animals to domesticate. Without horses or camels or oxen, you are kind of fucked because you can't reach those other levels on the technological tree. You have to till the soil by hand, you can only transport goods by boat , and you have to travel the world by foot.

if it ain't broke, why fix it?
when was the last time you heard about about like them go to war? they like peace, minding their own business, and not destroying the planet.

Competition for resources is what drives humanity to create. War if you will. These tribes who never developed generally live in huge ass forests where food is plentiful without much effort, there's no winter, and there's much space so other tribes are not in pressing need for land.

Because "civilization" require not waltzing around with your junk in the open.

You're welcome.

wow that's some fancy hat right there

Europeans didn't invent farming you dumb cuck, they adopted it slowly via migrations from the fertile crescent.

What? They are all civilisations you fucking mong

Do you mean why don't they all form EMPIRES?

If so then strength, resources, health would all have something to do with it

I want to teach them German and how to hate Jews.

some live in right kind of environment some dont

whether your nation has technology depends on whether you have other nearby civilizations to steal technology from

>when was the last time you heard about about like them go to war?
the last time their competitors would of also had sticks and stones

maybe a lot of those people are lot happier than we are. I often question what being "better off" really means.



or if you built that technology yourselves

If only they had boats to meet other civilizations to trade with......

Didn't continental America have more domesticable animals than anywhere else in the world?

As long as it works no need to change

No. Every man for themselves. You dont go out and raise your own cattle and grow your own crops you die no hand outs sorry.

Thats how I want to live.

Yes, and no. Buffalo technically aren't animals so no. Yes, because yeah there was also Mammoths but they seemed to off killed them off.

looks like a gook

calling aboriginals a civilisation is insulting to actual civilisations

Well they don't live long either

>if it ain't broke, why fix it

i dunno user they don't even have clothes, they look pretty broke to me.

>Buffalo technically aren't animals

Geographical location. The precursors of going from a nomadic tribe to a permanent civilisation requires large amounts of rich arable land and grazing land. This was found only beside rivers. The great early civilisations are all built around rivers. Huang He, Tiber, Nile, Amazon.

>putting the barrel of a revolver in that old woman's mouth

ok and then if you hire help for raising the cattle are they wage slaves?

>some tribes live in rainforest for 1000 years
>their way of life has never been threatened, rainforest always had enough sustenance for everyone
>thus never forced to change their ways

who gives a fuck? if they want to live like that in some remote place let them.


Read this book. It answers your questions. It's really good.

Short answer: Environmental factors like domesticable animals and plants, and a location geographically that let's you easily adapt technological inventions that are spreading from other civilizations.

This. But I do give a fuck, it's quite interesting.

civilisation only counts if they have written records/scripts and shit


i was unaware that americans invented boats. we are so cool.

nice meme

He mentions domesticated zebras in the book, so he was fully aware of this...

Why would anyone work for free. My society wouldnt have money.

You grow food and raise your own or die.

You want to come help me raise my cattle then you are a dumbass.

Yeah.... Does not explain the gorilla in the room Africa. Let's look over a couple factors...

Worlds biggest landmass.

-Most resources
-Most farmland
-Most people
-Biggest shithole on earth.

Compare this to Europe.... Icey wasteland where the biggest cities were made in swamps....

Lets put a few things into perspective, since most people touched on the entire resources issue.

Imagine you're doing a school project and there are 20 of you in your group.

You are given the responsibility of building something for this project and everybody is giving their input on how it should be done.

You also get the benefit of referencing from a few other large groups who are working on the same project - some of whom get good ideas along the way and refine your processes.

Now you have another outlier group trying to do the same project, but the problem for them is there are only 5 of them and they also can't receive any communication or assistance from the other groups. On top of this, nobody told them what the project was or that they are supposed to be working on it.

Don't read this drivel. It paints a leftist picture over the real reason some people flourish and some don't: intelligence and its heritability.

sounds like total isolation and therefore a lack of transmission of new ideas and progress. Humans have been social animals who practiced self-sacrifice for the good of the tribe for billions of years

you're on the Internet so I know you're not Amish, so the only thing left is you're some edgy teenager

I would still call it a civilisation even if it is a very primitive one

>civilization |ˌsJvJlʌJˈzeJʃ(ə)n| (also civilisation)
>noun [ mass noun ]
>• the society, culture, and way of life of a particular area: the great books of Western civilization | [ count noun ] : the early civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt.

I don't agree with you

the uncivilized are incapable of abstract thought

i wasn't really convinced for the longest time about the supposed undomesticability of zebras (domestication=/=taming). But this guy explains why it might really far to difficult to bother (i still don't belive it to be impossible; but far harder than it might have been for our ancestors to domesticate our current pets and farm animals)

>easy access of resources
>no pressure to create high-tek civilization to survive

it's obvious unless youre really desperate to force the le bell-curve meme

Poor analogy.

notice how there are no white tribes, whtite ppl can't function without a smartphone lol

Agriculture and a writing system.
Pretty much hinges on those things.

[citation needed] the book.

Deep winters forced westerners to (literally) evolve to co-operate and plan in the long term.

I dont want ideas or progress.

So good.

Did I not fucking say I wanted to be a tribesman? What part of that is to hard to understand?

