Vive Martel !

In Paris, enjoy

Other urls found in this thread:

At 1m02s !


Why the hell did that happen?

wew lad, context?

>Be black
>Get knocked the fuck out

I certainly hope that's not the case. What the fuck, man.

Christians prayers are prostesting against the destruction of a church in Paris. The black man tell them christianity is a shitty religion, and then he got what he deserved

I do

Would be amazing if that was the standard reaction to negros in Europe

Nigger needed to be dragged through the street.

It would be terrible, even from an ethnic nationalist point of view. Don't be so destructive.

Really makes sense then.


>Don't be so destructive

Calm down, if that was the standard reaction to seeing a nigger in Europe then Europe would be niggerfree and we wouldn't have all these rapes, assaults, homicides etc.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Or in this case.

A smacking a day keeps the negros away.


I can't stop keking reading the comments.

>Chevalier Numérique il y a 13 minutes
>Le mec en T-shirt rouge tout à gauche ne regarde pas vers l'agression, il est bizarre on dirait qu'il est chouté

The red shirt guy at the left doesn't look at the fight, he's strange and look stoned.

>PLPH Ail y a 12 minutes
>Il est aveugle.

He's blind.

>Chevalier Numériqueil y a 50 secondes
>ah d'acc, pardon

Oh ok, sorry.

What's the fuck with them ?
And I saw the last message at 1:21... Beatiful grammar fault...
'Ne laissons pas notre foi se faire exterminée.'
What a champion, *LOL*.

noice France
Deus Vult

holy fucking shit.

>be christian
>forget to turn the other cheek

wtf is going on, faggots?

Holy punch!



You can't be sure of that at all. We've had worse in America and they didn't move largely, they just went into groups and their neighborhoods became shitholes further because of the standard reaction at the time.

You'd get raped and your country would be in flames on a week. You have no idea of how desctructive shitskins can be is violence is their only option.

t. shitskin



B-but Jesus didnt knock Judas the fuck out, r-right?

No murican assault rifles.

Yeah well you forced them to come to america, they come here because we welcome them.

If this was the welcome they got they wouldn't have come here in the first place and we would be free of all that crime niggers take with them. Europe would be white and free.

>went into groups


That christian group is called 'Deus Vult'.
Holy kek

Those cuck comments though.

>just like the Muslims!
>Catholics are turning into ISIS!

Some dude punches a dude for a reason we still don't really know, and suddenly he's on par with terrorists or something.
Fucking mort de rire.

Keep up the good work lads.

Fucking rekt.

>catholic heretics interpreting Christ's message as violence
nothing new to see here

>The black man tell them christianity is a shitty religion
I cant speak frog so I cant read that article, but from the video it seems like the black dude didnt say anything

What did they black guy do?


Stop being a faggot, the guy is not dead he just took a beating. Sometimes you have to give someone a beating christian or not.


Too little, too late. France is an African nation.

>omw to visit my new university
>"hell yeah, i still can't believe that i got a place in Paris"
>see a crowd of people who a kneeling in the street
>weird, just don't make eye contact
>a bald manlet spots me
>he stands up and hits me
>i fall on the ground
>he keeps slapping me like a rabid chimp

>Sometimes you have to give someone a beating christian or not.
yeah, no

From google translate:

Someone badly attentive , alcoholic , playing music with his mobile phone. We had warned he would not hear the voice of reason.
A Soldiers Of Christ chastised for his rudeness .

Soldiers Of Christ we aim to:
Saved our country and our faith not as fragile catho , but solid standing on their own two feet.

Our wish bisounours The time of our ancestors call us to take the sword and not to advocate peace. Our churches let the défendres, our faith also .

Any frogs or fucking leafs could probably tell you better.

you are so cucked germany

To be honest, I thought the Black guy was the frenchman

said Monsieur My-President-gets-a-10k-haircut-while-our-priests-get-decapitated

>"Thou shalt not kill"
>Owns 17 firearms

Holy fuck, nice one. Did not see that coming

Also I love the reaction of the cutie in the left front with the cute dress. Zero fucks given

Hollande is a good president to end on a guillotine

>be biblefag just to be the opposite shitslam.
>be cuckservative/"rightist" because anti anarquist/libtard.
Simpleminded (you must chose between these TWO options that are gived to you, nothing else, nor neutrality.

When the black guy pauses, he says something.
It's short.
Then he got punched.

Religious neutrality = Islam takes over.

France is not yet lost!

