I'm not rich. so I ate dumpling for dinner

I'm not rich. so I ate dumpling for dinner.

what kind of broth friend? I want to make gyoza.

Dumplings are nice

Oh I forgot to make it plural form.

Chinese soup stock.
I'm not sure if this could be available abroad.


What was the filling?

> Willing to cook Gyoza
Patrician taste

Minced pork in most cases, and egg, any kind of starch, mushrooms, leeks, so on...

No cabbage?

Are you woman? And a mom by any chance? This looks delicious.

I eat them in soup.


Looks delicious

Not bad. I personally prefer beef or various kinds of seafood as a filling though.


I am male, but totally being able to by your mom if you wanna me to do so...
And in most case good chefs are limited to be male.

I am poor and need to warm my body, so I use pork.

N-no homo...

Pelmeny with fish?



Only dumplings are soft with us.