Are all Palestinians bad people?

Are all Palestinians bad people?

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pick one

They aren't people


Khazar rapebabies pretending to be Semitic in Palestine are though.

There is no such thing as "Palestinians".

seriously, can we stop with the MIDF shills on this board. Greater Israel cannot be stopped.

Sup Forums is a jewish board and always has been, deal with it.

>muslims want to behead this

wow didn't realize Sup Forums was this brainwashed by the jews

nice try britain, but there haven't been any people in the middle east since the decline of the eastern roman empire (byzantine if u are a fag)

Israel would sooner be nuked to hell by Iran than Greater Israel being formed

Nice try, Wasserstein

They gave normies a pretense to shit on Israel without feeling to much "muh antisemitism".
It's enough to make them tolerable.

>Semitic people indigenous to Northern Africa have blonde hair and blue eyes.

This is what REAL Jews look like, pic related.

kill yourself. If theres one thing we not joke about that is Sup Forums being jewish


There is no such thing as a Palestinian. It's a made up people.


Lugna ned dig, Mohammet.

tyst på dig Sven. Om judarna nästan fick ditt land invaderat hade du inte heller varit så fucking glad.

Why has Israel not ended this Palestine farce yet ?


???? Det är ju exakt det som sker idag ju. Det är judar som är drivande i massinvandringen till Sverige.
varför vill du inte utrota tyskar, polacker, danskar och ryssar för det?

>muh invandring!!!

Mitt hemland (iran) hade inte funnits kvar
om zionist regeringen fick igenom deras önskan.

Yes. I'm expecting a lot of Jewish cocksuckers but its almost like when you take peoples homes,bomb them and murder their children they shoot back. I'm expecting some edgelord to be posting pictures of dead Palestinian children, I guess some people really enjoy sucking a Rabbi dick.

Vänta nu här. Du ogillar att judarna direkt och indirekt invaderar länder, sedan när jag håller med dig om det, och menar på att Sverige också är utsatt för judisk ockupation, då blir du kränkt?

>sieg heil
>mitt hemland (iran)
tror inte du vet vad du snackar om muhammad.

Tänk inte för mycket på det, blattar är inte så smarta

Sverige är inte utsatt för judisk ockupation.

Har dom haft ett finger i spel inom svensk politik? Ja
Men att dom har ockuperat Sverige som dom har gjort med USA & storbritanien? Nej.

>då blur du kränkt?
Nej jag uttryckte mig lite fel.

opålästa nolla som tror att man MÅSTE vara vit för att vara nazi.

Skjut dig själv.

man måste vara oåpläst för att vara nazist*

Some of them are really nice however all of them are butthurt.

Palestinians would benefit under Israeli rule if they stopped fighting. Palestine is a complete failed state, it's essentially an anarchic zone.

Probably not.

>99% Mudslime

Of course they are.

>someone buttmad about israel
>its a mudslime
like pottery

They dont give a shit about their own people to begin with. There are literally still millions of people living in refugee camps abroad.

There is a slogan that goes "a palestinian refugee never moves out of his camp except to return home (to israel)".

They are completely butthurt behaind all repair.



>shamelessly inserts photo of dead kid to defend Hamas, even though Hamas used the kid as a human shield in the first place