Comment on video says the church is being demolished, they're praying. Black dude walks up playing anarchy music thinking it's funny and gets knocked the fuck out. Fair to me IMO, Muslims would do worse I'm sure :^)


It says thou shall not kill. He wasn't killed. Jesus wasn't a hippy. Go fuck yourself.

What happened to turning the other cheek christians?

So much for turning the other cheek....


I love how he starts dragging him away too

Did the crusade just start with a punch?

>get evicted from church
>spend a day in jail and get 10,000 euro fine while your church is torn down
>have a prayer outside, nigger says something stupid so you KO him
>25 to life for assault, in a prison full of other niggers

fronz si

oya vey!

Should have offered him your coat, smiled, offered him food, not punched him whatever he was doing. That is as unchristian as it gets, no matter what he was doing.

Found the mudslimes, turning the other cheek rightfully goes out of the windows when your own country is being overrun with people who want to erase and replace you, your culture, your traditions and your religion.

Don't pay attention to the degenerate. He's probably living in a part of Germany filled with migrants and muslims and a strong left party.

>mfw going to be in Lorraine/Lothringen for the weekend again

No it fucking doesn't, the bible literally states if you stay christian in the end of days the Muslims will behead you for it.

Should make it clear that it doesn't state Muslims specifically it mentions the sinners lost etc non Christians.

What is a christian martyr?

Wrong, they're fuckin cowards who pray on the weak. Fight back and send them running

In France literally everything ever started with either a beating or sex and sometimes both

allah akbar muthafucker

Did he actually say anything or is he someone known to bother people?


Newsflash! Christians are hypocrites like everyone else.

As a child and young adult I took it very literally.

The nigger was just standing there in confusion, hardly deserved to be knocked out cold.

Just look at history, Christians haven't been acted very christian-like.

Oh I know that they haven't, but I was the kid that would turn the other cheek.

Desu Vult

Have you ever read this book? It's pretty good

Violence is wrong but you should always protect yourself against aggressors

If someone go around and hit people without being hit back they will continue. It only stops when they are hit back.

Yeah but you fall from grace and join everyone in the gutter when you do it.

According to christians

In real life you stop violence by being prepared to answer it

That's not what Jesus taught.

Yeah well he was just a man like everyone else and ended his life in agony

Jesus told the apostles to buy some fucking swords, they sended a cohort to arrest him
It's 400-600 men
There is probably some internal coherence problems in the bible

I'm not sure he ever referred to himself as a God. The christian church is an abomination of the original message, everything was twisted to serve Rome.

ya aucune faute gros sac à merde

Jesus obviously wasn't the first to spread the word of respect and peace between all humans no matter creed or fortune, that message must have been as early as language itself.

People will always be shot/stabbed/crucified etc. for saying something completely contrary to the way we actually live as humans. It's a nice thought and all and we should probably strive to live up to it as much as we can. But don't live in a fantasy world, humans are egoistic and cruel too. We should always prepare for war to keep the peace. Sad but true.

Was he there earlier before this video was rolling? It looked like he was just standing there.

"Se faire extermin[er]"

>be a cuck and let muslims kill and replace you

I think I'd rather be dead that live in that pessimistic cynical world that you envision.

true, more often for sex i would say, it's about starting 70% of the happenings in France since 2k years.

The beard needs less glistening; it's a bit distracting in the animation.

c'est 'la foi' qui se fait 'exterminée', c'est juste correctement accordé au sujet, retourne au CP stp.

Yes, even in french (wife is french from Metz, Lorraine).

If you speak french, this one also from a SS "Charlemagne" Vet is great

>pic related

Made my day! Keep it senpai show the rest what to do

Then you should kill yourself because that is the world we live in

Jesus was tortured for speaking of peace, and his words have been manipulated by people in power. Wake up, people aren't inherently good. We're both good and bad, some more than others.

Don't go naive around in this world and let people punch you. You have a moral duty to strike back, not only to protect yourself. But also to protect others around you.

And a new one from a SS "Charlemagne" Vet in englsh

>pic related

>You have a moral duty to strike back

Isn't that why we have ISIS?

In a sense I am killing myself.

Appreciated, thanks

>be me
>post book named "On the Devil's Tale"
>have an ID starting with "666"

KEK is blessing the french people

Should we just let isis devour everything while we turn our cheeks? Or should we have a military prepared to retaliate and ensure our safety?

I remember a bully at school who would go around and terrorize us, he was a grade or two over us so he was physically bigger. One day we got together went over to him and gave him a beating. He never bullied anyone again and no one feared him after that.

Had we not done it he would probably have kept terrorizing us and others around him well into his adult life.