That's an interesting hypothesis you have there, unfortunately it hinges on thinking Europe did not receive any technological or philosophical contributions from other civilizations, which it did.

> there was also Mammoths but they seemed to off killed them off.

The overkill hypothesis is not really plausible, most likely the mammoths died because of some grat catastrophe.

Bullshit, many civilizations developed agriculture independently

Why do you want to live in prehistoric conditions?

agriculture was developed way before civilization

so zebras are nigger horses?
is the continent of africa just cursed or what


not this meme again

don't the warring tribes constitute a pressure?

cus they have no denbts and no jesus christ my friend

In short: European civilization ended up ruling the world becuse:

1. High IQ
2. Absolute Nuclear Family (inegalitarian, sons marry late and are forced to make their own way)
3. Individualism
4. Meritocracy


The simplest answer is necessity.

When the land you inhabit is rich enough in natural resources that it can sustain you all year long, there is no pressure to evolve into a highly cooperative, long term planning species.

Having to survive in an area that's dying/barren for almost 6 months a year does that to you.

Having to survive in an area that's dying/barren 12 months a year makes you nomadic.

Without Winter no drive to get comfy.


Literally a non-issue considering that all it takes is to control their breeding for them to be domesticated by definition.

I remember Thomas Sowell talking about this, when talking about "privilege" and why some people just develop economically faster than others. There are plenty of rivers in the world, but they're not all the same river. Some are slow, gently sloping rivers that allow travel in all four directions, and some are nasty things with cataracts and sharp drops.
You might think that Native Americans would've been relatively well-off, if this type of thing is the case, but the thing is that you didn't have any useful load-bearers like asses and horses in the Americas, before the Europeans arrived. There were bison, but the issue is that true bison are extremely difficult and dangerous animals to tame.

There are white tribes, I'm not going to search google to find a pic to prove you wrong but there are white tribes.

Europe/Nor Africa/Asia were all together fighting and helping each other, storing knowledge and making all kinds of research through time

It appears to me that Amerindians, Niggers and the like didn't have enough pressure to "evolve" because they were somehow isolated, not enough motivation, life was "simple" and worked for them

yes; but takes some generations and that might be more trouble than it's worth for some animals

So horses prevented the native Americans from advancing? I don't buy it considering other civilizations flourished with far less.

> but takes some generations
They had enough time to do it now.

>and that might be more trouble than it's worth for some animals
The ones that aren't domesticable get killed and eaten, there is no downside other than having to put in the effort.

This; also another factor is pressure from other civilizations. Once the people of the fertile crescent became a threat to the tribes surrounding it those tribes had an incentive to adopt new advances in order to compete, then their neighbors had to do it too, and so on. There were some larger kingdoms in sub saharan africa, and some wealthy trading cities on the east coast, but none of them would have felt threatened by any of the eurasian states.

As for the Americas not only were they isolated but they were about 2,000 years behind the rest of the world because of the time it took to spread there. The pueblo, aztec, maya and inca had developed to the point similar to the ancients by the time the europeans discovered it.

What about th Chinese? They advanced and they were famous for their isolation as was Japan.

Simple. The lack of war leads to less scientific progress.

It's more than horses. They didn't have anything that would have provided enough "work" to justify these old, stationary agricultural settlements that you had in Europe. No oxen or donkeys to pull carts and plows. They also were completely isolated from the rest of the world, whereas Europe eventually gained access to China.

And today they still don't work so maybe there's something deeper

They had some contact trading with india and had military pressure from the steppe nomads, they experienced an agricultural revolution at the same time as the other places, and china itself was a big enough place to have multiple large states competing against each other.

And Africa had none of this? North America? There were plenty of tribes and they has large land masses yet still no real advancement.

The fuck are you talking about?

Bison, Deer, Elk, Caribou, Moose, Antelop, Bighorn sheep, etc all could have been domesticated.

America didn't have the ag. revolution until the pueblo 2,000 years late, and as others have said the jungle provides relatively abundant food and so on so any larger or wealthier states that might have formed couldn't out-compete the surrounding tribes.

Corn is what saved the colonies as well.

I don't know much about that, but I believe those isolations you are talking about begin after centuries of being in touch with other civilizations

Fuckin' love Anglo Saxon helmets. Never seen the one on the left. I've seen the one on the right in the British museum (the original and the reproduction shown there)

The Aztecs were relatively advanced if you consider the 2000 year migration gap and having no contact with anyone more advanced than themselves. There were agricultural kingdoms in southern Nigeria that developed an early writing system by the time Europeans arrived. I'm on a phone at work so I can't give you sources, look up Yoruba people and Nsibidi writing.

A lo of Native Americans had some some
Basic civilization and agriculture but small pox killed 90-95% of them , so when white people showed up the natives were living in mad max times.

But individualism was what caused the mediterranean to become a corrupt shithole.

Agricultural kingdoms that never progressed. Africa roday still cannot advance so I don't buy the "contact with civilizations" myth.

Environment. The harsher the environment the more the need to create and innovate which tends to lead to civilization.

Some people are not niggers.

Greece in ancient times wasn't harsh at all yet they were a cradle.

Persians formed their civilization thousands of years before anyone else while whites were still in caves.